TTH wrote:Morning one & all. I read everyone's post. Nice to see the pictures and the row boat made me laugh.
The orca story. My sister & I were on a ferry up in Canada. The captain shut the engines off and announced over the loud speaker that there was a pod of orcas on our port side and thought we might like to watch them for a moment. People around were confused and were asking "port side, what side is that?" I yelled really loud it means go to the right side and then I grabbed my sister by the arm and said hurry up as we headed to the left side. She was confused and said "I thought you said right side". I told her I did, but if she wants to get an upfront view to follow me. I laughed as I reminded her I took boating and the port side is on the left. We had the best view right up front
Oh TTHun - that has made me chuckle
(so impressed with that - will remember that for the future!
) I reckon you can be quite mischievous when you want
STORMY - I LOVE YOUR SNOW! OK - now in the real world - OMGosh - what a lot of shovelling. Oooooh - chilly, gloves, hat, scarf, 6 pairs of socks and snow boots!
So.... I am sending you a sun lounger just along from the beach, early evening, round the camp fire - and we can all have a sing-a-long - few Irish folk tunes, little bit of Dixie Chicks and perhaps just a little warmth to go your way.
Thanku for the pics - you live in a wonderful spot there - it looks like your house is floating on a cloud - amazing.
Mismi-dixie-me. (thanku!) I hope you get all you need to do, done! With a little time to spare so you and the Professor can have a moment or to "stop". (Hope the pooches are sorted)
Now remember girlie
lots of singing
.. and don't forget the ear-plugs for you and the honey.
Have a lovely trip and travel safe girlie.
Happy Journey.
Wishing everyone a good day - Wednesday Masquerade Party Tonight hosted by Masters Mate Fletcher Christian Try Amen
Gotta say - the Pink Devil is looking "Pretty In Pink" and methinks he must like it - no objections so far! I wonder whether he will appear now or whether his BabyBlue twin will come onboard
Ships Ahoy to you all - let's sail plain today