sorry if i disturbed..soomes like some commentary going no here :O
MM..prayers are there with you..I believe..if you believe so much stacy would also have half guessed the situation..she just isnt ready to prepare herself..all u need to do is help her do it..Just find enuf time with her to talk abt lill things..let her talk her heart out...she has it all stacked up sure..once she is able to share , shell be much lighter..It aint as easy as said..but find more time with her..and assure her there are more reasons to move on..
Djjd - beautiful pics ur blessed to live in such calm places!
FQ - dont u let the BEAgle offer for a massage! He has very sharp eyes on u ..ill tell u
Just brooke - i smiled throughout ur message ..yes im talking to the little heart tht has started beating ..i cant sing donno! But i listen to songs a lot..hope she hears it from inside
izziiieee.. IKE..ur pet again?? convey my congrats to the little fella..he sure seem to do gr8 things and im happy abt u & G..hope things remain positive!! and do tell me what lens u use..very clear ur pics are..
meant to be leaving in a mo but might end up here another hour or so.
Alex..... love you being our Sports Correspondent - that was so happy. (Vegemite)(BEAgle)
lovin y'all -
gotta go buy a birthday cake and get some treats in - little fella is gonna be 12 on Monday Need to go get his pressie too and have had to organise a very last minute party sleepover with his friends coming to stay tomorrow nite! Lotsa little boys playing ninja's!!!!!!
<doofs ex-hub pfffffffffffst!>
going to the flicks tonite - OMG - people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should be a great movie - Angels and Demons - how could it not be good a?
Afternoon Captain,would appreciate a review of A&D 'cause I'm gonna see it on Sunday.
Good old Mr Postman (two days in a row) just delivered tickets for Bruce Springsteen in Hyde Park on the Sunday the 28th of June.If you're free and up for another week-end in London town,gimme a shout.
Meanwhile,chuckin' u a choon....
Would be just my luck that I'll fall asleep during the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Been really wanting to go to this movie - love Tom Hanks - he's a star. Oh............. gonna be lots of people there - ya know, the whole crowd thing - not so keen on that. Being big and brave!
OH GUESS WHAT..... GUESS WHAT ya know the band I went and saw - weeeeeeeelllllllllllllllll - they've asked me to go and take their photographs at one of the rehearsals. How blooming cool is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will probably do that on the 28th <----------------------------- OMG - does that sound like I have actually made a "plan".... I don't do "planning"...
on Monday I am taking the kids from school for a photography session - they have to think of an image for "Good Morning" - so, gonna take my camera in and let them have a play with it - then, I havta print off their snaps - and I have to judge the best 3 to send into a local photography interschools competition! Too Cool! Won't get any work done at all on Monday - hey ho - but the head's asked me to do this - she reckoned I needed to have a bit of a play at school - so - how coco is that!?
Also - we're gonna do the office up. Got the Access For Work people coming in to see what changes they can make to help me when I get poorly and make things a little easier - so, the head and I got talking and she's told me to choose a bunch of stuff to brighten the place up. What I want to do is get each child to come in and paint a flower on the wall - then gonna have a set of rainbow files. How unprofessional - LOVE IT! She may regret the carte blanche decision!
OK............ gotta go and get birthday boy stuff - gosh, 12 years old - where.... where does the time go!
If I don't manage to get back today - well, I will later, after the flicks, but that'll be tomorrow - then, everyone have a good day and will see you laterzzzzzzzzzz
<tries to find some energy..................... up and running................>
0 Replies
Fri 15 May, 2009 06:42 am
@Barry The Mod,
Oh Bazza - I'D LOVE TO - how fab would that be. Hey, 3 black bags right!!!!!!!! Will check with my boss and see if I can get that Monday off - ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - that will be so good. BIG BIG SMILE
Will give you the heads up on A&D..... I'm actually very excited. I can't remember the last time I went to the flicks. Seriously!
I'm going to ask the fella to make some popcorn this weekend. We'll have a movie night as well - just at home with old doggies though (do I need to start thinking about getting dog sitters so we can get out?)
So I'm going to talk to myself here. Which is ok, since I'm already doing that. Just want to see what it looks like once it's typed out.
So, the company I work at is in big doo-doo. Th combination of that and what's happening with mrs. hamburger is stressin' me.
