Re: life after death
Black tulip wrote:just wanted to ask who believes in life after death? Do you have any proof if so what? Is life preordained or just luck? How many of you believe in the never ender circle or back to Godhead?
I am just looking for answers my self - that is if there is any!
I've taken kind of a middle road on this one. Though I'm still a little confused about a few things to be honest. I believe in spirituality. I believe there is a spirit world. How much of that is demons vs angels... well hum... But I believe we have a spirit of some sort that lives on. Whether or not that spirit (soul whatever you want to call it) actually "goes somewhere" like say... heaven or hell... who's to say? Is there really any way to actually know?
I can tell you this though something strange has happened in the last year or so. Both of my fathers died last year. (No sympathy required at that statement) My stepfather in May and my paternal father in Sept. Since their deaths I have very strongly at times sensed my step fathers presence. (Would that be the right word?) I've felt as though he was very close at times. He... was a "believer". However, my paternal father is gone. Almost as if he never existed sometimes and honestly, even though I still talk to him occasionally I don't ever feel him close. He was not a "believer".
I've asked myself several times, "Is he in hell?" Silly I know, but still I wonder sometimes. Why would I feel close to one and not the other? Is it a matter of the relationship we had before they died? Or is there some "God" out there that would send one to hell and bring the other to heaven? All questions that will never be answered. I've had different "paranormal" experiences through-out my life. Things that have led me to always believe there was something more than just "us" out there. (Nope, not talking about aliens here) But how can you sift through imagination verses the implanting of ideals from horror films, tv, and whatever else?
Because what's "proof" to me is surely not going to be "proof" to at least 50 percent of the people we're surrounded by. There's a kink in everyone's armor somewhere and as rock solid as anyone believes their theory is... there's someone out there who thinks they have "proof" for the opposite. So I guess that to me would be the never ending circle of life. We're damned if we "believe" and we're damned if we don't.