Opium smoking is still widely part of normal life in the hills! There is quite a process involved in smoking opium and it is treated with some reverence.
Like with most narcotics it can be a very dangerous avenue to walk down.
Also as with other drugs, body mass, mental state, personal expertise in handling narcotics of any type, the quality, quantity and particular strength of the subject matter are going to effect the user differently.
Continual use will always lead to addiction!
It takes a few pipes to rock the boat so to speak, a feeling of well being, euphoria, vividly dreaming whilst wide awake, (hallucinations) luxurious feelings with each additional inhalation. Drawbacks! Nausea, apathy, palpitations, constipation, lack of concentration, appetite suppressant, physical impairment in all ways, lowered or total lack of sex drive, respiratory failure and even death!
In the hills it is measured as tae's!
A tae equals a small finger-tipped size ball of pure opium which is enough for between twenty and thirty pipes. An addict (a real addict that is and there are some)will need as many as a hundred pipes daily!!
A very expensive past-time and if you get hooked on it, there is little or nothing at all for you futuristically.
I could smell the opium from outside the hut, even above the smell of the roasting rat! There were a couple of guys further up outside the hut cutting timber logs with a large saw between them and I could hear somebody at least one person gibbering away inside. The guy in charge of rat cooking was rolling mud matter mixed with what looked like buffalo **** to make shot for his sling. I could see that all of them were totally on another planet.
Flobo was a little concerned to put it mildly when I took my camera out of the ruck-sack and entered the hut.
I got a few good photographs, the addicts inside were so spaced out, they had no idea I was even there I don't think, let alone that I was taking their photographs.
The place was an absolute **** hole, as you can see, the guy stood up on the last photograph above appeared to be in charge of making the pipes up, but he was well spaced out too.