gungasnake wrote:I don't think it was lightning so much as static electricity which was in the air at all times in antique times.
Leaving aside the obscurity of the term "antique times," what is your evidence that this is true? To what naturalistic condition do you attribute this circumstance?
Quote:Again all antique religious practices appear to have involved static electricity one way or another . . .
Bullshit--what's your evidence? How much actual study have you personally done of what little evidence there is for ancient religious practices? Going to one of those goofy "there's a sucker born every minute" web sites hardly constitutes evidence.
Quote:. . . and the closest thing to those practices in modern life also involves static electricity:
They actually made a movie (White Noise) about that sort of thing a couple of years ago. On a scale of 1 - 10 for movies White Noise is no better than a four or a five but the special features on the DVD are worth watching since they describe what is going on in fairly good detail.
I have no doubt that Tom and Lisa Butler make a good living out of credulous jokers such as you. They don't have to have a for profit organization to profit personally, since their speaking tours constitute book promotion tours, and as officers of the corporation, they can pay themselves hefty salaries without violating the terms of not-for-profit incorporation. Nice work, if you can get it. Given that, apparently, at least one (if not more) sucker is born every minute, they will never lack for an audience.
Here are some clues that these jokers hope to profit from you. They offer memberships, beginning at $30 per annum and rising from there (10,000 suckers out of the 300,000,000 population of the United States--one third of one one hundredth of one percent of the population--would yield a minimum $300,000 per annum, which leaves a tidy sum after the cost of that low tech web site is deducted). They do speaking tours--for a fee--during which they promote their books. They have an area at their web site from which they sell t-shirts, videos, audio tapes, and, of course, a selection of books, including allegedly signed copies of their books (can you look at a signature and verify that it was signed by one of the Butlers or by Estep?) at a premium.
Tell me, Gunga Dim, whose hard-earned money are you spending on the bullshit these people are very happy to peddle to you?