and you was snapacious and such......
I often lament the lack of warmth in the IT community. Sometimes I'll be on tech support and I'll twirl the phone cord around a finger absent mindedly and long for the warmth and...
See? See that? Snapacious.....and somewhat obscure....
AND your thingy didn't work - are you haunting me from afar? Something just made my disk cleanup come on - and it wouldn't go away. My computer is haunted!
Something is rotten in the state of Deb'sPC....
the deb has moved to denmark?
No - but my computer seems to be doing so - just before all the killing started...
perchance its a language problem, your Ozone puter may not speak Danish ( i prefer the cheese)
Well, now, Dys - here's the thing - my Ozone computer is only METAPHORICALLY seeking to communicate with dead Great Danes....and he spoke wonderful English, at least insofar as I have heard him speak at all.....
methinks dost ariel has stirred a tempest in your download and your disc be soiled. twere it i the danish wouldst be in the nuker warming to thine palate.
LOL! Verily, my computer is thrice acursed - but HAUNTED is getting a little too odd....
I think there is a simple explanation for why the smegging photo won't work - but not simple enough for my simpler computer intelligence to track it down.
Once more unto the breach when I get home again.... speaking of Danishes and such!
To kind would-be helpers.
Well - I have a jpeg file - or it calls itself this, which the site will actually process, now that I am trying on IE.
But- this is the message I get:
Sorry, the photo you added doesn't fit within our photo submission guidelines. You can have a maximum of 5 photos which are less than 200KB and are saved as a .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, or .TIFF file. (Click here to see all file formats we accept.)
rle pic
pix png
I tried halving it, but could not then obtain a url.
If anyone can help without driving themselves nuts, that would be nice. But - not if it is frustrating for you. sigh
There ya go you gave the info needed. Your image is a wee bit over the filesize limit. I've resized the image for you and am sending it to you by email.
I bet it's a dating site or some application toi be a porn star.....
Thank you Craven!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't HAVE the info - Opera does not interact properly with the site - I found, and I only GOT the info when I went in with IE!!!!
You are a darlin' - though sarcastical and snapacious at times! Smooooooch!
It is, of course, a porn site. The customers will pay a dollar to remove each bubble - and goddess help them when they do, is all I have to say.
Craven de Kere wrote:I often lament the lack of warmth in the IT community. Sometimes I'll be on tech support and I'll twirl the phone cord around a finger absent mindedly and long for the warmth and...
You know, I believe you have something there! Warmth being, as you know, such an important thing - how about a warm tech support company? "The cool solutions with the warm touch" - no? Could be a real little earner....
Nah, only if it were marketed to women.
Quote:You have a virus?
How awful!
Why that's just mean! Who would do such a thing?
I hear ya.
Calm down. I'm here for you so take a deep breath...
no, you don't sound fat...
And - it didn't smegging work, smeg it all to smegging hell - I HATE computers....