Verby! He is gorgeous! Would love to have a cuddle with him. Hope you are coping without Eby there. Just enjoy every moment! He is precious.
Hi crew! I am in a beautiful hotel in Henley on Thames overlooking the river and watched the rowers out on the river. Fab!
Love to all... And hugs to Stormy. So sorry to hear about Jazzie
POMcTag - well there you are. How's things up country? Hope all swell with FiB and you're having fun doing your classes.
That's the thing
Fun fun fun, till her daddy took the T-Bird away
I'm enjoying my classes, and Fiona was at Swan Lake tonight and she's just come in, full of it.
I walked a lot since before the weekend, and I've got blisters on my toes.
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Tue 2 Mar, 2010 05:09 pm
Hey there FQ! Good to see you!
Enjoy your day of rest Dutchy. Sounds like you had a good time yesterday. I am glad.
I have managed to acquire a killer headache. ouch. Going to go get dinner ready and hope to get to bed early. Hope. I hope. I hope.
Bed did not come early. As a matter of fact the Prof. and I did plyometrics. No that is not a code name for anything other than what it is. We actually worked out. I was mad at him at first. I grumped and complained...I claimed my headache, but to no avail. I was glad afterwards. Although I am going to be sore, that does not make me glad.
I am off today and I have a pile of things to do. I hope I can stay single minded and get it all done. We shall see....I struggle with focus...but I am not going to think that way. Eyes ahead..
I hope you are all having a good rest ((Dutchy)) or a great day! Hugs to all of you.
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Wed 3 Mar, 2010 08:22 am
...fq..jpb..mis..yeah th fella has grown :)now knws to do all sorts of naughtiness nd then smile to melt my heart away!
crankiest of all days...smetime i fell i cant tak it anymore..anything....need a chilled wash it all down!
You know you can Verbs...they actually say that having a beer in the afternoon helps with let down when nursing. There's nothing like nursing a couple of babies and having a beer.
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Wed 3 Mar, 2010 09:04 am
Enough already, my reputation besmirched and with a salacious picture presented to the crew, I seek redemption in Nirvana.
Due to the video for 'I'm on fire' not performing correctly; I'm leaving Burning Well (Pennsylvania) and bumming a ride to Acme (Corporation) in West Virginia, where I hope to get a job selling brushes door to door and if successful I should really clean up!
I shall return before Candlemas; no wait! Make that Vernal Equinox.
Ps. If anyone has a copy of Missy doing that nakid yoga stuff; please send it to A2K, I will collect it from reception. Thank you.
Verby, what a gorgeous little guy you've got there. Thanks for sharing the photo.
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Wed 3 Mar, 2010 12:36 pm
missy..tht was news for me.. i thot i shud stay away frm beer till i feed him!!!..tht too i dnt have beer..i just hve breezers..nd homemade wine..touchd neither thnking of ths..
LOL nd wats it with ye nd tryagain ?? h really seems to pull ur leg vry single time hes dwn really curious abt ths guy here in all good sense pls!
tai chi.thanks..i posted it let him flaunt his attire sent by our captain all th way to india! i GOTTO post anthr one his dad took th day he left..wee hrs of 2am our guy was smiling his way to our hearts..
tooo down to post it now..
am nt really "coping" without eby!! it sure is add to th fact tht i dnt knw ths family all tht well!!! th wife sure is a sweetheart!!! but i jst nt am cmfrtable with th hubby!!
lets c!! 16 more days to go..
That is such a long time. So sorry Verbs...I hope it goes quickly for you. And trust your instincts. Steer clear of folks you find unsettling.
As far as beer and won't hurt a bit. I wouldn't drink hard liquor but drinking a beer in the afternoon is not going to hurt at all. The Prof. used to come home and make fun of my Corona Light sitting on the changing table. Somedays - it was just a necessity with twin 3 year old boys and an infant.
Tryagain is fascinated with me. I don't blame him. I am such a fascinating person . Nah, he just likes to be put down and roughed up...mainly because he knows it's a subtle form of endearment. Kind of like when girls hit the guy they like when they are flirting (okay - it's a jr. high thing - but still...) or boys pull the girls hair.
ahh.. bless his Blue heart - you two make me smile Love ya both! Missy - you're verra special girlie.
Had a long day at work and have been too too tired this afternoon. Tummy is complaining so I've not been up to much. Have got some work to do tonight as my boss is out of school tomorrow and we've gotta run through some things... as you do. However, my lovely colleague is doing the early stint so I get to go in late tomorrow. YAY.
MaMaVerby - oh, I wish for you that you didn't have to have company... ya know. Take time out in your bedroom when you can where no-one can disturb you... do keep taking walks outside with Hrehaan when you can too - getting out and about is good for you both. Sending you the biggest hug and kiss Little One and smunches for H-boy. x
McT- ahhhhhh Swan Lake... and you didn't fancy going???? Glad all's ticketyboo up there
BEAgle - the festival sounded fantastic - so glad you got to go. How's Down Under today?
Waves to TC and JPB - girls on the deck... all board
Hoping all is good with our Babbling Girl and Bethie...
Okeydokey, I have to crack on with some stuff so... will maybe be back in a bit... or not... prolly will, ya know...
((Izzie)) Feel better hun. Don't stay up too late doing all that stuff. Rest up...take care of yourself.
Hugs y'all (Try can kiss my grits)
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Wed 3 Mar, 2010 03:33 pm
Hey Sis... will catchup with you at the weekend... hope there's some good news about J and uni. Love you. x
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Wed 3 Mar, 2010 03:38 pm
Good morning all, the Bosun has surfaced down under and would like you to come to the beach with me for a dip, another beautiful autumn day here. However we need rain but it is falling in the wrong place.
The desert part in the north of our State is one big inland sea, some places which haven't seen rain in 35 years are totally cut off from the outside world. Luckily no danger or casualties.
I must make my dip last as Mrs.B has a few jobs lined up for me on my return. Why don't you girls understand a swim in the sea is tiring and a man needs to relax with a cold beer?