Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 05:46 am
Hi Izzie, you sound in a bright and happy mood this morning, augurs for agood weekend for you and S-boy. Hope you have a lovely time at Tulips, maybe she could massage your tummy and make you feel better. Cheers my dear friend.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 07:28 am
ooo almost frgt tis th weekend!! hardly does it make a difference..now tht m home! huggggs captain...gr8 to c u a bit cheered up...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 07:39 am
Good Morning Everyone!

Izzie you do sound perky. You have such a good attitude. I am so proud of you. You never fall into a funk you don't try to pull yourself out of. You are amazing. Enjoy your day with Tulip and kids. It sounds wonderful.

The Prof. (I should say my oldest child) is taking me out for breakfast. We haven't gone out for breakfast in months so I am looking forward to it.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 10:16 am
Hey Crew..... ahhhhhhhhhhh it's been FABULOUS today

nothing's really happened except WE'VE BEEN OUTSIDE ALL DAY. The garden appears to have doubled in size now that it's had a haircut all over. We have 8 bags of garden recycling. S-boy washed the car this morning and vacuumed the inside and then cut the grass (well, he's done the bottom lawn - the other one is still too much of a quagmire to do - and we've had to put paving slabs down because it's so yuk - yes, we did paving slabs - well, we plonked them). There is moss just absolutely everywhere - moss moss moss - all over the place, on the stones, on the trees, on the flower pots, everywhere. I always remember Bubba and Kelly coming over from TX to the UK for the first time and seeing the moss by the rivers here (they were in awe of it) ... anyhoo, I found treasure behind the bamboo again and we had our first Prince! We had loads of frog spawn in the pond but it looks as tho the frost has got it Sad ... and a couple of dearly departed princes too... so we had to do some clearing up there.

There is still heaps more to do but... done way too much or mebbe just enough, ouch in a good sorta way. We changed plans with Tulip - her and the kids are coming over tomorrow with the dawgs and we're heading for Brentor to go walk the pooches. Hopefully, tomorrow will be as good as today weather wise - tho, ha, not too sure my body is gonna be happy later on - now that I've stopped the aches are coming Razz good ones tho - feel kinda rejuvenated.

Not going to whine about my tummy... not not not... a little oof mebbe

R-boys Camelia has loads of buds on it - it won't be long before it flowers so I'm hoping the frosts (lovely tho they are) will cease now - there's so many plants out in the garden with tiny wee buds on and the secateurs have had a good work out on all the large shrubs - I reckon within a month the whole garden will look likes it's had a makeover.

So - off to make a T and have a bit of lie down - I can see a Disney Movie coming on... S-boy has been singing this all day...

hey looky here...

Friend Like Me

kinda reminds me of someone!!!!!!!

llallallllllllllllllllla what will your pleasure be Wink

Hoping everyone's having a good weekend and all is well in the world.

Catchya laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

edit: Missy - enjoy brekkie with the Professor.... hugs Mis, BEAgle and MaMaVerby - cuddles for H-boy. xx
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 11:19 am
just typed a reply..where did it disappear? glad to see u had a bright day Smile
nd keeping us posted is nt whining..even if it is..we r here fr tht..to lend a ear..when u wanna cry..a shoulder wen u jst wanna sob..missing ye loads..
whine whine whine all th way..bt dnt b silent abt wats going on..do as th docs advise pls..take great care hugs..xox
missy..ur brekkie story made me smile...me too hve bn a while since i ate out..ebys scared to dine out with th kid..now ive tld him im dying to hve sizzlers once hes bck..thts smethng u cant get delivered home Wink so he gotto take me out!! nd am as eager as ye Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 02:11 pm
Hey all!
had a quick look back, oh Verbiboy is lovely and great star!
just took kids to see Alice in wonderland, oh loved it ! that is what dreams are made of! I wanna live there! Ha! never too old!!

Looking forward to the walk tomorrow Iz!

take care all
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 02:36 pm
Morning crew. Oh Izzie you've done well today, all that garden work, hope you didn't overdo it. Give S-boy a pat on the back for being such a good little assistant.

