Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 04:14 pm
the perfect way to battle the endless winter

a good pot of soup


wish i could have everybody over to enjoy
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 04:22 pm
This is on my menu djjd, ice cream and fruit. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 05:34 pm
oooooh Dj.... love soup! mmmm mmmmmmm good! Do you enjoy cooking? Personally, can't stand it.... cooking... ack! Little fella loves to cook. Tonite we had salmon en croute (no, we didn't make it from scratch ) and salad with lotsa red onions... mmmmmmmmmmmm... divine! Can you send some over the pond please?

Hey BEAgle - oh, S-boy knows all that I put on here (well, not any naughty bits and he will not see the toppling thread - ever I hope! ) - he sees all the pics on here - thisavo, before he fell asleep we went thru the Beautiful Animals thread - he loved it - couldn't believe the pics that Wilso had posted underwater. As he's the only part of my real life - I want him to know who I'm talking to and who sees him (sometimes he tells me that I have to take off a pic of him, but mostly, he's cool with it - he's also talked to a few A2Kers on the phone now - he worries less about me if he knows who is in my life. That's why FQsis is here too, and Tulip. Pam.... well, that's a kinda difficult one because R-boy spends at least one, maybe 2 nites at her house each week (her son is R's best friend) - so....... I want to keep A2K out of her house and life tho she knows I spend most of my time here (she is trying to get me to go out the house and meet people, but I can't do that yet) - I don't wish R to be on here or know about it - or the exhub - if either of them ever came on here - I would never come back - this is my safety net where I won't let anything hurt me. S-boy tho, he lives here - so he needs to be part of this.

Sheessssssssh... where'd all that come from then! It's Saturday nite - that's my fun nite! HA! Razz
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 05:41 pm
love to cook

can't bake worth a damn though
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 05:53 pm
Hi Izzie, have you had an Irish Bailey tonight, you're sparkling. Smile I did chat to S-boy once when you were in the US and he somehow managed to get on MSN, smart boy! Tell him the Beagle admires him for being a good son and bringing such a lot of sunshine into your life. Quiet Sunday morning here, I'm just playing the threads for a while and drinking a cuppa of Earl Grey. Smile
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 06:51 pm
You've talked to S-boy a few times - and FQsis and the girls - HA - we even played the piano to you Razz Badly, if I recall!

Gosh - really, really tired tonite for some reason and haven't even had a sleeping potion..... and haven't had a Baileys.... but.... gonna go get me one right now - just a wee drop Wink

Dj... can't bake either... well, can bake a cake on the odd occasion - you know, if I must. Very Happy
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 07:05 pm
Cheers Izzie, hope your Baileys goes down well, will toast you with a cold beer later on. Would you believe I have a batch of scones in the oven, how about that? Smile
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 07:20 pm
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... now you just need some clotted cream to go with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so.... let's see - we've had Canajun soup, British main course with a touch of Francais, Auzzie desert - and now scones, cream and Baileys..... we got us a ship's À la Deck special going on! Very Happy
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 07:40 pm
Where is verbivore, she would love to be a guest at our dinner table Captain. Laughing

Watching (with the rest of the Nation) a moving memorable service in Melbourne for the bushfire victims. Princess Anne is present representing the Queen.
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 07:47 pm
Harbour Master here.Have just noticed a very large bar tab in my in-tray.It covers a period of time that I should have been at my desk monitoring situations,but I was involved in a clandestine operation,codeword "Motown".Working for a Government department,this will look very bad on my next assessment but I can integrate this tab into the repair bill for 2 submarines which had a very close encounter the other day.
The Guvnor of the Pub will be suitably re-inbursed .I hope your crew had a good time at the tax-payers expense.
As always,I will keep a close eye on The Yabberliner.
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 07:57 pm
Permission to go on shore Captain, will catch you tomorrow, in the meant time wishing you a good night's rest with pleasant dreams. (((Izzie)))
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 08:28 pm
@Barry The Mod,
Ha..... that was Harbour Matster Brit for "I a'int got my wallet"...... you were missed Bazza.... next time I shall have the Bosun climb to the Nest and holler out - we need our Blue Boy back causing merry havoc and up in the nest heading un on our way!

Mines a double next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a packet of Salt n Vingear Walkers..... apt they are. Nite hun, sleep big and cahtchup soon.

BEAgle... on you go - make sure its a good day, one for the memory banks.

Love y'all - think I am slowly falling over. Nite all - sleep big..... thought for BabyNoah and other crew who need our love and support.