Somehow, I got connected to a verra verra sweet company - number 5 in the industry world-wide. Always in the top 100 companies to work for list. They need someone for a one-year contract (they don't know the person isn't actually coming back at all - I know from my connection). Through a series of huge bloopers (that need their own comedy thread), I get a call from the hiring manager on Monday. She asks for my resume. I prepare it Monday night - email it in. Tuesday she calls - can we meet - she and a co-worker will drive 50 km out to meet me during a coffee break on Wednesday. Ok. We meet. It goes well. She ends the interview by saying "this was a lot of fun". Thursday we play phone tag. Finally we connect - she explains the offer - more than I was planning to ask for +$5000 to pay for benefits they don't pay to contract people. I need to get a criminal records check completed. They email me the forms yesterday. I complete them, send them back early early this am.m . Get a call around noon today from the HR manager - can she meet me before work on Tuesday (this is a long weekend). Wants to meet me. mmmm ok. How long will this get to know you meeting take. Oh, half an hour, probably a lot less. Arrange a time. 7:30 a.m, by my current work.
(Oh yeah, they don't just need someone with my skills, they need them SOON.)
Is an HR person going to drive an hour to meet someone for 15 - 20 minutes and then drive back an hour if they're not dead-serious and maybe ready to hand over a contract to sign. They know I won't resign without a signed contract.
If it sounds and smells like an offer is on its way, is an offer on its way?
I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but is it so obvious that I'm being silly?
This particular job in this particular company in this industry would put me into a whole new well everything.
Hitting enter, not just preview. I need to see this in black and white. I can't wait for Tuesday.
OK............... so " I got one of those weird and wonderful moments going on. Before my potion - so no wise cracks from the gallery
Yes, yes I did have a good nite " thanku. It was lovely.
First up! Movie " well...... I didn’t fall asleep " but someone else did! Ha <quick poke in the ribs " snort " grin - notes down for future laughter source> I must be the perfect scintillating date a? <I really laughed loudly at the flicks " how anyone could fall asleep with that noise is beyond me " verra funny - bless!>
Now " this is the weird thing.
Yep " not possible, is it? I’ve never read the book. The movie’s only just come out " BUT I’VE SEEN IT BEFORE.
Now. I love Tom Hanks and Ewan<wrap your arms around me please " oh oh oh>McGregor " and I have a great love for crime drama medical thriller blah blah blah " but, I knew exactly what was going to happen and when. After about the first 5 mins " it suddenly clicked in " I knew the next scene and the next and the next. How? I’ve never even read the book.
Watching the trailers before the movie started was really scary. Eeeeeeeuw " there was a really nasty scary flick and when the screen is that big in front of you and sooooooooooo loud " OMGAWD! Couldn’t look " major heeby jeebies. Eeeeeeeeeeuw " there are some really scary movies " yuk yuk and yuk.
So " rating out of 10 " well, if it had been the first time I’d seen it then I’d say 9/10 " but, coz for some strange reason I already knew what was going to happen and thought I coulda been watching Déjà vu (ho ho) " which I might add is an absolutely brilliant 10/10 movie " of course, Denzel<hug me as much as you’d like>Washington is in " but Angels and Demons I would say 7..... maybe 8 out of 10.... probably 7....nah 8.............. nah 7.
Mind you " anything with Tom Hanks in, I reckon, is good for a start. Ewan was a bonus. The storyline was good (hadn’t read the book, or got the Tshirt but knew the movie already " verra verra strange feeling) " but I think I preferred the Da Vinci Code " well, I did " I loved that movie. LOVED THAT MOVIE. Saw that on Sky.
Did well with all those people there too " the place was packed solid " don’t do packed solid " but it was fine. Really, no probs " couldn’t have done it on my own " you now, go to a flick alone " but it was fine. Lotsa lotsa people " mainly kids (that means 20yrs younguns and teens)
On the way into the city, had a bit of conversation in the car (ohhhhhhhhh... I have my baby back " Molly " the car " my car ... well, she’s not, but she is " she purrs) " anyhooo " one of those mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm conversations which has got me thinking a bit. So I’m mulling things at the moment whilst drinking my tea.
It was a good evening " but I prolly need to stop thinking " niggles, ya know. More me stumbling a little, he’s being strong " (which that in itself is the strangest thing - good thing " but I’m not used to that...) - guess I’m feeling a little insecure coz I have read that book, got about dozen tshirts and acted in that movie. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... slowly slowly.
Not sure I wanna talk about it " I think I do " but think I shouldn’t " I could end up looking mighty ridiculous. Ha.......... that would be a change a? Hahahahahahhahhahaha! Oh so very tired too " gosh, been a long day with work, birthday shopping, nattering with the neighbour and then straight out. Oof. Good tired tho " good day, good afternoon, good nite.
