Re: I have a question about ads on this site
TTH wrote:OMG am I on time with the question thingy? Never mind
My real question is the ads on this site. Doesn't anyone notice them and the sex ones especially? This site has an age restriction, but no one cares about these ads?
We said we noticed them. They are not pornography, but rather PG13 to R in nature. No one is recommending child watch them and I don't think children young enough to be corrupted by them hang around here. The youngest I've seen post admitted they were 13. Thirteen year olds have seen this kind of stuff in movies and at the beach- I doubt they are permanently damaged by it.
Anyone with a basic porn filter is not going to be able to view them in full. something you discovered when you clicked on one.
TTH wrote: I don't know how these ad things work and how they support a website and I am open minded, but come on.....I can't be the only one to notice these ads. More importantly are the site owners aware of them and actually approve of them.
Website ads work the same as any ad - they make the host money. I'm sure the "owners" are aware of the ads since they do a good job of editing the SPAM posts. These ads make it possible for the site to exist without hitting up the users for money. If you don't like the ads you can go with Arella Mae to one of her Christian sites were things are much more tame.