"I love you Mom - but we look like we're high "

izz..tht did bring a wide wide smile n me..lol such moments make life i say!
missing ye..sorry th other day..eby was at th pc wit his friends tht i had to say tht ..

hw i wish i cud get there

i badly wanna c th snow..nd knw wat tis to b n tht chill weather.. eby says..hed get me loads of cooler nd make it here rather thn take me thr!! tis xpensive! how i wish travelling was as easy a hobby as reading..

check out places n th globe, pick ne for urself..go see it nd cmeback..ahhh dreams!!
fq - thnks for th warm thoughts u send so often ths way..
nd heyy baza...tht was sooo thoughtful of u to ask me..if i cn manage alone..
u have no clue of th amt of crbbing ido within my heart fr hvng been left bhind..
ebys friend n family will stay here to gimme co...i hvent seen thm yet..bt he says they r gud folks! lets c..
hav posted a few pooks in fb ...nw a lil lazy to post here...whole night im awake with th lil one..!!