Dear Blue - miss you so much - sail this way love! So good to see you - and to read your shenanigans... Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum. Hugging you so so big and loving you muchly. xox
Vegemite - oh, I keep smiling every time I think about the Littler One! How are things going? Are you managing to eat????? Such exciting times ahead for you and Eby - how happy we are to share this journey you're on

(((((((Vegemite))))))))))) love you girlie.x I can't wait for pitter patter of BubbaVegitoots!
Missy - mis-u mismi. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh crew crew crew - BEAgle - I'm here darlin, (((DjjD))), (((Bethie))), (((Tulip))) (((Indeedee))) (((Alex)))- I'm hoping to get some proper time to talk tomorrow - as you tell, gone 1.30am - not at work tomorrow. All is good

- hard to believe that things can change so quickly and the days go so so fast. Very busy at work and trying to sort the garden out and the little fella and just keep going.... it was a busy weekend ................
Aaaagh - quite emotional right now - happy, scared, nervous, overjoyed ....mostly happy. I went on a "date" with G!

(oh... waits for the "oh noooooooooooo"!!!

FQ and bro came too - double date - all a bit OMGawd, is this actually happening? Could it really happen? Well, we'll see. So far, so good. It's been 3 days now and he hasn't fallen at the first hurdle... or even the dozen or so hurdles his daughter (nearly 19) is placing in front of him. So... eyes wide open and .... time will tell! Have only just plucked up the courage to say this out loud and know some of you will start worrying for me - especially you BEAgle and RH. Please try not to - I believe in what I'm doing and I believe in G. I know, "leopard" "spots"... but you know, Anything Is Possible.

I must believe because I have said it out loud now. I haven't been able to talk to y'all about this coz... I had to get something important straight in my head. FQ and Bro met him - Bro "puffed up" and stuck out his chest and did a firm handshake. G was strong

quiet... he's very, very quiet and shy. Ha! And he fell in love with me.
I've been on active defence system for 19 months now... "real" feels surreal. Complex children have made life difficult for both of us. It's a lot to take onboard.
Who knows what will happen. Day at a time. Live for today - someone wise told me that.
I have so much to yabber about - I haven't even got my pics of London posted or told y'all about every little thing.......... would you believe - we went to a LED ZEPPELIN concert on Saturday Nite. FQ and I still don't believe it - it was TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, first date to remember I reckon. Hysterically funny. Now, if that's not a birthday present for FQ to be grateful for, I don't know what is. I can only imagine what she will do for my birthday!!!!!!!!!! Possibly buying me some "stocks" and throwing rotten apples and oranges - that would be a similar experience to her birthday treat. We did laugh... a lot.
It really was that awful - but hey, the 4 of us were there - we only decided to go a couple hours before it started because....... we weren't expecting there to be 4 of us (all very unexpected) and we didn't quite know what to do - we'd never been out together and G had never met FQ and Bro. So........ it was .... interesting. Really, very funny. Bro loved it - we........ tolerated the NOISE! <awful awful awful noisy singer - but the musicians were fab>
OK, I must go get a cuppa and then try and settle down for the nite. I'm buzzing now I've told y'all. Hoping all will be happy for me.
Cr*p - gotta be up in less than 5 hours to get little fella to school and haven't made it to sleep yet!!!!!!!!!! Feeling better now I've said stuff out loud. Go with the flow and all that, you just never know a?
FQ - I miss you already. I love you. x
Blue........... come home soon love. xox
Thinking of you all - always. x