Barry The Mod
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 02:14 am
Hey Verbs,your hormones must be playing tricks on you.I,Bazza,am just your Captain's friend.It's the G man that's been causing her probs,but she/they seem to be working their way through them.With the support of this crew,anything is possible.
Now,stop worrying about your Captain and turn all of your attention onto that little bundle in your tummy and enjoy being preggers.I do hope you've parked up the scooter for the next eight and a half months.No more bumps or pot-holes for you young lady.Get Eby to give you a piggy-back.
Laters and love
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 02:33 am
@Barry The Mod,
sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I'm at work

ah....... poor little kidlets are all doing their exams today - yuk - they are only babies (6/7 and 10/11 years old) and have SATs tests - fortunately all our teachers are very relaxed and none of the kids feel pressured - even so, their results affect their streaming into secondary school. All of load of nonsense really. Inspector turns up at the school unnannounced to make sure we have sealed and secure packages and is quite a scary person Shocked He went to one of our cluster schools yesterday - so, could be here today - which means I can't leave the office. (nasty nasty Inspector - pffffffffffst)

Anyhooooooooo - ah Bazza - there you are. Ahhhhhhh - bless you - yep - anything is possible ? And Vegemite - how right he is - you gotta look after you and Littler One and we'll be here every little step of the way - oh.... see Very Happy <--------------------- still smiling about your news. You must tell us how you're getting on. Right now, there won't be too many changes lookswise (other than you'll be glowing and maybe feeling a bit ugh on and off)... but in a couple months.... ahhhhhhh... the little flutter of butterflies in your tummy. HA - by 9 months you'll be being kicked all over the place and feel arms and legs through your tummy. The most wonderful feeling ever - well, for me it was.

oh it's no good............ i gotta do some work..... am snowed under here - must stop yabbering Razz
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Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 02:46 am
Ohhh im sooo sorry.. i jst dnt notice Barry's note befre that!! Barry im soo sorry i certainly do NOT want you knocking n my door either Razz Im soo sorry both of u ..i jst gt mixed up with the names!!
yeah not much changes now! just a lill sluggish & tired at times..
worried abt the moodswings..it is nt gud for the lill one to hear her world full of screams..at times im nt able to control!! Dad called ystrday that they are in a hurry to do the partition!! Right now!! For Gods sake cant they wait another 8 months??? I screamed!! Im just not able to stand the clothes piling in the laundry & Im not supposed to wash!!!! I just screamed!! Phew!!! im getting mad!!
Barry The Mod
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 03:08 am
No probs Verbs! I have always wanted to visit Bombay.If I do knock on your door,I will be holding a huge bunch of flowers and a big smile.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 04:04 am
@Barry The Mod,
Smile thank god! But btw i have recently moved from Bombay to Blore..nevertheless would be glad to show you around bombay if at all ur to land here Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 08:25 am
Hello all,
Sorry I havent been around for so long.
But here I am again, and once again I need your help.

Yesterday, the doctors advised taking Stacy's grandmother off dialysis.
It is no longer helping her.
Stacy knows that her grandmother doesnt have much time left, and she is really broken up about that.
Since Jan of 2008, Stacy has lost her grandfather, 2 uncles, an aunt, and then last Dec she lost her nephew Kaine (he was 14).
Stacy still grieves for him, and at least once a week I catch her looking at his myspace page, even though it hasnt changed since Kaine died.

I am started to get very worried about her. I dont know if she can handle it if her grandmother dies.
I am worried about how it will affect her mental state, and dont know what to do.
Stacy and her grandmother are very close, closer even then she is with her own mother.
So, I am asking for the collective wisdom of everyone to help me figure out how to deal with the inevitable when her grandmother does die.

On the good side, Conner is growing like a weed.
If I knew how to post pictures of him, I would.

And Sandy, Stacys sister, was released from a halfway house yesterday.
Sandy had been in prison and then a halfway house for 15 months, after being convicted for drugs.
Stacy went and picked her up yesterday, and took her home.
The Pentacle Queen
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 11:23 am
Thank you! Positive vibes seemed to have worked, exam went well despite no sleep, one more to go until freedom.
Yes, and with my freedom, I am going to read all the books i've been meaning to read, generally bum around london parks and attractions, and work at my part time job. Plus go to turkey. Should be good.
Love to both of you. x
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 12:15 pm
that is alot to go through for sure, the most you can really do is just offer her your love and support, you can't grieve for her

she may need some professional counseling if she hasn't already had some
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 02:22 pm
Hey J....

oh hun - life can seem so cruel at times

ya know.... djjd is completely right - you can give her your support and love, listen when she needs to talk, "hear" her when she goes "silent" - she's going thru so many emotions and when "these things keep happening"... it can lead to depression. I don't know J - I'm not sure I fully understand what depression is - but, if you are concerned about her mental health, and, under the circumstances you all have experienced in the last couple years - well, each 'passing' causes a knock on effect. That, or you become numb. Numb is not healthy. You have to feel. It's hard to try and keep positive and supportive and carry on. You will tho - life continues... but at times it's so hard.

hug her when she'll accept the hugs and keep holding her hand

you need support too J - and you can come here or talk with your real-life friends whenever you wish to - even if you just wanna have a rant, shout or cyber hug. Perhaps you could talk with your Chief and see if he can offer some suppport. Thing is, sometimes it's harder to take the support being offered by the people you're closest too - having "outside" help or support takes away the raw emotion of what's happening.

