Fri 5 Sep, 2003 05:10 pm
Some grapes are green, so why aren't there green raisins? (just curious)
There are. They are actually a golden or yellow colour.
There are. They're called white, or something. Now I'm blanking. But there are yellowish raisins made from green grapes, and brown raisins made from red grapes.
O.k, lol...sorry for being so simple.
Got a lot of hits on Google for both "white raisins" and "golden raisins", mostly as ingredients.
Well thats cool, thanks for your help. I was just curious because my sister and I went shopping and were buying green grapes and it made us wonder why we havn't seen green raisons.
I don't even like raisins, so why i care is behond me.
Many years ago I worked cutting grapes to be dried. They started out green, but dried the color you buy. There are other varieties of grapes, accounting for the other colors.