Mismi we got out for breakfast into town once a month, something different, Mrs. B. always insists, so she pays. Smile

Hi Tulip, hope you, Izzie and the kids will have a fabulous day tomorrow, look after our Captain, won't you.

verbivore how are you and baby Hrehaan, saw his photos on FB and he is going to be a handsome little fellow.

Off to have my Sunday breakfast. Waves.
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 03:22 pm
Hey Hey

Yep Bosun, we did do very well today...

look what I found amongst the storm strewn branches at the back of the bamboo (gosh it's a mess back there - everything came a tumbling down a while back)


got such a surprise - there they were, the only flowers in the garden - I remember the same thing happened last year - they just appeared - love those poipleblue crocuses... LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and looky here

this Prince hopped right outta the pond and S-boy lifted him up


how happy is he!!!!?

S-boy has just been a superstar today - he's done so much and it was just lovely to spend the day together in the garden. He's yabbering to his friends on facebook now (he's coughing a little too, hmmmmm) - and tomorrow we'll go pottering up on the moors. Enjoy your brekkie BEAgle - Sunday morning already... time just goes and goes and goes... there's never enough of it. love ya D. x

Tulip - will see you in the morning - give me a call just before you leave kk.

MaMaVerby - finally, we caught up - so good to talk with you ((((((Ind)))))) - hope you had a good sleep - love that little boy from me. x

Tai Chi
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 03:34 pm
Izzie, I swear that frog is smiling! Well, I guess I'd be smiling too if we had crocuses here, but at least the snow is melting and it's sunny. Glad you had a good day. I got some errands run and ran into an old friend which was really nice.
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 06:44 pm
@Tai Chi,
Hey TC - well you had a good day too... it's lovely bumping into an old friends/ascquiantance, assuming you like them, and catching up on the lastest grapevine. Very pleased for you.

I have been moving furniture. Popped some paink's and set to it... the bureau is now in the piano room and the old table is in the lounge. I have old and worn furniture - ever peice has a story, all my cranky old stuff belongs to my grannies and tante who are long departed, but wuth me still. They don't look too good, the furniture that is Wink - but they mean so much to me, everywhere i look I can see them in fond good memories... so they're staying. I want this room decorated - I want to do it myself, I just don't think it's possible. I'm going to visit my bro in a couple weeks... I may have to ask someone to come in and do it whilst I am away. That would make sense. Hmmmm. There's a thought. I don't like to pay for something I know I can do - but... I think there has to be an exception to this rule right now. Yes, good decision.


guess what

my piano is being tuned on Monday - I'm so very excited about that, it hasn't been done in over 11 year since we moved from London to Links Tor - gosh, it will sound so different. I really wanna start playing again - yayay for the Piano Man...

talking of which..

I have passed the midnight hour and am in the spaceship to planet zong so I should not be writing (this has taken me ages... ack)...so will say goodnight with this

The Head and the Heart

Nite darlings.... loving y'all xxxx

edit: fell asleep 3x writing this..bedtime...
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 07:51 pm
Nite, nite Izzie, sleep well. Love that song, so typically you, will catch you tomorrow. (((Izzie)))
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2010 10:25 pm
(((Yabber Crew)))

Baseball. 2 practices...COLD again.

Bath and bed folks


(Izzie I don' t think moving furniture right now is a good idea - I will be talking to you sister)
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 01:19 pm
Well? How is everybody today?
peeking in to check
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 01:33 pm
Evening Crew

Here Mis... just arrived... how was baseball... did ya get your nap thisavo?

What a wonderful day we had!

Tulip came over and we took the dawgs and kids up to Brentor. Well my gawwwwwwwwsh it was COLD. 1.5deg but with a bitter bitter wind.... absolutely brass monkeys! Fabulous tho " you could see for miles. The kids had such a good time rolling down the hills " they laughed and laughed and laughed....

Take a look see... each just a few seconds, but what a giggle they had

Took some snaps but it was too darn cold to keep the hands out of the pockets " really, it was....freeeeeeeeeezing plus one degree or so.

