Re: just how plagiarised is judaism
gungasnake wrote:The word "pyramid" itself is a Greek word, the root part being the familiar "pyr" (fire) which we see in 'pyrotechnics', 'pyromaniac' etc.
No, it is not.
The Greek word for pyramid is
puramis, from which we get the Latin
pyramis from. The plural of
pyramis being
Pyramid is therefore a word that comes from Latin, not Greek.
The Online Etymology Dictionary gives the following:
Quote:1552 (earlier in L. form piramis, 1398), from Fr. pyramide (O.Fr. piramide, 12c.), from L. pyramides, pl. of pyramis "one of the pyramids of Egypt," from Gk. pyramis (pl. pyramides), apparently an alteration of Egyptian pimar "pyramid."
No mention of the word, fire, there at all.
Not to mention the fact that pyramids were not designed as lightning conductors. The only reason they get struck by lightning is by virtue of the fact that lightning strikes the tallest object, which in Egypt, would be the pyramids, not the trees.
Pyramids themselves are merely a giant monument, which evolved from the earlier burial places, which consisted of only one tier. They started to add more tiers, until we got the familiar step pyramid. From there the smooth-faced pyramid evolved.