Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 12:48 pm
in the uk pitbulls are also known as the nanny dog,not because they kill nannies because people see how the dogs watch over their children like nannies..

Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 02:21 pm
My family once had a female German Schnauzer that no one would be wise to hit a child around her.

I once needed to catch her in mid air as she jump over me in order to get to a neighbor who had just hit his son for misbehaving.

I told him afterward that if he plan on touching either of his children in our home he better let me know ahead of time so I could get my hands on the Schnauzer.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 08:49 pm
Sheriff: Boy's death an accident; dogs put down
By Tara Fasol-Chambers, The Southern
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 11:13 PM CDT

JOHNSTON CITY - Three dogs apparently involved in the death of a 3-year-old Johnston City boy were euthanized at 9 a.m. Tuesday, according to Williamson County Sheriff Tom Cundiff.

The sheriff said the investigation is complete, and the boy's death has been ruled accidental.

Gabrial Mandrell-Sauerhage was pronounced dead about 8:50 p.m. Saturday at Heartland Regional Medical Center in Marion. Family found him badly injured after he pushed the screen from his bedroom window and crawled outside.

Williamson County Coroner Mike "Junior" Burke previously said the child sustained a number of dog bites, but one specific bite caused him to hemorrhage.

Family members said the child usually resided with his father, Stacey Sauerhage, but was visiting his mother, Michelle Sweeney, and her boyfriend, David Robinson, at their home at 13093 Willow Pond Road in Johnston City.

The couple had three dogs, two pit bull mixes and a collie mix. Police said in a previous statement it is believed the collie mix was tied up during the incident while the pit bulls were loose.

Cundiff said the child was attacked about 200 feet from the home and crawled from the window, which was at the opposite side of the house as the adults' bedroom. The release went on to state that Gabrial suffered at least one bite that would have made "yelling impossible."

"The residence didn't have air conditioning," Cundiff said in a news release issued Tuesday. "Numerous box fans running at the same time of the incident would have made it very hard for the adults in the house to hear anything outside."

Sweeney and Robinson requested all three dogs be euthanized the night of the attack, but the lead detectives called for the animals to be held at Williamson County Animal Control shelter until the investigation was complete.

In a release Tuesday, Cundiff said the attack might have been triggered by a stuffed animal that was found in the yard.

"It appears Gabrial brought the stuffed animal out with him when he left his bedroom through his open window," the release stated.

Cundiff said the family told detectives no aggression "had ever been shown to any family member from any of the three dogs."

However, Amy Fowler, a neighbor, said the pit bulls were often loose and were a nuisance, threatening members of her family in their yard. Fowler said she witnessed Gabrial playing with the collie several times, outside and unsupervised. She said the collie mix didn't seem to cause any problems.

Cundiff said it was unclear whether all or some of the dogs contributed to the incident, although it appeared more than one dog was involved.

"No aggression had ever been shown to any family member from any of the three dogs."

Of course not ... it never is.

Yes, let's blame the parents or the media for this ...
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 08:50 pm
Local Girl Severely Mauled by Pitbull 6/11/09

Stephanie Rivas
CBS 7 News
June 11, 2009

Just one week ago, 3-year-old Shaylee was playing at her grandmother's house in Bonham, Texas.

Moments later she was brutally attacked by a neighbor's pit bull.

Now Shaylee's family is praying for a miracle.

Shaylee is recovering at the Dallas Children's Hospital surrounded by family and where a team of doctors are working to repair extensive injuries that she suffered.

Here at home friends are working on bringing the crosson family some hope.

80-percent of her scalp ripped away and deep gashes to her little face.

Shaylee crosson is fighting for her life after a vicious pit bull attack turned a visit to grandma's into a nightmare.

Friends Romi Abalos and Chloe Dow have children Shaylee's age.

They play together . And when they got the calls from their friend Lacyee on the night of June 4th about the attack, they knew right then they needed to help.

“We celebrate b-days together…we do alot of b-b-q's together it's tough to see. These people are like brothers and sisters there is nothing we wouldn't do for each other.”

For Shaylee's parents times have been tough financially and emotionaly.

And for the little girl affectionantly called "Shaylee bug" the road ahead will be a long one. Enduring four surgeries in just a one week and more reconstructive surgery in the future.

“She's never going to look the same but she's alive and that's more precious than anything in the world.”

