Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 08:15 am
Hi Izzie, best news all day, sleep well my friend, will guard over you. Hugs and vibes coming your way. xx
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 08:29 am
Glad to hear it is going well Izzie...take care of yourself. ((Izzie))
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 08:35 am
Mornin' crew -- I hope everyone is behaving themselves today. This is one of those days when I look at my cats and wish I could spend my day the way they do. Restless night last night. I could use a cat nap.

Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 09:14 am
That is a sweet picture! Makes me want to go back to bed myself!
Sorry you had a restless night...will be sending the sleep vibes for you tonight! Wink
coffee...that's what I need.
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 09:51 am

Great to hear you are home and well keep on going........................
These boots are made for walking X
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 09:57 am
Goodness! Just read all the yabberin'! Glad our MizzIz- is starting on the road to recovery - somewhere in lala-land! Very Happy Prolly feels a little somethin' like this? Drunk
Lovin' the saxy shoes! I love black & probably have a lovely little black dress number for you to wear as you tango with Dutch-! Now, what a pic that would be! Wink But seriously, feel better, gal. And, yes, we are all holding your hand. Special "mother love-type" thoughts for S-boy as he's away from you.
Hi to everyone else! Are you new to the yabber, 'boida? If so, then welcome!
Mis-, am literally nauseous over your pukey tale! But the preamble is now going through my head as well. I know the whole thing from the song, of course. (Now that's the mark of a 70's childhood!)
Brooke-y - always glad to hear from you! How ya holdin' up? Gotcha in my prayers. And, no, no floods here so far. Weather went from our recent warm & sunny February heatwave back to the usual dreary grey. Blah! You okay in your weather?
Hey, Dutch! Where there are vineyards there are wineries! I'm (mentally) bookin' a ticket to come take a tour with you! Wink
Hi, verb-! Wish I could have been there in your embarrassing situation to cover you! That's what friends are for!
JP! That has got to be one of the most adorable kitty pics I've ever seen! Think I'll go take a catnap ... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 02:56 pm
Helllllllllllllllo Motley Crew....

Great songs Tulip " loved them! Hopefully see you soon gal for a cuppa. Is Mom coming down for half term???? You got any plans yet?

Well, it’s real strange. I just cannot keep my eyes open ! All is still going well " had a big sleep thisavo and MaMa brought S-boy round for a quick hug which was great. He could see I was fine so that would put his mind at rest. He’s doing much better " over his bug, just a wee bit washed out.

FQsis - great to talk with you tonite - have a wonderful evening out for Valentines................ BOOK THOSE TICKETS TOMORROW - just do it - you'll both love it. Looking forward to seeing K on Saturday and having his big hug.

Hey Mis " how were the babies today " were you working? Hoping that you remain bug free " noticed you were singing earlier on " aaaaaaaaah.... would love to hear you sing for real. What’s the Patriotic Program????? How precious to have the kids do a duet.

Hey BEAgle " I think I must have been off in lala land " seem to be there a lot. Hows things Down Under.... haven’t seen or heard any news in the last 48 hours so not up to date on what’s going on. What’s news? Whereabouts were you walking " vineyards near you? Did you have a few tasters a?

Ha Babbling " ohhh.... what happened with the flood warnings? Is the weather calming down over there now? Let us know how you are gal and rant some more if needs be. No rush on emailing me back babe " as and when " just you take care girlie! Hoping all is good with BabyNoah and that K,R and kids are back home and safe and sound.

Vegemite " how goes it with you? Hoping all is good at work and you’ve settled back down after your fab break away from it all. HA " loved your story " OH MY " how embarrassing could that have been... dear dear dear! Did have a chuckle here " glad nothing went too horribly wrong there.

JPB " bad nite gal? That’s not like you a? Did you one, one, one, one.... Hoping all’s k with you and you get a better nite tonite. All love.

Queen Dev " how’s Thing1 holding up now she’s back at school. All k there " maybe a little tired a? You’re a busy gal these days which is great to hear " hope you are feeling pretty darn proud of yourself at what you’re achieving! Good on ya. Posivibes still for hubby " all good wishes there.

Thinking of y’all " Flooping Bethie, djjd, Indeedee, RH (how’s you), Bazza (did ya get tickets), TC (had yer rant yet gal) Alex(miss you), jwSpecAgnt, BigRedDude, MM and Stacy, WytVi (don’t lock yourself away), RogRat (haven’t seen our resident rodent in a while),Stevie, Monty, Stormy and BLUE (missing yoooohooo) - et al the new crew too who are popping onboard. Great to have y’all here, there and everywhere.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 03:10 pm
Izzie wrote:

Hey Crew

Ima HOME yay yay yay Very Happy

Didn't get an awful lot of sleep last nite and had to take a sleeping potion at 4am Shocked and then was wakened around 6.30 for obs...

saw the surgeon - he's was happy, saw the anaethetist, he was happy, saw the phsyios and did walking and stairs and all that in my 'bootiful' sexy shooz, she was happy - therefore I am extremely happy Razz

literally closing my eyes whilst typing here so just to say.... it's been a stroll in the park so far, piece of cake. No probs, no mega pain today with the assistance of some heavy duties, have managed successfully with Izzie's zooming zimmer delight and zimmed along without too much difficulty at all Very Happy

Reckon I've got a bunch of you holding my hand making this real easy plain sailing for me - so thanking you muchly. (Ha.... got one of my daft ideas for later..... ho ho ho!!! Mr. Green)

Now.... off to sleep and will catch up later - haven't managed to read anything back yet or look around (forgive me, but too hard to focus) - just wanted y'all to know I am REALLY REALLY doing fab - just verra verra tired.

