Hey MM - Monday, not before OK!!!!!!!!!!!! <puts on stern face>
have been over on t'other thread, you've been in our thoughts. So glad you are OK.
Tell us, how's things with Kaine these days? How's he doing? All OK with Cody too?
Hey Mis - did you get another early night in? How's you today? x
Bazza - you're on re Wicked - we may havta go Dutch tho!!!!!!!!!!! Nope, not arguing with you <sticks fingers in ears.... lallllllllllllllllllllalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaala> x
MaMaVerby - oh, now you know I'd love to visit... but I can't commit to that at the moment as there's so much going on right now. If it's possible for me to do... I'll be jumping at the chance to fly out to India... if not tho, we've got Bazza lined up with a suitcase of goodies for you

How do you feel about working again?
BEAgle - you k Down Under... U.K. DOWN UNDER... ha, that was quite good... would love to visit with you too - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh <sigh>. Ah, how lovely to know crew chat was going on.... I can't even remember how to get into the chat room bit... mind you, that's prolly not a bad thing
Tummy is still sore - don't know what's going on - it's just sore. YUK. Nuisance. Tulip was coming to stay tonight with the kids but we've decided that may not be a good idea, just in case. So...
Soon tho, we'll do it soon.
Wishing everyone a WONDERFUL day - lovin' y'all - life is great