With the Protein Supplements should I still take it if i do less weight and more reps? for the more cut look?
Yes, but take the smallest recommended dose at the time it says (before or after your workout) and just buy a good protein with all essential amino acids that has been around awhile and has a good reputation without a bunch of extra stuff in it. Don't buy the newest fancy stuff that has a bunch of new claims. Those products come and go every three weeks.
What weight should I be doing and how many reps to achieve this?
I can't tell you this without being right there with you but I can tell you that your own body can tell better then a trainer alot of the time. There is a method called "to failure" and that is when you take an average or below average amount of weight and stop counting reps, where you just keep going till you fail to lift it anymore, No matter how hard you try you just get that weight all the way up. Then you know you have maxed out thus "to failure". It will really burn but you will know you have done what you needed to do and this is a cuts workout because you use less weight but it is still a very hard workout. That is why I say yes you will still need the Amino acids or protein.
But before you do reps to failure with low weight you still want to do a few reps with heavy weight.
Listen to your body. You will learn the difference between a healthy sore and a bad sore like you damaged to much or you are not sore enough. I used to wake up to the point where I literally could not lift my arms. I though I was goanna have to go to the hospital. I did that for a girl. It backfired.
But eventually you will should make the same mistake of working out too hard just so you know where the right intensisty is and the wrong intensity of workout is. So you can say, "Ok, so thats what it feels like"
It keeps you motivated to subscribe to a mens fitness body building is still a developing science and when you hit a slump or skip a few days (or a week) the new issue might get there and then after seeing some new routines or articles on how the body or supplements work you suddenly find yourself working out.
You body, workingout and supplements are all a sciencs that should be Accompanied by how it works FOR REAL. You are experimenting on your own body and everybody will tell you somthing different and everybody will be wrong and right about different things.
So also read on these thing.
3. research about the right and wrong way to work out
4. Take only healthy studied suppliments that healthy people take.
5. buy a few mens fittness magazines.
P.S. some of these magazine look like they are for gay men
sorry. Try to get one that has legitamite good articles not just lame photos or super bulky workouts and ads