Fresco...you are so in love with your blind guesses about Reality...so unwilling to acknowledge them for what they are…that discussing it with you is itself "ludicrous."
I discuss it “with you” not to connect with you...that seems to be impossible...but to let anyone reading what you write hear an alternative perspective.
If the "others" think you are making more sense than I...fine! If the "others" think my position seems more reasonable...fine!
But my friend, if you do not realize that all you have going here is a belief system...(one just as certain it contains truth as does Christianity, for one)...then you are in big time denial.
JL...does Fresco really sound to you as though he intends his “truth assertions” to be “taken provisionally?”
And do you agree with him that my position “I do not know what the true nature of the Reality of existence is?”…has less “truth” going for it than his silly, blind guesses about that nature?
Do you really agree with that, JL?