That was a cracking day out Captain! Trust you to notice that both cops had wedding rings
London's almost snow free (at last) and we're looking forward to some rain to wash it all away.
Where's Verby and Small?
Laters crew,climbing the apples
They are busy I expect! I just would rather be goofing off, than doing what I have to. But today...well...I gotta get it all done. Cuz' I work tomorrow. Then I have kids for two days. Don't nuthin' get done when the kids is home.
I hope you all are having a good day...
Dutchy sweet dreams...thank you for my lullaby.
0 Replies
Thu 14 Jan, 2010 07:41 am
Great pics as usual, Iz. Love to see your adventures with two and furry four-legged folks.
Morning annis, pleased you drove without any hitches, you girls are pretty skilful when it comes to motoring. Have a nice day.
HA! I wish...
I attempted to get to work this morning " the temps were minus 3 " it was so SCARY. Freezing fog in the valley and the roads were literally a skating rink " black ice. Trundled along around 20mph " got up to the main road and thought... “hmm...the road ahead must be clear if the school buses made it through”....... not realising NO school buses made it thru! (youda thought someone woulda told me a?) I ended up on a hill " going up " or not as the case may be " tyres spinning and car sliding backwards. Naturally, as one does, I got on the phone and was screaming to my boss who stayed on the phone with me ‘til I got the car back in control. Stopped. Went into one of my teachers houses " to discover she had left 20 mins ago in her 4x4 " her kids were home because their bus wasn’t running " and she had taken 20 minutes to get a mile up the road. She went ahead to the school, she’s a driver like me, loves to drive and she was scared too. So, I waited at her house for a bit... then went back down the hill to the main road and took the main road right out to the dual carriageway and then up to the school that way. It took me an hour.
A nasty yellow light came on in the car when I started sliding and the ABS tried to kick in... picture of a car with a spanner through the middle of it. Hmmmmm
Got in to the office. Made tea. Phoned the car hospital and booked my baby in for Monday. Somehow I have to get to the city, drop my car off, get to the lawyer’s officers <seal and deliver> which are... miles away, and get home as the car needs minimum 3hours TLC!!!!!!!!!!! Then, need to get to work the next day and back to the city to pick my car up. No courtesy car available. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Not a clue how to do this. Not.a.clue. I have to think, but I’m too tired right now
Had a hectic day at work, needed some peace, drove home. IT.TOOK.MY.BREATH.AWAY. The fog was right down in the valley. JUST INCREDIBLE. I kept stopping and taking pics, which will never capture the beauty of it " ended up walking in a field which ... looked as tho the ground was hard " and... wasn’t " my nice new black boots are now sh*te high " darn them bullocks. Oh dear. So worth it tho to see the fog banks behind the trees.
And... I got a phone call from an old friend, who was a big part of mine and my BigBoy’s life, whom I haven’t heard from in... hmmmm... maybe about 18months or so and haven't seen in maybe, 3 years. Strange how that happens. Folk turn up back in your life and you go “gosh, dayum, where ya bin”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So that was a bit ...hmmm, dunno " it was so very good to talk again after such a long time " just, it makes you think of the past and I can’t think of the past. We talked about my BigBoy " that was good to do " he’s probably the only person outside of my family who would ever think about my eldest son each day and would ask me how he is. He loved R very much but he hurt and got hurt too. He made my sure my son stayed alive for 7 days and nights. Broke his heart when R was taken into care. He helped me do that " broke his heart like it broke mine. He has never seen R since.
OK... sad now, can’t do that.
Anyhooooooooooooooo... moving forward
I’ve made a cuppa and gonna go rest for a little bit. Knackered again. These have been long days for me
That was a cracking day out Captain! Trust you to notice that both cops had wedding rings
T’was a cracking day Baz, in fact, a lovely couple days spent with you in London " so lovely to be able to make ourselves at home and just BE!
As for the left finger rings " ha, that made me laugh " ya know, I was just sayin’...... well, you know, if you go hugging a couple gorgeous strangers with guns on the belts and golden bands, a gal can’t be too careful a? Gotta make sure it’s all spit spot and squeaky clean " Mary Poppins told me! Gosh, they were gorgeous fellas
Missy " how was your day? Did you do your chores girlie? How are you?
BEAgle " hope your visitor arrived safe and sound and is now settling down and not too jet lagged.
Jw... thanku " Penny did have the best time " poor hamster " she has been mighty chilly since arriving in the UK. Think she needs to travel to warmer climes now!
Tulip " glad you got out in the car.... picking the NEW BLUEMOBILE up tomorrow a? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... thinking............ ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What time are you going? I need to call you " ohhhhhhhhhhh " I have a plan forming!!!!!!!!!!
JPB " mmm m mm mm mm mmmmmmm mm mmm mm mmm m mm mmm m (<quietly humming as I’m not allowed to sing later> mmmm m mmmmmmmmmmm mm mmmmmmmmmm mmmm mmmmmmmm mmm mmm . Love you JPB!
Dinner... please pleaseplease will someone cook me some dinner
oh, here's a song I can sing.. <80's alert - cover your ears Rock>
the only way is up... lalalallllllllllllllllllllalllallllllllllllllllllllllllllallallllllllllllllllaala
Hey Dutchy! Have a good day...hope you get it all done and don't goof off like I did today.
(but I almost got it all done anyway ;P )
0 Replies
Thu 14 Jan, 2010 05:23 pm
Which twin has the Toni?
You girls could charm the hamsters out of the trees.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Thu 14 Jan, 2010 05:42 pm
The hampsters?
The birds would be chasing the bees to be near those honeys.
Glad you are safe,iz, sleep well.
Btw: I put an "almost cooked" dinner in the fridge right before I head out in the mornings, I am always completely surprised to find it when I return after a long day.
By the time I have the wine opened, the chicken and rice, beef and veggies, piece of nice salmon and steamed broccoli, big thick onion soup with crusty bread is almost ready.
I got really tired of making myself an omelette three nights a week.