Re: Clacium build up
budman8 wrote:We used to have a Culligan (Estate Model 3/4" pipe) and very happy with it until I moved the system to a bigger house with a 1 1/4" pipe and sometimes getting a salty taste in our water after regen. I switched to Life source but now I'm getting a calcium build up (orange color) around the shower and had to scrub it every week or two. I backwash the unit every 4 days instead of 5 but still the same, btw I have a pre-filter installed also before the unit, any idea what's causing the build up, any help is greatly appreciated.
I still have the culligan 3/4" piping, would like to install it back if.......
It's not a good idea to move a softener to a new location. The water quality is usually different and unless you have the same number and type of fixtures, the softener may be too small or large for the SFR gpm required for the new house.
You should not reduce 1.25" plumbing to 3/4", the velocity could be way too high and can damage the pipe but mostly, the pressure loss will be very noticeable. You can use a Clack WS-1 1.25" control valve but probably don't have to, you could a Clack WS-1 (on up to a 7.5 cuft 225K softener) with 1.25" plumbing connectors.
A Culligan softener does not need a prefilter and having one may be reducing the pressure to it during regeneration eventually causing the resin to fail. Your peak demand flow rate gpm is probably higher than the SFR gpm of the Culligan softener and no softener can remove all the hardness when the SFR is exceeded.
Lifesource is a filter, not a softener so it will not remove any hardness or iron. Iron causes orange staining. A specially built softener will remove up to 5 ppm of clear water soluble ferrous iron; most softeners will remove from 1 to 2.0 ppm of iron.