So.... DjjD.... whats for brekkie then Wink
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 09:45 pm
Hi, all! Just here & gone for me! A boring day of domestic diva-ness was in store for me. Am finally seated at my computer throne with wine & am just plum tuckered out. Oh, my hair is now a lovely shade of mahogany (or so says the box!) Just sittin' here, readin' & sippin', watchin' the snow & getting sleepy!
Brooke - sorry I wasn't here for your post about Noah. Glad he's doing better. Keep up posted? I'm there with ya through all the homework & cr*p, girlie! Wish we could go out & tip a few when you needed to! There's free hand-holding from here as well.
Iz-, hope the tootsies are fairing well. Haven't been reading so thoroughly as I'm fogged in a bit from the wine and the snow - ugh! Got several inches today. Just so sick of it - Blah!
Hugs all around. Hopefully I'll be able to be on board a bit more tomorrow as it looks like we'll be homebound! Love you all. Toodleszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 11:36 pm
Back on board after a surprise lunch at a seaside pub, just fabulous sitting outside on the terrace watching the 'birds' on the beach, and ofcourse I'm talking about the seagulls here. After 3 whiskeys on the rocks they almost looked human. Razz
Had a few more after that, Mrs D drove Wink , so can tell you this little joke I heard today. What do they call that, Dutch Courage. Laughing Talking about smart answers, listen to this!

A teacher at a polytechnic college reminded her pupils of tomorrow's final exam.
'Now listen to me, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow.
I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury, illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that's it, no other excuses whatsoever!'
A smart-arsed guy at the back of the room raised his hand and asked,
'What would happen if I came in tomorrow suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?'
The entire class was reduced to laughter and sniggering.
When silence was restored, the teacher smiled knowingly at the student, shook her head and sweetly said,
'Well, I suppose you'd have to write with your other hand'.

See you all later if you still want to talk.
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2009 06:50 am
HA! Shaking hands with the unemployed a?

oh... Sunday! should be not naughty!


Grey mizzly day here but we have sunshine in the house. Little fella is whistling <remember that FQ..... how he can whistle for HOURS!>, had some good news from a friend about a child who was having a spot of bother, which was so good to hear when resolved and good news about our BabyCrew Noah also - this is great. GREAT.

Now.... looks as tho we may be baking Shocked

sooooo...... gotta sign off for the moment - waiting for Tesco to arrive (preferably without dog do on their boots thissa time Neutral and we shall have fodder for the child - and have heaps of laundry to do. ACK - up on the toots - not the best plan in the world - but gotta get on!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.... sun has just popped up out outside too - Happy Days!

Lovin' y'all - back laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz x
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2009 09:09 am
Howdy scrummy yummys; may I confirm my earlier assertion that you guys really rock my world...this is only a drive by...I will catch up with the last 37 pages soon.....Go Baby Noah!

Thank you all very muchly for all the Valentines cards; unfortunately that were all destroyed in a fire at the Mumbai sorting depot " oh well, next year!

The plan was simple: throw a change of clothes in a bag and buy a ticket Tuesday morning (last minute - when I say "plan" I don't mean "in advance"). Leave Tuesday afternoon, fly overnight and arrive at Huntsville International Airport 7:30am Wednesday.

Be at the office by 8:30am, shower and start work by 9:00. Mess up a couple of people's days and then have dinner with a colleague and his wife Wednesday evening before crashing back at The Westin. Oh, I hear y’all saying, ‘what a cheapskate’ it’s only a three star hotel...Well, it still costs $169.00 a night!!! Head back to the airport Thursday morning and catch the 10:40am flight back through Chicago. Simple; right?

It worked fine right up to the return part where I got to the airport and found the flight was delayed. Mechanical problems. The airline wanted to route me back via New York but then send me on a five hour misery journey via Raleigh Durham (where the heck is that?) on a tiny runt of a regional jet.

Since my butt falls asleep after thirty minutes stuck in one of those things, and given that my delayed flight through Chicago was still showing an earlier arrival in Ohio than the alternative, I rolled the dice that the plane would be repaired...

While waiting my thoughts turned to my dear sweet huggable friends on the Yabber Liner; mercifully that image didn’t last long as both Wandel and Dutchy were AWOL, so...

I managed to take an hour out of my fun-packed work schedule and get me a fizzical. It's not that I felt I needed one, nor did I have any strange symptoms that made me suddenly reassess my mortality. No, my trip to Boston had used up the last of my sleeping tablets and for some unaccountable reason the quack likes to see me periodically (like every decade or so) if he's going to keep writing me a script for narcotics. So, since I had some money left in my health savings account I thought I might as well get the 30,000 mile service, have my oil checked and make sure I wasn't one step from the breaker's yard.

