jerrouse wrote:so what your saying is add chemicals to your water?? i work for a international water treatment company, i would never recommend to add any chemical to water(even chlorine!). if you did it your way with chemicals would you still drink the water? no you would have to buy another system for drinking water. so the $1000 isnt bad when you can treat the water for consumption. thats all. you dont have to reply. thanks.
With all do respect, you really need to consider things on a case by case basis. Such generalizations in the water treatment industry are left to those are selling dubious products, have little knowledge or simply don't care.
Whether the elements you are adding to or removing from water is all a matter of the original water source quality, available technology/equipment and the
motivation to seek final result you wish to achieve. Blanket policy statements have never sat well with me.
Granted, you may have some valid points in many cases but saying that adding iron out salt is harmful or that chlorination of public water supplies is responsible would sound a bit sophomoric to me...especially from someone in an "international water treatment company".
Since you brought it up, what is your position there? What certifications, training, and other qualifications do you have? if you don't mind.
Andy Christensen, CWS-II