Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 07:10 pm
Hello Izzie of all Izzies. Jamming up the atmosphere with warm tidings.

MysteryMan. My thoughts and prayers your way. Stacy will lean on Sandy, in times to come. Sisters. Without knowing the history, I risk stating this: Sandy will hopefully remain clean. Some substance abuses, are born off of death and tragedies. Stacy seems strong, nevertheless, I'd keep that situation monitored tightly. Fifteen months,....suggests dealing and distributing, so hopefully not a user.

More rain. Pear tree making presence known.

Oh, if I had a goat.

Off and running. Good day all.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 07:17 pm
Oh............fell alseep on sofa................. ha........... gotta climb the apples.

So glad to see our alex - hows the bikerbabe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Razz

love ya zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 07:44 pm
MM, thoughts and prayers with you and yours and that those that must do so can find the well of strength within them that we all need from time to time. I have never understood why deaths and other troubles seem to come in groups, but they so often do. Last year was our year to lose loved ones in rapid succession and it is not easy. Just love Stacy and be her rock while she grieves. The one with dependency is tougher. We are dealing with that with a nephew too. Just hope for the best.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 07:47 pm
And otherwise it is hot and dry in New Mexico--more and more fire restrictions go into place until the monsoon arrives in a couple of months. Trying to get stuff to grow though and get ready for painters and then a cherished visit from our daughter next month.

As Izzie once put it life is good. And not good. But there's always a bright spot or two and they are truly blessings.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 09:13 am
Friends, Romans and crew; I came, saw and left in dismay at all the hurt there is even amongst the good news.

However, if there is one thing I have learnt from being here it is; you are never alone or without support from these kindly folks. No matter how bad it gets, they will put aside their own difficulties to offer strength when you are feeling weak and prayers when needed.

You guys are amongst the best; do save me a place round the old camp fire.
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 09:16 am
BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!

blue blue blue blue blue blue blue................... Razz

ok - you got the marshmallows...... <starts singing campfire songs.... holds hands>

smooches xox
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 10:04 am
Been far too long since I’ve been on ship!

First of all ……. Verbi " congrats on the tiny bundle of love growing in your tummy! I do envy you! I loved being pregnant. There is a certain depth to the word “love” that is beyond anything you can comprehend, while you go through this wonder. The bonding is just, well, nothing that can be put into words. And as your baby grows inside of you, do talk to him/her. They hear you. They respond to you. Stay calm thoughout. And do lots and lots of singing. They love that, too.

FQ " I am so sorry for the loss of the dog. They do become such a part of the family. Such love they give, so freely. Hang in there (((( FQ )))) Also, belated birthday wishes! I missed it! Dang! I do hope it was fab, though! Xo

Izzie " Lovely vid of the lil guy! Thank you for sharing that piece of your world. Love it! And…….
about this “G” guy " You GO FOR IT, sister! Pick up them pieces and gently put them all back together again. Only this time, much better. Yes you still have the same hurdles. That doesn’t mean you’re doomed. It just means that you find a different path around them. That you both draw from strength reborn. And learn from mistakes left behind. There is something to be said about new journeys born from old. You still have some of that leftover foundation. You just need to seal the cracks, soundly. There must be something very beautiful there, ya know. Has to be. For the love never died.

MM " Prayers for strength. Hugging you all.

Dutchy " Alex " Beth " Try " DJ " DeeDee " Barry " Tulip " JPB " Missy and all those that are MIA …..have a wonderful day! xo

Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 10:29 am
JustBrooke wrote:

about this “G” guy " You GO FOR IT, sister! Pick up them pieces and gently put them all back together again. Only this time, much better. Yes you still have the same hurdles. That doesn’t mean you’re doomed. It just means that you find a different path around them. That you both draw from strength reborn. And learn from mistakes left behind. There is something to be said about new journeys born from old. You still have some of that leftover foundation. You just need to seal the cracks, soundly. There must be something very beautiful there, ya know. Has to be. For the love never died.

Hey Babbling - i love you gal - yep, the missing piece of the puzzle is fitting in - now it's a day at a time and we head in new direction. It is very beautiful. The love never died, nor will it ever - whether we are together or apart, G and I are in love with one another. Hopefully - strength will surround us. Hurdles - HA - we have monster walls to cross with the children and family - but, we're gonna give it a go.

Today - well, today something so very important happened - and my feelings of worry over losing someone I love in "my world", by being with G, were unfounded. I couldn't be happier that some things won't change. Some things are just too important in your life to ever let go of - they're imprinted in your heart.

I gotta go and pick up the little fella - will be back later.

((FoxyF)) - hugs to you gal - glad you are here. x
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 01:27 pm
Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll................. just welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

not much to say really, just felt like being here and saying summat of nuttin'!

So, little fella climbed a quarter of Everest today. Whole school - 8848m "I Climbed Everest Charity Challenge 2009" - benches - 'bout a foot off the ground - up down = 1 step.............. 72,000 steps to do! Today they raised £3,000 for charity - purty cool a? Another few days to go Shocked Funds going to Uganda - educational equipment - and the Devon Air Ambulance. Clever little fellas. Very Happy

Now..... for those who haven't seen IKE - here he is!



Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 04:08 pm
went for a little road trip today, back with some pics in bit
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 04:17 pm
Hey guys
Just thought I would say goodnight. I have done 45 minuts of exercise on the Wii fit tonight and am aching already!!!! Only Iz can vouch for how shocking this is!! And without heels!! Oh no I will not be able to walk tomorrow!
Anyway... Love the pics of Ike and sis, let me know who has accepted G!! I think he is lovely.
Brooke.. So great to see you babe. All is good
Crew zzzzzzzz time
Big hugs
FQ xx
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 04:17 pm
Morning crew. IKE looks familiar Izzie, have I seen that face somewhere before? Laughing

Congratulatins to the little fellow on his achiedvement he seems to have inherited Mums determination.

Happy to see our Brooklyn posting, reading the news about your Dad is very encouraging, trust your studies are also on target.

Waiting for your pictureds djjd. Time for some breakfast.

Just noted F/Q popped in, seems you need a good masseur after that workout, pity you're not living next door. Wink Sleep well my friend.
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 04:28 pm
So need a massage Beagle. Thanks for the offer!! If onlyxx
Off to sleep now
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 04:47 pm
must have been the day for charity work, got up early and headed east for about 2 1/2 hours to this place


this used bookstore is run completely non profit, the ask for donations of books, the workers are all volunteers and the man who runs it is a retired school librarian who pays the rent on the building, all the money made goes to help buy school books and supplies for developing countries

delivering to day, not buying, dropped of seven boxes of books, bet the person who opened was busy unpacking


on the way home, drove along the back roads, stopped at a small town restaurant (how can you resist the "home cooked food" sign) and had some lunch, then on to a farm that specializes in honey production, that's where i met these fellas





the owners house was hidden in this small orchard


here's a link to the honey place Clovermead Bees & Honey
too early to take the tour, but will go back for sure

on the way home passed by the new crop about an hour and a half from home, wind farms


a couple of the pics of Lake Erie, where it's closest to the road

if you continue forward across the lake, you'd eventually get to brooke's house, well you'd get to Ohio for sure


Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 04:49 pm
FlavourQueen wrote:

Hey guys
Just thought I would say goodnight. I have done 45 minuts of exercise on the Wii fit tonight and am aching already!!!! Only Iz can vouch for how shocking this is!! And without heels!! Oh no I will not be able to walk tomorrow!

OMG........................ take off the warpaint first sis - after 2 mins <make that 30 secs> you will have black streaks of sweat running off your brow and thru the mascara - I don't care if it's waterproof mascara..... priorities gal. Little bit of lippy - no worries Need a headband - I reckon as a belated birthday or early Crimbo I could find you the gaudiest, sexiest headband and you will look positively delicious. When I get my NHS shoes - I'll let you borrow them. Wear the most disgusting apparel you can - really really nasty stuff OK - hideous to the max......


make sure the mirrors are turned round in the lounge....

do your 5 minutes Rolling Eyes - ok, positively, lets aim for 20.....

sweat buckets, quit whinging, move those arms and legs....


quickly, go shower, foofoo power, the usual girlie stuff.... get dressed, full slap - and take a good long look. HOW WONDERFUL YOU WILL LOOK IN THE MIRROR. That Wii will so be worth it <ahem............ laughs........ call me after 2 seconds of starting and I will sit here and encourage you - you know how good I am at that a? hahahahahhaahhahhhhhhhahahahhahha! love you sis.

(getting S-boy one for his birthday on Monday - it's what he wishes for more than anything and he's had to wait since his last birthday - bless.- OMG - you and me could play tennis together.... I could whip your competitive butt at something (yay for first times) - YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY - and you'd still look better 'n me - HA - love you with all my heart. Miss you. Let's get half term sorted. I have Molly for 2 days - we could spinning off to the beach a Thelma?xxxxxxxxxxx)

Oh......... I surely gotta go bed - potion not working at all - (infurtating) and I have work tomorrow - ack. Going the flicks tomorrow nite.............. how cool is that............. ANGELS AND DEMONS - that'll make a few folk chuckle!!!!!!! Razz

BEAgle.......... when've you've done FQ's massage.... let me know, I jump on board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wink
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 04:52 pm
Fab pics hunni - oh, lovely little adventures you're having. love the house in the orchard........... the lake is vast a? hard to imagine- we could sail there!!!!. THANKU SO MUCH - keep posting - LOVE THEM - love to see your world. Bless those Black and While Bobs.

How is TC and MrFixit getting on - have you heard from them?

Hugs love. x
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 05:06 pm
TC talked to ma on saturday for mothers day (they were in town and guaranteed a cell signal so the called early), getting stuff done at the schoolhouse
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 05:09 pm
Excellent - glad all is going to plan. Do send them our love when you get to yabber. x
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 05:12 pm
alex240101 wrote:

Hello Izzie of all Izzies. Jamming up the atmosphere with warm tidings.

I risk stating this: Sandy will hopefully remain clean. Some substance abuses, are born off of death and tragedies. Stacy seems strong, nevertheless, I'd keep that situation monitored tightly. Fifteen months,....suggests dealing and distributing, so hopefully not a user.

yupper - my thoughts to there Alex.


More rain. Pear tree making presence known.

Now you;ll need a partridge. x

Happy day love xxxxxxxxx
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 05:16 pm
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I must find a way to slee. I gotta sleep - up in about 6 for the school run...

Thinking of your Mysterman Man and Stacy.... hope to hear from you soon.

Missy - i love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nitey nite my lovelies - love y'all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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