Cmon, dammit , IM serious here.
Yes margo, we need to take care of our eyes , just so we dont ingest a bottle of Belladonna.
I will think more about the greek version too. Ive had lemon soup before but its always been too much like hot lemonade where a chicken just stpooed by for a dip.
Ya know, Ive tried horseradish in other stuff and had it add something so , consider this added to my list of things to try.
Msolga, did you see Notting hill, where Julia Robersta says that she was a "Fruitarian" . A fruitarian is somebody who only eats fruit that has naturally died and dropped from the tree
Sorry, things at our farm dont have a life of leisure, its either froied eggs or fried chicken.
An old hen has lots of flavor , its redolent with a wholesome chickny goodness. Her husband, Jerry Lee, a mean assed Polish Rooster, had been scarfed up by a fox last summer. Life on a farm is not an ASPCA, sorry. If this changes your opinion of me, think of my poor kids who must be fed, and my cats and dogs who, although we dont eat them, they serve a needed function.