McTag said:
Quote:All Canadians can eat narwhal tusk, unless accompanying toasted eskimo.
thank god I'm not a canadian. I find myself thinking that, especially lately when people here always assume I must be canadian - because , they say, I have a soft voice and no discernable accent as if all Americans are loud, braying, heavily regionally accented 'people' (although I'm sure there's another choice or more descriptive word they'd insert for people).
And I think they get these ideas from Canadians - who throw hissy fits whenever someone here assumes they're Americans - as in 'No, I'm not AMERICAN! Perish the thought - I'm CANADIAN'...so I've started doing the same thing and I say, No, I'm not Canadian - I'm American!
And then I say, 'You know, so much of Canada is this flat, unpopulated tundra - if I had to live in Canada - I'd only want to live in either the far eastern or western provinces ...and say what you want about America - at least it's happenin' there-you know?
*Just a little aside
also Fritz - here I WAS just taking the piss - I figured you to be fairly sexually liberal (yes from your acronyms) so I was just trying to sound all school marmish because I know that's what Spendius expects from me...Spendius - you can watch strippers if you want...why not...live it up buddy.
Now Adam, remember - WARBLE Hillary's anthem liltingly.