For some reason I couldn't get to see an actual physician until March (obviously being ill is very popular right now) so I saw the Physician's Assistant. After all the obligatory weighing, blood pressure taking and answering of questions on a form (such as "Have you ever had sex with a man?") Sheesh, have I got the right form already? I was ready for the fun part. Something important changed since I was last at the doctor's office. Something very important! I turned # ty. This means I qualify for a prostate exam (although, it's another ten years until I'm due to have a Dyno-rod up my anus for the full colon exam).

The buildup was very subtle - first she lulled me into a false sense of security with an ear exam. Then she tested my reflexes, of which I apparently possess none, and checked my breathing. Next thing you know it's down with the pants and time to turn my head and cough for the hernia check. Nice warm hands, but no time to relax because the next step was "Turn around and bend over". Apparently I'm not bending over far enough, and I'm requested to bend over further; meanwhile I'm murmuring "There's no place like home. There's no place like home."

At this point she tries to relax me by telling me that she's not going to do anything without telling me what she's about to do. I'm sorry, but do you think that makes it better? Do you really think I want to hear you tell me what's going to happen in advance? So I can visualize it? Trust me, some things are easier to handle when they come as a complete surprise.

"OK, first I'm just going to look."

Oh right, just in case I wasn't self-conscious before, I'm now having my butt examined by an expert. What's she checking for? To see if it looks healthy? Or maybe she doubted my answer to the question about sex with men. Nah, probably just taking aim. I don't know what she said next but it had something to do with lubricant.

"Now I'm going to shove my entire hand in your butt and do rock-paper-scissors."

Well that's not exactly what she said, but it may as well have been. I now know how the turkey feels. All I needed was a light basting and I was oven-ready.

The good news is that I'm healthy. At least for now - perhaps the blood work they ordered will reveal some hideous ailment in a week or two. But tomorrow I'll return to work an older, wiser man. I'll have that look in my eye. You know - the flinty "I've experienced a few things in life" look of the range-hardened cowboy, kinda like John Wayne.... I'll probably be walking like him too.....Although being called ‘Marion’ does seem to suit me.

May you always...Have a sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you. Laughter to cheer you. Faithful friends near you. And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you.” May those who love you, love you; and those who don't, may God turn their hearts; and if he doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles* so you will know them by their limping.”

* This was originally gonna refer to ‘Yankees’; however, in an effort to remain uncontroversial it was changed; assuming dear sweet Izzie is running around like a two year old.

May I have the hindsight to know where I've been, the foresight to know where I am going, and the insight to know when I have gone too far”.

Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2009 11:49 am
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh..... he's back, he's back.......our Blue has come home and full of as much effluence ....errrrrrrrr..... influence as he always upon us - how happy to see your Blue face Mr. Green

Sheesh - we missed ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now...... the question is: Was it hard as a rock, soft as tissue paper or did you get the cutting edge as you wiped...... the smile of course, being on her face! She was of course, a Scissor Sister!

smooches to you, so so happy to see ya back with the family. x
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2009 03:33 pm
Hey all,

thought I pay a visit! Hope all is ok Iz and foot or should I say feet, are not playing up too much! Took F boy to his Warhammer club thing and he enjoyed that, packed some stuff when I got back and went to my second home - the Dump again! Just waiting to see what tomorrow brings, exchange contracts of the house or not, that is the question, whether it nobler etc etc........ Ok boring.

JB glad Noah is on the road to recovery, kids bounce back quickly, really good news.

Seems like some of you have had snow again, some great pics.

FQ hope you are well and have had a good half term with the girls.

Beagle how are things going with you? Fires out yet? You take care.

Try - you seem to have been very busy or some one has been very busy with you! Ha!

Well gotta go bed, work in the morning and more stress!
Will keep in touch soon. Take care all of you and scrub those decks well X
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2009 03:55 pm
Hi annis, thanks for dropping by but please try to relax a little and avoid the stress. Gives you grey hairs you know. Smile

4 major fires are still burning out of control in Victoria, and people in various places have been advised to evacuate this morning as the conditions are once again extremely hot with strong winds prevailing.

Good to see tryagain surfacing but I'm very worried about his health though. What those nurses, no matter how beautiful they look, are putting him through must be sheer agony. Hang in there soldier we're all praying for you, or should that be wishing. Laughing

Captain how are the tootsies tonight, tripping around the kitchen yet, or still racing around in that turbo charged two-wheeler? You're in my thoughts.

Hope all of the crew had an enjoyable weekend, I know a certain Beagle did. Wink
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2009 03:58 pm
Hey Beagle,

good to hear from you, white hairs I just dye them! Very Happy

Sorry to hear the fires are still going on, you take care of yourselves.

Gotta go bed now as work is looming tomorrow X

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