Dutchy wrote:
Izzie I value my reputation highly, don't ruin it......
Good night.
Ha - will let PaddyBoy have that glory darlin'............ now, I wonder ...

Sleep well love and will see you in the morning. x
Spike - oh, there's the PromGirl - hugs big and hopes you sleep well too Down Under. x
Bazza - what can I say - check your inbox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAB!!!!!!!! Wasn't the mens race exciting at the end - I was kinda hoping the 2nd fella would be able to catch the Number1 - but he deserved the win - and a course record too after a fast pace start. These people amaze me with their stamina.
Hey djjd - fortunately it brightened up here and the sun shone for a little - it got warmer so I've been "doing" in the garden - lawns had a haircut and the weeds have been weedled and have been cutting back. Hope the spring clean goes well.
Exhausted now and haven't started on the house - think it's gonna have to wait a little bit - Tulip has S-boy so need to go and pick him up in a bit. Tulip - I left a message on the phone - think you must've gone out... call me if you see this.
Not very well today - not the joints - actually feel "ick ick" - ugh. Booking a GP appointment this week - need to go and have a talk with him - think it may be a long one. Also got a meeting with Social Services about, and with, the BigBoy - he's doing really well right now - just, I don't see him - he's with my friend's son or my mom - kinda hurts. But he's happy and just doing great, so that's OK. We need to get to the bottom of what went wrong at Easter with his placement - some major screw ups - thankfully, R was safe and came here for a couple hours, albeit he was upset - with them, not me, and he and I need some answers to ensure it doesn't happen again. He's doing grand tho - as far as I know - all appears calm.
Sun's popped out again - gonna go and sit for a while by the river.