Evening Crew
ahhhhhh... MaMaVerby - you gotta see the movie - it's verra verra funny
Been to work today - to.tal.ly ex.haust.ed. So much to do!!!!!!!!!!!
Came home to lie down for a while but that didn't work out to plan! So, 6.10pm and gonna put the kettle on. Starting my new meds tonight so hoping my tummy is gonna start feeling better - oof - getting kinda bored of this now - owowowowoowowowowow! Yeah yeah, need some camembert with my whine
Anyhooooooooo - waiting to hear about my nieces MRI - she had it done today so I'm going with no news is good news

Had a long talk with my SIL last night - she's a confidante... we don't talk very often, but when we do, we talk quietly - and I completely trust her despite the intermangledfaloookingchrahhhhp relationship between my exhusband and her best friend. That's a difficult thing to comprehend.
So, will be back a bit later. I'm tired... ha... can you tell
Missyyyyyyyyyyyyy - come home soon girlie. Miss ya millions - smooches
cuppa T time!