That does sound like a blissful sort of day, Boom. Glad to hear it.
My good news is that it is Saturday. Saturday is my favorite day now.
No work and so can sleep whenever I want and forget about the alarm clock.
My taxes are done and I've gotten a good grip on doing them myself now, and some of the basics of learning not to fear numbers these days.
My apartment is messy but it doesn't matter today.
It's pure bliss simply knowing there are no plans today set in stone and I can do whatever my little heart feels like. That is the life!
I've been looking at houses lately, and seen some that are actual possibilities for me so that would mean getting into the housing market before things get even more insane.
Me, owning a house?! Never thought it could happen. And the best part is: I earned it all myself. No money from relatives like my friends did, no having to kiss anyone's ass or even depending on the bf's good financial stead.
It's the year of me! So yes, I am patting myself on the back here, and indulging in a bit of swollen ego (and don't feel one bit guilty about it!).