Tue 25 Mar, 2008 09:15 am
I found this site yesterday and there is a tremendous amount of info here, but I have not been able to find anything that quite fits my problem.
I have a old (1995) Ecowater multi purpose filter. It is model 2100-pf. I had it installed at that time to eliminate the yellow water that permeated the whole house. As then, and now, I have very little knowledge of water filtration and or softening so need some help.
It was necessary for the valve to be repaired due to a leaking situation. I have a well drilling company that has worked on it before and have done a great job in the past, so called them out. While they were out I mentioned that the media has never been replaced, so they suggested a water test. The results they come back with say I really need a water softener. Well, I haven't had one till now and am really not ready to have an extra line put in from the pump house (well over a 100 feet from the house) to the outside faucets. Or, do I really want to deal with salt, unless it is absolutely necessary.
So my basic question is, how do I find out what media is currently in my filter? The original company that installed the filter has long since gone belly up.
If this helps here is what the water report states:
6.54 gpg as CaC03
6.69 units PH
0.895 ppm as Fe
0.26 ppm as Mn
168 ppm as CaC03
I am really at a loss on what to do here, so I thought I'd ask the experts to give me a unbiased opinion...Thanks in advance ...
It may have a media that tries to correct your pH. A water softener won't correct your pH problems and a combination of systems may be needed. Your pH isn't so low and a backwashable media can be used. This will raise your hardness slightly so your softener should follow it.
There may be a mixed media, also.
Neutralizing media needs to be replenished on occasion, so check the level. It could be Clacite or a Clacite mag-oxide mix.
Andy Christensen, CWS-II
Thanks Andy, appreciate your thoughts. All I really want is clear water, I really don't give a hoot about softening and all the other stuff. The Ecowater unit did the job (at least keeping the water clear) and I cannot seem to find out what was in it so I can replace. I know I had some form of 'charcoal' and some goldish pellets underneath that, but thats all I know. Naturally, this is the situation I get when I just told the water company person 'make it so'. I really should know better and should have found out exactly what was going on with my water. and learn. Again, thanks again for your ideas.