Fri 2 May, 2008 02:07 pm
Eddie Izzzzzzard!
HERE! In austin
I am SOOO selling my behind to see this man
ooo ooo ooo
I'll go with you!
we can sell our asses together for tickets!
Oh man, you guys are so lucky!
They're off to see the Izzard........the wonderful Izzard of Oz!!
I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself!
Re: oh my GOD!!
Who is he? I've never heard of him!
Youtube has several clips, he is a stand-up comedian/actor...usually dresses in drag while on stage...the guy is brilliant.
To really get his "act" though you need to watch an entire concert...he will spend the first half of his show setting up jokes that are funny then, but really pay off the short clips on Youtube, don't really do him justice.
Stray Cat wrote:Oh man, you guys are so lucky!
They're off to see the Izzard........the wonderful Izzard of Oz!!

Is he Australian? I've never heard of him.
No, he's a Brit.
He is a self styled
"Executive Transvestite"
As he say's, "I fancy chicks", but he dresses in womens clothes and make up (no....not like Dame Edna).
Quote:the guy is brilliant.
Yeah, he's really good! You guys are going to have to let us know what the show is like!
Thanks for the intro, folks. I'd heard of him, but he was just one more name. No longer..
The whole drag thing, or transvestite, you know, brilliant people are often quirky...and best left to their own works for him. If he wasn't funny {ha ha funny} it would simply come across as a bad gimmick, but he is...very.
Probably nobody will get this, but I think of him as a Steve Martin alternate.
You can also see him in the hilarious show "The Riches" with Mini Driver.