Black tulip wrote:BDV I think I tend to agree with you there, on all of it.
I was told that just because the physical body dies there is energy of the person left and it is this concept that is difficult to understand or comprehend. I don't know if that is true or not, I have no proof and I don't think anyone does.
I asked my husband a while back, if he died before me to come back and let me know that there is something after but I have had nothing. Yes, I have had a few strange things but this could just be my mind. We will never know truly, until the inevitable happens to us.
Why is it when mediums say they have someone there for you and say very mundane things. Why don't they just say I have so and so here and here is the one thing that can prove it, and say something only you and the dead person knows. So am not convinced with these so called mediums either!
I do believe that many mediums have done/tried this, the biggest problem today is getting anybody to seriously study life after death as most scientist seem to be atheists, so why research something that to them already does not exist. Theres quite a few books on amazon that cover the subject, some being really silly, but others which are completely serious, user reviews usually give you the right way to go.
As for people who have died, what if they are unaware that they are dead, so why communicate information to a living person when they are already alive.
I think one of the biggest problems with life after death experiences is that they seem to be heavily mixed up with religious dogmas and superstition, if its not how the bible says it to be then its a lie. The journey is personal, and a truely personal experience. Remember its only you that dies.