Hey J....
oh hun - life can seem so cruel at times
ya know.... djjd is completely right - you can give her your support and love, listen when she needs to talk, "hear" her when she goes "silent" - she's going thru so many emotions and when "these things keep happening"... it can lead to depression. I don't know J - I'm not sure I fully understand what depression is - but, if you are concerned about her mental health, and, under the circumstances you all have experienced in the last couple years - well, each 'passing' causes a knock on effect. That, or you become numb. Numb is not healthy. You have to feel. It's hard to try and keep positive and supportive and carry on. You will tho - life continues... but at times it's so hard.
hug her when she'll accept the hugs and keep holding her hand
you need support too J - and you can come here or talk with your real-life friends whenever you wish to - even if you just wanna have a rant, shout or cyber hug. Perhaps you could talk with your Chief and see if he can offer some suppport. Thing is, sometimes it's harder to take the support being offered by the people you're closest too - having "outside" help or support takes away the raw emotion of what's happening.
"Acceptance" for Stacy (and you, and Conner) is hard - and it's all too easy to say "just think to the future" - it's not so easy to do when coming to terms with these losses - especially having to watch a close family live... until they pass. Last year Kaine was taken tragically and immediately from all of you.... now, you all have to watch and wait for Grandmother to pass.
Agonising. For
all who are in similar positions..... agonising.
Acceptance and trying to find some peace.... trying to let the time that remains, a peaceful space to be surrounded by.
Support Stacy as best you can. If she wishes to jump aboard and talk, well, you know, we're here. She's still grieving for Kaine and her other family members - yep, life goes on, but grief has no time limits - and everyone has their own way to grieve or mourn. There's no right or wrong way.
I do think that maybe a professional counsellor, even a family counsellor, may be able to help you all. All of you have to come to terms with what's happened in the past, and now. Especially Stacy.
So sad for you that y'all are in pain here. Keep in touch if you wish and let us know how you're all doing. So pleased Conner is doing well. Be there for him when his Mom is struggling. I hope Stacy's sister can remain strong as this happens. You know, pressure is there - so you need as much calm around you as possible. Try and be as strong as you can J. You care, you want to help and support, and you love Stacy - keep that at the front and just, be there for her when she needs you.