Shaylee Crosson before the pit bull attack and after
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2009 09:02 pm
Texans killed by pit bulls between January 1, 2006 and June 15, 2009:

Tyson Miller - 18 mth
Luling, TX
March 26, 2009
Death by pit bull

Izaiah Gregory Cox - 7 mth
San Antonio, TX
March 31, 2009
Death by pit bulls (2)

Justin Clinton - 10 yrs
Leverett's Chapel, TX
June 15, 2009
Death by pit bulls (2)

Tanner Joshua Monk - 7 yrs
Breckenridge, TX
May 18, 2008
Death by pit bulls (4)

Pablo Lopez (Hernandez) - 5 yrs
Weslaco, TX
June 18, 2008
Death by family pit bull

Amber Jones -10 yrs
San Antonio, TX
January 12, 2007
Death by pit bull

Pamela Rushing - 50 yrs
Friendswood, TX
March 16, 2007
Death by family pit bull-mix

Carolina Sotello - 2 yrs
Combine, TX
March 23, 2007
Death by family pit bull

Celestino Rangel - 90 yrs
San Antonio, TX
May 13, 2007
Death by pit bulls (2)

Scott Warren - 6 yrs
Dallas, TX
August 31, 2007
Death by family pit bull

Seth Lovitt - 11 yrs
Killeen, TX
November 7, 2007
Death by family pit bull

Mireya Puga Davila - 3 yrs
Hargill, TX
July 25, 2006
Death by family pit bull and lab-mix

Frank Campbell Baber - 49 yrs
Spur, TX
August 29, 2006
Death by pit bulls (2)

David "Ted" McCurry - 41 yrs
Willis, TX
October 29, 2006
Death by pit bull

Pedro Rios - 4 yrs
Harris County, TX
November 21, 2006
Death by pit bulls (2)

19 total deaths caused by dogs in the last 3 1/2 years ... 15 of them were caused by pit bulls. Let's just call that an even 80%.
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 04:38 am
Once more the total number of such deaths are less then 30 by all breeds a year in the whole country with a 100 million dogs!!!

Yes such deaths occur and are sad however so are the 300 hundred deaths of children by drowning in back yard pools are we to ban all back yard pools and demand they be full with dirt a danger that take 10 times the numbers of lives every year?

Hell children are kill by electrocution to the tune of 400 a year at home so we should demand that electric be shut off to all homes?

Sorry but to point to a sad death in order to ban an object from our homes as being too dangerous and set the level at less then 30 deaths a year would mean that we could not live in our homes at all. Oh once more the 30 death number cover all dogs not just Pitt bulls and your 80 percent claim is complete nonsense by the studies I had posted.

Your ability to pull at our heart strings is fine however your ability to used logic in your irrational fear of one breed of dog is lacking.

If you fear such dogs that is ok do not have them in your own home or allow your children near them but please stop trying to enforce your opinion on the rest of us.

Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 06:47 am
Oh as I said in another posting I happen to live in an area where you got your wish and the result after ten years or so of the ban is no lack of Pitt Bulls however it is far less likely then before the ban that they will have either licenses or up to date rabies shots.

So all those victims of Pitt Bull attacks that you had posted their pictures of would also need to worry about rabies in the county I am living in.

The law did end up removing two Pitts Bulls from my county however when a man broke into the local animal service building to rescue his dog and ended up taking another Pitt Bull with him also then leaving the area for parts unknown.

Yes you would end almost all thirty fatal dogs attacks every year if only you could get this ban into place nation wide<not>.

Bet you would feel better however.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 12:09 pm
By your logic, BillRM we shouldn't pursue and imprison human serial killers because they kill so few people each year.
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 12:46 pm
By your logic, BillRM we shouldn't pursue and imprison human serial killers because they kill so few people each year.

I would guess off hand that any serial killer worth the name would kill 30 or so all by himself.

BKT and Ted B had a number higher then 30 if memory serve me correctly all by themselves and the two Washington area snipers had a plus 20 kill rate if memory also serve me correctly.

In any case why do we not ban all mature males from families as that is where the most danger come from in any family with or without a pit bulls living with them? Human adults males are a far greater danger then all the dogs that will ever be born!

