Sat 6 Sep, 2003 08:34 pm
I wonder if the traffic laws are basically the same in all states
There is a law that I rarely, very rarely see followed.
It is the one that says, when you're driving on a four lane street and you make a left turn. keep in the same lane on the road you entered. It's not hard to understand. You are in the left lane and make a left turn.
You should enter the first lane. 99.9+% of drivers go to the far lane.
Everyone stopped for the cross traffic turning to their left , actually has the right of way for that far lane is the cross traffic in that far lane. But you'd have to be insane to challenge those law breakers entering your lane.
Be happy that is your only problem. In La Paz Bolivia all traffic regulations (including red lights) are considered a basis for negotiation.
Red lights are somewhat optional in Italy too.
And having driven twice all around Mexico, it seemed to me that the law for passing another vehicle reads like this;
As the driver of a motor vehicle, you may pass another vehicle if the other vehicle is going slower than you are. It has nothing to do with oncoming traffic, cross traffic, crowds of people in the street, or any other reason. If the son of a bitch is going slower than you are, pass 'em.
That's the law here too, BillyFalcon, and just as widely ignored. I've been known to plunge ahead into my left turn and taking it on faith that those making a right from the opposite direction both know and follow the law. Often enough, this makes them mad. I am no longer surprised.
if you drive on US 93 las vegas to Phoenix, (two lane highway) you will see how drivers often ignore traffic signs, i have seen fatalities and fatalities over and over. last week i had to swerve rapidly to my right an oncoming car was passing on a hill on a no passing zone im still alive!!