Izzie, sorry you aren't doing well right now. I'll keep positive thoughts going your way...brighter days will come.
Try....entertaining as always, some things never change Nice to see you stopping in every so often.
mismi..sorry about your computer. That stinks! I hope it gets sorted soon. I've been thinking about you and wondering if you got any of that cold white stuff down your way? Must have been close.
Today is a snow day for me, although we haven't had much yet. They are still saying it will be a mess later though. We have really lucked out this year and have missed out on the more significant snows. Sorry to all of you who have been in the path of the big ones though...strange winter.
I've been feeling pretty down lately about my Jazzie. She's 14 1/2 and her age has been crashing down on her over the last couple of weeks She's not doing so well and I just wish there was something that I could do to make it all better. Winter has been tough...we need spring.
Good day crew. Tuesday. More snow.
Stormwatch, not to worry, spring is approaching fast. Sending good canine vibes to Jazzy. Pondering that.,..I think that will work.
Finishing the drywall in the basement. Sure looks smaller. Walls are over rated.
Hope your feeling better Izzie. Vitamin C. Vitamin C.
Meeting an old friend tonight. I am excited.
Have nice days.
Morning crew, something always happening somewhere. Sorry to hear about Jazzie Stormy, I hope she makes it through the winter and gets a new lease of life when the sun comes out.
Still busy as a bee alex, you never seem to stop, have a great night with your friend.
Izzie have you been watching the Olympic Games on TV? I have, loved the speed skating and the figure skating, the Chinese were good but nothing will ever touch Torvill and Dean's performance of Bolero, that will forever live in my memory.
Waves from downunder.
0 Replies
Wed 17 Feb, 2010 01:41 am
I'm hoping that Izzy the cap'n is feeling a bit better today.
Bloody cold up here in the crow's nest, cap'n, I had to scrape the ice off the seagulls this morning.
May I be the first to welcome the new folk from the Motorola Droid forum should they venture aboard the great "Yabber-Liner". Please join this great motley crew for some day to day banter.
I've been awake since 5am with too much going on in my head, so have seen the sun rise after the torrential rain overnight and heard the early morning symphony outside my window whilst tucked up snuggly.
I think after I see the consultant tomorrow I will be in a better place in my head. Hospital appointments today, tomorrow, friday and monday.
Right now please focus any posivibes you may have to spare for my wee niece H"- I believe it makes a difference - as some of you know she has an inoperable brain lesion at the base of her brain which has a shunt into her tummy after numerous brain sugeries. She has been experiencing severe headaches for a little while and been off school - she went to hospital yesterday - they are going to MRI her to see what's going on. Could be something simple like a bug (that caused headaches a while back) or could be a shunt problem and the fluid isn't draining into her tummy. Her Grandfather died on Monday (which after a long and painful illness, tho very sad, was a blessing, well...you know what I mean) - it's been a tough week so far for the family. My SIL is handling it all as she does, remarkably well.
H and I at Christmas in her nice tidy bedroom - that's my girl
I made this video a very long time ago for her - she's still the bravest little soul I know
just mailed u Izz..and climbed aboard..and read abt H..such lovely eyes..she isnt going to go thru all that pain..shell be alright..
prayers with her as well..
u take care dear..sending hugs ur way..
Stormy " so sorry about Jazzie " poor ‘ole bones " I hope that when the warmer weather arrives she’ll get a spring back in her step.
Tulip " hope the boys enjoyed the birthday party and all goes well tonight. Will call you in the morning.
Glad Missy had snow and to see our Babbling is on a snow day and enjoying too. Very happy to see AlexChap excited McT " keep scraping please " the Bosun is heading us to warmer climes.
Yep MaMaVerby - "H" has stunning eyes and the longest eyelashes in the world. She copes very well and since having the shunt put in has not had any problems (I don't think - tho I could be an op out of date...). Very much hoping the MRI will show that there's no fluid building up - it's pretty incredible what the brain surgeons can do - she has a semi-permanent hole in the top of her head so there is easy access when they need to go in or test the pressure (sounds awful, but it isn't at all - you would never know there is a thing wrong with her) - she does everything the same as other kids, it's just that her 3rd ventricle at the base of her brain is blocked by this lesion thing... so they put a shunt in to take the normal fluid from the 3rd into the 4th and into her tummy where it's reabsorbed. When she gets sick, it happens really quickly She can go from having a headache... to losing her vision and unconscious within a couple of hours. Like I say, since the shunt, she's been well... and this could just be a regular everyday headache bug or a culmination of what's been happening with her Grandfather over the last 10 days. They won't take risks with her, so the sooner she's seen, the better, and she can carry on as any other teenager does. When she's been operated on... it's miraculous, she's back to normal literally within 24 hours, like nothing happened. She's probably all ticketyboo - it's just a worry and she's just a kid... so that's not fair! <stomps feet>
Thanku you crew (no need to name you all " just thanku) for sending well wishes here... wishing to get well, I will, well, I’m trying with the help of some docs to get my nasties under control. I’d like to talk out loud but I seem to have pressed my online mute button - this is prolly not a bad thing Day at a time. Focus focus focus on just one day.
