must have been the day for charity work, got up early and headed east for about 2 1/2 hours to this place
this used bookstore is run completely non profit, the ask for donations of books, the workers are all volunteers and the man who runs it is a retired school librarian who pays the rent on the building, all the money made goes to help buy school books and supplies for developing countries
delivering to day, not buying, dropped of seven boxes of books, bet the person who opened was busy unpacking
on the way home, drove along the back roads, stopped at a small town restaurant (how can you resist the "home cooked food" sign) and had some lunch, then on to a farm that specializes in honey production, that's where i met these fellas
the owners house was hidden in this small orchard
here's a link to the honey place
Clovermead Bees & Honey
too early to take the tour, but will go back for sure
on the way home passed by the new crop about an hour and a half from home, wind farms
a couple of the pics of Lake Erie, where it's closest to the road

if you continue forward across the lake, you'd eventually get to brooke's house, well you'd get to Ohio for sure