I simply haven't experienced that here. Makes me wonder what perhaps even silly things exist in whatever threads you're looking at that trigger whatever.
Listen, I am the least able at able2know re the mechanics of ads, but the owner probably signs up for the least obnoxious ad system, geared to content, and this is what happens.
Work out some new perfect system yourself, and give me 10%.
its Ossos suggestive posts that bring out the naked people.
I was just going to go downstairs to make myself another scone with butter and jam. I then looked to the right of the screen and a bunch of skinny bitch beach beauties are calling out to me like sirens singing: " Don't do it or you'll never look like us again". It made me pause and think - "do I really need a second scone?'' See, these ads do some good.
I'll make that second scone later when I get the mail.
Your new avatar is most unwholesome. Why not adopt the persona of one of the more traditional and archtypal Green Men?
unwholesome is a matter of opinion...
if i shrink'm down, this one is a possibility --
Absolutely. That is So you.
I haven't seen one of those in a long time
i might go with eddie's gumby
Green Witch wrote:I was just going to go downstairs to make myself another scone with butter and jam. I then looked to the right of the screen and a bunch of skinny bitch beach beauties are calling out to me like sirens singing: " Don't do it or you'll never look like us again". It made me pause and think - "do I really need a second scone?'' See, these ads do some good.
I'll make that second scone later when I get the mail.
So laughing Green Witch
Thought I'd send you a Cream Tea from the heart of Devon!
Have another one.
Gumby as the Spirit of Approaching Springtime?
I'm sorely out of date--and proud of it.
At least the Jolly Green Giant has seen a few vegetables in his career.
Gumby! Hah!
Well these ad thingys are either sex ones or have turned into.....are you stupid? Take the stupid test
Region Philbis wrote:unwholesome is a matter of opinion...
if i shrink'm down, this one is a possibility --

It's so much better than the green snot monster.
I have the best copy of a Green Man cathedral boss hanging on my wall!!! Love 'em.
TTH wrote:Well these ad thingys are either sex ones or have turned into.....are you stupid? Take the stupid test

Are you familiar with osmium ?
LionTamerX wrote:TTH wrote:Well these ad thingys are either sex ones or have turned into.....are you stupid? Take the stupid test

Are you familiar with osmium ?
Element or album?????????????????????