So you have 3 baths total and 2 kitchens. That's a total of 8 hot water lines (3 tubs/showers, 3 bath sinks, 2 kitchen sinks) not including the possibility of a washing machine, dishwasher or utility sink.
A single point of use water heater is NOT going to be a good idea.
If you are set on using a tankless weter heater then I'd recommend you consider installing one large unit (like the Takagi T-M1) for the main house and a seperate, smaller unit for the in-law apartment.
Those tiny, single use systems are designed for applications like my own - I live in a very small house with one bathroom and a klitchen. I have no dishwasher or washing machine and a total of 3 hot water faucets. Plus, the house isn't really big enough for more than one person to live in. The odds of me running the kitchen hot water faucet while I'm standing in the shower are pretty slim.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of the Bosch units.