By the way assuming we could ban and enforce such a ban of the pit bull breed and the death rate from dogs attacks did not go down what would be the next step IE what dog breed would you go after next?

The Dobeman the old evil dog that would turn on his human without reason? There is even an old horror movie showing a pack of killer Dobemans going wild you should see it as I am sure that would drive you to ban that breed next.

If not how about the Rottweiler or the Chow Chow or even the dog with the real worst record for human attacks the big and friendly German Shepherd?

Maybe banning all breeds larger then 20 pounds would be your next step?

Silly people we always had risks in life and if you wish to ban everything from the home that could result in a death rate of 30 a year we would have no homes of any kind.

What kind of a power trip are you people on that allow you to tell others what low level risk they are free to run in their own homes by the way?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 12:53 pm
I say we should enact a ban on ALL DOGS THAT WEIGHT OVER 30 POUNDS.

problem solved.

Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 12:58 pm
Better still, ban their irresponsible, poorly-trained owners from owning them and whose brain is not bigger than a quarter-pounder McD's burger.
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 01:01 pm


or have licenses for certain breeds, mastiffs, pitbulls, german sheperds, the asian ones who attack a lot? umm, the black tongued ones?

dogo argentinos, any dogs bred for hunting, any dogs bred for guarding.

that seems logical.
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 01:14 pm
Ragman wrote:

Better still, ban their irresponsible, poorly-trained owners from owning them and whose brain is not bigger than a quarter-pounder McD's burger.

could not agree more.
Seems the majority of people who "chose" these breeds are simply picking them because they think they look 'cool' and tough, think it will impress their friends, or other immature irresponsible reasons.

They are the new fad dog like the German Shepard was in the 80's.
Luckily , German Shepards are smarter and not at all deserving of the 'angry mean dog' title..
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 01:18 pm
i dont know about smarter, i found pitbulls EXTREMELY ugly, and i was a very dedicated dog enthusiast..

i found 3 of them and kept 1, and i must say i was impressed.

i think german sheperds have a higher something, not exactly intelligence, more obedience? self discipline? the ability to learn from observation rather than reward?

my pitbull is the smartest dog ive met, most devoted, most cuddly, lol, and the *edit* not toughest, the most protective of me and my family, not to mention ugly. ROFL!
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 01:23 pm
Chow chows are the black tongue ones Ogionik.

I remember visiting my now wife after she had added a Chow Chow to her family and being a dog person as well as a cat person within a few minutes I had this large dog on my lap combing her.

Seeing a coffee table book on the breed I then pick it up and with this dog still on my lap I read how they trend to not be friendly to strangers and should be introduce to new people slowly for everyone safety.

Laughing I open her mouth and check to see if she did indeed have the black tongue of a real Chow Chow and she surely did.

A real nice dog and it always annoy me that my girlfriend/now wife kept taking her to her old vet who had a real fear of the breed and had his whole staff fearing the breed along with him. She needed to be muzzle whenever she went to that vet.
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 01:24 pm
BillRM wrote:

Chow chows are the black tongue ones Ogionik.

I remember visiting my now wife after she had added a Chow Chow to her family and being a dog person as well as a cat person within a few minutes I had this large dog on my lap combing her.

Seeing a coffee table book on the breed I then pick it up and with this dog still on my lap I read how they trend to not be friendly to strangers and should be introduce to new people slowly for everyone safety.

Laughing I open her mouth and check to see if she did indeed have the black tongue of a real Chow Chow and she surely did.

A real nice dog and it always annoy me that my girlfriend/now wife kept taking her to her old vet who had a real fear of the breed and had his whole staff fearing the breed along with him. She needed to be muzzle whenever she went to that vet.

thanks couldnt remember the damn word.
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 01:24 pm
ROFL! thats hilarious bill!

wow thats a WTF moment.
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 01:59 pm
The American Pit Bull Terrier can be willful with meek owners and needs a firm hand. They are generally okay with other pets if they are raised with them from puppy hood. They are very friendly, but not recommended for most people, because most people do not understand how to properly raise and treat a dog.
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 02:02 pm
oohhh yeah.
the pitbulls are quite ugly.

All of the ones I have met so far have been quite wonderful though. Very happy, very.. ready to play.. and seemed well rounded.

but yes...ugly as sin.
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 02:06 pm
the dog with the most working titles in the world

i present to you...

"bandog dread"

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