Good day Izzie and crew.
Snow, and more snow. 'Still, .. out there. Clause is coming back. I deserve it.
Took sled to get turkey, tomato, avocado, bacon sandwich. Ate before flipping sled back over.
Birthday, baptism, among other weekend events. Old friends, good for the soul.
Four hour drive. Between radio ads, billboards, and actual golden arches at exits I am in process of a Mac snack attack ode.
Nothing in stone for the weekend.
Past eight. Need dinner.
Good evening.
We missed out on all that rain, just a few mm, enough to wet the ground. Melbourne is nothing compared with the downpour on the Goldcoast in Queensland, 450mm in one day, no wonder the place is flooded. Our annual rainfall is 585mm and they got it in a couple days.
Babbling - fabulous to see you girl - HUGE SNOW... can't imagine - I would be outside all the time taking pic after pic of each drift. Incredible picture of the car Very glad to see you and hoping that PaPa is doing better. Love always to you and yours dear Brooklyn - miss you girl - so happy that your here and you're feeling better tho. ((((((((((((((((Babbling))))))))))))))))))
Missy darlin' girl - hoping you're alright hun. Know that I'm thinking of you and hoping G-baby is feeling better. x
BEAgle- so you finally got some rain - yay - our babies will be delighted - rain water and Pacca Poos What more could they wish for. Hoping it won't make it too humid Down Under and that it's a little more comfortable there.
I am having a quiet day at home today. Going to put my laptop in sleep mode and see if I can join it... gonna snuggle up on the sofa with my duvet after I've got a few chores done. Still very tired - ha -there's a thing!
(Sofa dried out - ha! Good job there's insurance on it - tsk tsk tsk - note to self- just go to bed, don't say just one more cuppa! sheesh)
((((Alex <make mine a BigMac pls) , Baz - have a ripper weekend mate, JPB (snow go snow go) , crew)0)) love you all - you know that
ok........ I gotta go for a bit - see y'all laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Morning Izzie, Saturday morning already, where has the week gone. Opening of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver today, the time difference is 18 1/2 hours, why oh why are those Canadians so far behind in time?
Want to watch the Games on TV but that means another hurdle, Mrs B. wants to watch her Crime Shows not Sports, what am I to do? Any solutions Captain?
Babbling - fabulous to see you girl - HUGE SNOW... can't imagine - I would be outside all the time taking pic after pic of each drift. Incredible picture of the car Very glad to see you and hoping that PaPa is doing better. Love always to you and yours dear Brooklyn - miss you girl - so happy that your here and you're feeling better tho. ((((((((((((((((Babbling))))))))))))))))))
Daddy is doing well, Miss Izz! Thank you for thinking of him. Love you too, sista!
TGIF!!!!! Someone pass that bottle!
0 Replies
Sat 13 Feb, 2010 07:14 am
Oh JustBrooke, what a lovely field of flowers! Thanks so muchX
Off to Izzie's this evening, gonna do wii fit (well kids will!) watch some movies and relax. Staying there so takin dogs, I hope they behave! Will make sure Izzie eats something light and nourishing!
Very cold here and I think my washing is frozen to the line!
Morning crew and wishing all the beautiful girls here a Happy Valentine's Day.
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Barry The Mod
Sat 13 Feb, 2010 07:14 pm
I second that emotion Dutchy,so much so that I've left boxes of chockys and a couple of bottles of champers on deck! Help yourselves girls .
Just spent a great couple of hours with my Pet Shop Boys (on DVD),filmed at the O2 which is just down the road from me,the day before my birthday.Kicking myself! Really should have been there!!
Barry...i dnt wanna panick lemme warn u ths country is a lil stupid at times! really dnt knw if its ths country or smeone else behind veils.
So i want u to take extra precautions while u r here..
please do not frequent the 'foreigners hotels' 'food outlets' mentioned in 'tour guides'.
ive mailed a couple of ma friends to see if they r free n Aug..
And also do mail me a dtailed plan..
Esp b careful of Aug 15th! and let me knw whr ull b n tht day!
thng is there seem to be anthr attack in Pune ..again th target being a popular foreigner hangout..a bakery.. and Augst 15 is a lil sensitive day! is not all that scary a place! It is not charecterised by such violence! It is just a couple of events..suspected to be by people frm elsewhere.. I just am taking an extra step and an extra lill panicking for the best!
I really am unhappy with th stuff tht happened! lets hope thngs change for gud!
Thank you dear Izzy, we've had a lovely day. Hope the cold weather is lifting in your part of the world. Been missing a few of the crew, patiently waiting.
0 Replies
Sun 14 Feb, 2010 04:16 pm
Lovely, lovely picture, Iz.
We celebrated last night. Nice dinner out - just the two of us. Today is back to Sunday as usual
0 Replies
Sun 14 Feb, 2010 06:51 pm
Happy Valentines Day Captain Izzie, and to all the wonderful, kind, nice, caring, compassionate, beyond best, people of able2know.
valentines day seems so quiet nboard? guess vryone was busy prtyng..eby was busy th whole th day went unnoticed here..but he did buy me a book.. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky..
guess its a classic..gettng to knw the author for the first time
Gt ma xams today! lemme rush!
hiya to the crew..