Anyhoooo " that was super duper and thisavo have been back out in the garden.... raking moss (that makes me very green fingered) and am now back into furniture removals. Tulip did snicker when she saw the state of my house today " everything was everywhere and now most things are relegated into the garage Razz <as always>

Very excited about the piano tuner coming... can’t imagine playing the piano in tune " not that I play well or anything, but it will certainly sound sooooo much better " now I just have to learn not to sing as I play... Very Happy <sing is not quite the right word there... kind of llalallalllllllllllalallala badly is more apt!>

Going off to get some dinner sorted.

<tummy is ... hmmmm... not bad but not good " wishing for normal, normal would be great> Rolling Eyes

So here’s Tulip and the kids at Brentor " the little teeny tiny church on the hill... gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous

(double click it to get bigger photos and click full screen - will take you into a slideshow... I think)

As the little fella and I keep saying “could the sky be any more blue” (you have to know Chandler from friends to get the emphasis on the ‘be’. It was so blue!


Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 01:39 pm
Hi mismi, I just woke up and think I'm going to be ok today. Smile Public Holiday here and expecting visitors for coffee and cakes. Spent yesterday (Sunday) with friends and went for long drive into the country, called at various wineries and did a little tasting before having a nice evening meal in a cosy bush pub. Hope everybody is well out there, will be back later.
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 01:56 pm
Hi Izzie, we cross posted and when I wanted to edit my post it wouldn't let me, so here's another one. Great to read you had such a good day with Tulip, awesome pictures, how far is this from where you live? Loved the little Church on the hill, can imagine ghosts wandering there at night. Didn't look as if the boys felt the cold rolling down them slopes. Laughing No doubt you'll be tired after hiking up them hills and doing all that garden work. Now all you have to do, is make a video of you playing the newly tuned piano accompanied by the Lalalalala song. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 02:21 pm
Another set of photographic miracles born by Lady Izzie! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 02:28 pm

Funny thing about that church is, it's still in use.

It would never get planning permission today. Insufficient pedestrian and vehicular access, and no provision for the disabled.

But what we have lost. And how wise the people of olden times were. Cabin boy Fiona and I enjoyed it up there, in summertime (once we had got our breaths back)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 03:23 pm
Hey Bosun

ahhhhh... it's about 5-6 minutes in the car Very Happy

On Christmas Day I went to Pew Tor, which is about 15 minutes from here... that's where Tulip, kids and I are doing next weekend - weather permitting - I say that coz, you.do.not.go.out.on.the.moors.when.the.weather.is.bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We haven't been there together since we did the balloons for Mike... so, I'm hoping it will be another gorgeous day (really hope it will be a bit warmer) and we can go do that next weekend.

Thanku Tsar - it was toooooo cold for me to do "shots", just quick snaps and then hands back in pockets... brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

POMcT and CabinFiB (ha, we love that - FiB's a cabin boy)
- it is such a pretty little church and yes, you're right, they do hold services in there still - it can fit about 40 people.

It is the highest parish church in England (340 metres above sea level) and the fourth smallest. On a clear day one can reportedly see Dartmoor, Bodmin Moor, Exmoor, Plymouth Sound and the Brecon Beacons.

My parents got married at Brentor - however, they didn't do the hill walk - they were married in the village church.

I watched the total eclipse in '99 there (oh, I'm repeating myself here) - but for those who don't know... there were hundreds of us there for a once in a lifetime event all perched on the hill - together with my parents, R-boy and S-boy - it was incredible - everywhere went dark, the birds stopped singing, silence, kinda eerie .... and then.... like a new dawn - totally amazing.

Ahhhhhhh. Fond memories of times gone by Very Happy

McTag wrote:

It would never get planning permission today. Insufficient pedestrian and vehicular access, and no provision for the disabled.

you do make I larf!!!!! Razz
Tai Chi
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2010 03:37 pm
That place is amazing Izzie. You know the Mr and I were in your neck of the woods, oh, 20 years ago, and somehow we missed it. Well, perhaps we were church-toured out by then. Beautiful!

Killed the fatted calf here. (Actually I made lasagna.) Prodigal son is popping in for a visit as he heads to a concert in the big city tomorrow. Anyone know where I left the duct tape so I don't ask any of those embarrassing "mom" questions?

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