Hoping y'all are doing well too, wherever you and and whatever you are doing. Will be back a little later to lounge on the deck and catch up on all the yabbering and news - off to find a dreamcatcher and to say thanku to each and everyone one of you whilst I zzzzzzzz. Lovin' y'all!

Laterz darlin's Very Happy

Great news. You're home. Not too bad with the pain and the walking. Also great news.

Snoozing. Good. Snooze. Then we'll schmooze.
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 04:40 pm
Morning Captain happy to read your long post and knowing that S-boy came to see you. You sound pretty chirpy, keep it up, the crew is watching your every step.

15 fires still burning but the cooler conditions has reduced their intensity making it easier for the fire crews to contain them., however another hot spell with hot winds is forecast for next week causing plenty of anxiety.

Sofar 450.00 hectares (over 1 million acres) of land has been blackened, 1070 houses destroyed with the death toll expected to reach in excess of 300.

I do go for my walks in the old disused vineyards across the road from where I live, parts have been gobbled up by commercial buildings but a great park has been left forever because of its Aboriginal heritage. A small creek runs through the middle of it with massive gum trees on all sides. A serene spot in the middle of suburbia.

btw, you have mail Izzie. Smile
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 06:53 pm
Hey there Boida and BEAgle.... yep, pleased to home, just totally exhausted. I must have fallen asleep earlier on the sofa and have woken up - heating has gone off and I didn't take my pain meds when I should have ..... ohhhhhhhhh..... now I'm cold and a little on the sore side! More pain tonite than earlier - but I was pottering earlier - maybe too much time on the toots. Effort even making a cuppa is big effort!

Hey ho - have taken my meds now and sure the pain will lessen when they kick in. So far, so good - still doing much better than I thought I would be - early days yet - and have steroids going around the body from the op, so that will be helping a lot. Thinking positively tho - all is coco. Smile
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 06:56 pm
Make sure you have an early night Izzie, sleep will do you the world of good, I will hold your tootsies. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 06:58 pm
oh my stars!

Izzie wrote:

you are the FQueen's sister for sure. I have wanted getas like that forever!


and you just, like, go out there and get yourself some!


so glad to to see you're home - I hope the meds kick in soon.

Can you make yourself a thermos of tea while you're at it, so that you've got some in hand?
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 07:16 pm
Ha Bethie.... hey.... flooping big flip flops those a?

I also have my lovely blue shoes too.... you know, the pastic foam ones with the velco (mmmmmmmmmm luverly) - I'm saving them for the moment because the exictement is just tooooo much! Smiling big here. You'd love my zimmer too - think I need to decorate it with some ribbons as I strutt my stuff!!!!!!!!!

Got a tight hold of my dominion right now - keeping strong. Smile

<will move kettle into lounge tomorrow.... then I won't be up and down like a yoyo Rolling Eyes >
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 08:32 pm

Hey Izzie,

Since you don't have a cast, I signed your leg instead. Hope you're feeling up to dancing a jig real soon!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 08:42 pm
Izzie wrote:
I also have my lovely blue shoes too.... you know, the pastic foam ones with the velco (mmmmmmmmmm luverly) - I'm saving them for the moment because the exictement is just tooooo much!

your zori?


My life vest has ribbons on it for some of my old Abuzz pals and various battles they fought. Ribbons R Good!

Hang on Sloopy, hang on.

Set says to tell you that you are a SweetieHeartGirl. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 09:50 pm

Mismi, Verby and I practice our friendly taro patch dance in anticipation of the Cap'n's recoveryFest.
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 10:46 pm
yeah ehbeth..count me in Smile
and by the way there is a step like that in te folk dances here Smile
Izziee dearie- take ample rest and get well soon.. we are all set to entertain you Smile
missy & dev - glad to ctch u in FB
Wyvi - thrs a long pending mail..coming ur way ths weekend Smile hope ur daughters stay was nice Smile
BEAgle - u arent there for todays predictions??

Crew- ths is Friday the 13th...no horror ????
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2009 11:52 pm
Friday 13th, bad day for predictions verbivore. Already saw a black cat and walked under a ladder today, not sticking my neck out any further. Smile
Reply Fri 13 Feb, 2009 07:32 am
Morning Y'all - (or Good Evening and Afternoon!)

Friday the 13th - pooh! It's the day before Valentines day. Lots of lovey dovey stuff going on around here! My boys are so excited about their party today.

Iz - take care of yourself...gentle squeeze from me.

Love that we are dancin' til the Cap'n gets better.

Gotta go - much to do before work.

Hugs and kisses!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Feb, 2009 07:55 am
howdy all, just checking in to say

howdy all Very Happy

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