"Acceptance" for Stacy (and you, and Conner) is hard - and it's all too easy to say "just think to the future" - it's not so easy to do when coming to terms with these losses - especially having to watch a close family live... until they pass. Last year Kaine was taken tragically and immediately from all of you.... now, you all have to watch and wait for Grandmother to pass.

Agonising. For all who are in similar positions..... agonising.

Acceptance and trying to find some peace.... trying to let the time that remains, a peaceful space to be surrounded by.

Support Stacy as best you can. If she wishes to jump aboard and talk, well, you know, we're here. She's still grieving for Kaine and her other family members - yep, life goes on, but grief has no time limits - and everyone has their own way to grieve or mourn. There's no right or wrong way.

I do think that maybe a professional counsellor, even a family counsellor, may be able to help you all. All of you have to come to terms with what's happened in the past, and now. Especially Stacy.

So sad for you that y'all are in pain here. Keep in touch if you wish and let us know how you're all doing. So pleased Conner is doing well. Be there for him when his Mom is struggling. I hope Stacy's sister can remain strong as this happens. You know, pressure is there - so you need as much calm around you as possible. Try and be as strong as you can J. You care, you want to help and support, and you love Stacy - keep that at the front and just, be there for her when she needs you.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 02:26 pm
@The Pentacle Queen,
Good onya PQ - you're nearly there and then..... a little time for R&R. You should be very proud of yerself gal - well done <big pat on the back Very Happy> Good luck with the final exam - then GO ENJOY! love to you xx

Waves to DjjD - then reaches right across the pond and gives him a big hug. x
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 03:55 pm
Morning crew, cold and rainy downunder but that's what we've been swaiting for, Manna from heaven!

Good to hear exam went well P/Q, adopt same attitude for the last one and the world is yours. London, Turkey here I come, have a swinging time.

Hi Captain, waited with baited breath for you to appear last night, alas obviously more important things turned up. Wink

Will be back later as Mrs. B has some chores lined up for me. Sad
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 05:26 pm
Morning Dutchy and deedeexx happy Thursday to you down under
MM- so sad to hear your news and would suggest that we all unite in our thoughts and prayers for Stacey and her grandma as this worked for Brooke and her papa. Please guys can we all send oir love and support to these guys who have gone through so much together and deserve some happiness.
MM- you are all in my thoughts and prayers and tell S that she can talk any time
Big hugs
FQ xx
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 05:30 pm
dropped our missing missy a note on facebook, told her that yabber misses her
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 05:50 pm
Hey Sis - i love you x

(((((BEAgle)))))) - on msn waiting ... helloooooooo....at the moment - left you a message - gonna make a cuppa and then head to bed soonish so hopefully you'll see this in a mo.

DjjD - I miss Missy so much - I've got a missy-ache - bigtime. Hoping her computer will be fixed and she'll be able to let us know she's OK. Gonna do the snail mail thing and will let her know we're all thinking about her and love her heaps. I had a look on facebook and she hasn't posted there - so, she might not be able to get to any computer. Just hoping............... you know........ that she's OK. Know she'll be really, really busy with baseball and the boys on holiday.

((((((bethie))))) ((((((alex)))))) (((((((blue)))))))

ya know............ just big hug to all the crew.....

Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 05:52 pm
oh, missed the computer thing, i thought she was just taking a break
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 06:00 pm
mismi wrote:

Hi guys...I can't even read back - I am borrowing a computer at my friends house and feel it would be rude to spend too much time...just wanted you all to know that my computer went belly up - and I do not know when it will be fixed...we are fine though...all is well. Just busy with baseball still...

Love you all...hope you are all well...thoughts and prayers as usual

Hoping to see her sunshine soon.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 06:08 pm
i see
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 06:11 pm
Hi Izzie, just dropped by but it would appear you've gone zzzzzzzzzzzzing. Smile Sleep well my dear friend.

Hello F/Q hope things are settling down after the loss of your beloved dog.

ps edit. Have a feeling someone just woke up. Wink
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 06:15 pm
who me? see ya there................ ha! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 06:59 pm
I can't see straight - unplugging phones and going to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

love you crew - always xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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