Hair cut tomorrow with my gorgeous neighbour " that’s a good thing. That’s normality. That’s very good. Focus focus focus.
((Blue))... please send Vick over I’m going to lie down for a while xox
So, I think I’ve found my voice now I know what’s going on.
I’ve had tummy pain... well, long and short of it is I have some apthous ulcers (who knew) in my small intestine which could be the onset of something not so good, but for the moment, the doc is going to give me some meds to try and help with the pain and not think about what could happen, just what is happening. That seems reasonable methinks, so, we’re going with lots of positive here. Trying to get my SLE under control too and nasty RA joints " it get’s a little tiring! There are things I can do to try and help with the pain too and I’m going to give his suggestions a shot, take the new meds and see him again in a couple months to see if things have improved.
I have a few more hospital appointments over the next week and will be out of action on Monday (nice anaesthetic sleep for a minor op), after that, hoping that things may improve some and I can deal with the other stuff that’s been going on with relation to my ex-husband, who is a dipstick, and the stuff happening with R-boy that I really can’t quite get my head around, nor can I talk about as it’s too much for me to think about until I’m feeling stronger. There’s a bunch of other stuff " but... it’s stuff and I will deal with it. lalalallllllaaaaaaaaaaaalalallaa
My floating kidney is floating with a stowaway onboard " there’s a cyst on it, but the MRI shows the kidney is healthy " so, not a problem. Float away.
The one thing I need to do is get well first, which hopefully in a week or so’s time I should be improving, then I can deal with the other issues.
Oh, I have to have my tooth out! ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My niece “H” is OK at the moment " awaiting the MRI. Please posivibe for her.
All in all, I've been running on empty for a little while and know the only reason I am still sane at this point (well, of course, that is debatable, but ya know... is because I've yelled loudly but privately whilst I was sinking fast, and had some help with treading water and a lifevest... so thanku to my silent listeners for letting me rant and rave and stomping my "it's not fair" feet and thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers and posivibes coz I know you're there when I need you. Y'all have no idea. Thanku.
I’m still in a bit of a pickle, but if I can talk, then I’ll get the thoughts out of my head ... so
I’m back on the deck and........
let’s dance
I had a really nice LG smartphone upgrade... however, the phone wasn’t too smart despite being the most beautiful turquoise blue - how could that be? I did manage to connect to A2K today thru it, but then it went dipsy on me... so LG is out and Nokia is in, eventually
Izzie, Glad you found your voice. What would a2k be without it? You're sounding good, considering. I'm hoping the meds help with the pain. Glad the cyst on the floater is not a problem.
Despite the positive vibes, I will continue to worry about you. I'd say take care of yourself, but you seem to be doing a good job of that. So I'll say hang in, kid.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Feb, 2010 03:13 pm
Good to hear from you Izzie, you're coming through loud and clear. Sending vibes for continues improvement, you'll make it. Take care. ((((Izzie)))) xxx
Friday morning here and busy, busy day ahead. Mrs. B has trusted me with her shopping list, shouldn't have done that, I always find heaps of bargains.
Will be back later.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Feb, 2010 04:22 pm
The one thing I need to do is get well first, which hopefully in a week or so’s time I should be improving, then I can deal with the other issues. Very Happy
Exactly right!
Ha, look! The quote option turns big smileys into "Very Happy".
Perfect. There's the plan... get well first, deal with other issues, followed by Very Happy!
I do love a plan like that... in fact... gonna quote again...
JPB wrote:
Perfect. There's the plan... get well first, deal with other issues, followed by Very Happy!
HA! Love it when a plan comes together too. Positive focus focus focus.
It's amazing what one can do with a little help from some friends.
Thank you Boida - you know as well as me how tiring these hurdles are - one thing I can take from all these going's on, is, reading back and listening to those people who inspire me and seeing what others overcome. Yeah yeah yeah... that sounds corny <yawn yawn> I don't care - 'tis true. Funny 'ole thing - there's a cheetah gal who inspires me greatly, tho of course, she wouldn't consider herself an inspirational person She is the best kvetcher in the world... and I love her heaps.
"Oh wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us"
BEAgle - I love you Danny Boy - now don't forget the Earl Grey and you can knock hot chocolate off the list... I need to stop with the dairy products for a bit. No no no... I can't not have milk in my tea - that would just be too absurd and ridiculous - but I'm going to forego my late night milk chocolate fix so that my enzymes do good when N'izzzzzzzzzz'ms. Give MrsB a big huge hug from me and let her know all will be well. It will. x
AlexChap - did you go ice climbing yet... and ... the excited evening - well, how did it go? Did ya have fun?
((((((Bethie)))) - kiss kiss
MISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSYYYYYYYYYYYY - can you hear me at the library. WE MISS YOU MIS. Thinking about you and hoping the G-baby is doing much better now on his new meds. Smooooooches.
Bazza - are you awake yet or on the night shift overtime?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Babbling... we cross posted... so good to see you... live, laugh, love a? It's written on the walls You know how I feel about you... ah, ahh - my Babbling Brook is right outside my window just trickling over the pebbles - not a day goes by when I don't think of you... x