Bethie " yep, seeing a movie not on TV is sooooooo different. It’s just Sooooooooooooooooo BIG. Fab " but don’t sit at the front like we had to coz we were late ... further back is better else your eyes havta dash all over the screen to follow it and then it get's a bit much for the fella and he snoozed FAB THO. LOVED IT. Next one is gonna be “The Proposal” with Sandra Bullock (I LOVE HER......TRULY) Missy would love this one too.
Hope you get out (((((Bethie))))) with HIM. But.............. to be 100% honest.... there's nothing like a movie curled up on the sofa at home - comforting.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... that’s gonna be a great one
Gosh, I need another cuppa now........... the bed.......... got a big day tomorrow with the little fella and his mates coming over - little boys and happy noise.
0 Replies
Fri 15 May, 2009 06:30 pm
Sorry to hear about the stresses that presently engulf you ehBeth. I hope mrs. hamburger's condition improves soon. Wish you well in your job change should this eventually come to fruitition.
Where is our Captain, fallen zzzzzzzzzzzzing?
Oh, she sneaked in whilst I was typing.
0 Replies
Fri 15 May, 2009 06:38 pm
ehBeth wrote:
Just want to see what it looks like once it's typed out.
If it sounds and smells like an offer is on its way, is an offer on its way?
mmmmm... sounds pretty convincing at the moment. I dunno - been a long time. FQ has experience with head-hunters - bigtime experience - some come thru - other's dont.
I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but is it so obvious that I'm being silly?
no, not silly at all. At the moment Beth - with all that's going on - a little light and anything brighter is going to give you hope - that's not silly - that's a natural reaction and worth taking a chance with. If they have the resume and have had one meeting and now wanna meet again.... - that sounds mighty productive. Yep, don't do anything without a signed contract. How long are you tied in to doodoo company. Is it gettoutable if needs be.
This particular job in this particular company in this industry would put me into a whole new well everything.
risk nothing, risk it all. If you feel you need to give it a shot - you go for it girl Try, try, try not to think too much on it over the weekend.... get HIM to take you walking on the beach, and not one....... but 3 movies, big duvet and try and shut off for a while. Tuesday will come quick enough.
I can't wait for Tuesday.
GOOD. If you can't wish and hope for things, what have you got? Posivibing all will happen as you wish and ..... don't give up - nah, that's not in your character girl. This job sounds great - good prospects for future career development too. Hoping so much for you that this will work out and give you a real positive focus in the near future.
If they offer, I am signing. No dooooooot about it. It's flattering to have made it this far.
During one of Thursday's calls, I was told that if I passed the criminal record check (wouldn't I know if I had a criminal record? how in the world would I get a criminal record?), there'd be an offer forthcoming - that was how all the money talk started.
Why would the HR manager drive 2 hours to spend 15 - 20 minutes with me if I hadn't passed the criminal record check? I was so much fun she just wants to meet me?
Are there any new movie scripts left out there?
I have toooo many questions spinning around my head.
I'll figger one out tomorrow. Going to get my lid sorted. Will have to decide if I'm going to be blonde again by 11:15 when Maddy starts mixing the chemicals up.
ohhhhhhhhhhh - I'm going blonde tomorrow too!!!!!!!! How happy is that. Getting long and blonde now - even more excuses
Beth - they love ya girl. Why would they drive and meet you and quick resume and all - and wanna see you Tuesday early
THEY WANT YOU GAL. And why not. You are great at what you do.
Yep - there's a million movie scripts and a million wanna be actresses - these people are professionals looking for a top notch professional. They found one. Now, slowly, it may not work out for any number of reasons - but..... they sound pretty certain a? And you sound hopeful. Keep that feeling. CRB checks here take at least a couple weeks. We do them all the time. In the UK there is a List 99. That's is within 24 hours - which pretty much means you're good to go.
CRB checks are about as useless (sorry CRB folks) as the paper they are written on - one day you could be clear, next you could be a not so "good" person but with a clear CRB - but they serve a purpose with the law. Usually done annually or three yearly. Prolly different in Canajun land. Ask about the List99 - anyone on a List99 can work with "clients" provided they are not left in a room alone with them until the CRB comes thru.
Try and park the spinning (easy to say) and relax or busy yourself over the weekend. Go in on Tue bright eyed and bushy tailed and show them what you're made of. You would be nothing less than a massive asset to their business. Believe in you.
Positivizzie focus going on here - sending across the pond. x
<ps... you are fun gal - why would she NOT want to meet with you>
oh darn.......... 4.45am................ boids singing............. did it again........ dropped on the sofa..... kitty has woken me with mouse in mouth............ UGH............
oof! Up and running... don't remember diddly Must've slept a little. heaps to do........Laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzz x Everyone havea good weekend - near or far. x