Ships Log
K crew - well we've had crew onboard and taking to shore throughout the day. We were lucky to see kiddie pirates aboard with biscuits, which was a real treat.
We welcomed BabyBlue's
Brother onto the crew - Masters Mate Fletcher Christian Try Amen.
- he has yet to show his colours (will he be be pink and fluffy I ask?)
- but he will always be welcome on this ship.
Jo briefly visited too - nice to see you here.
Crew who have extended shore leave - hope all is coco - JPB, RH, TTH, BB, Stormy, Alex24.... Mismi is runningÂ….and runningÂ…and running. Hope she has managed to get sorted for the impending trip. Respect gal. Take good care all
This crew in Devon is a little weary right now so the log is short and sweet tonight.
Wishing all the lovely people and of course, Masters Mate Fletcher Christian Try Amen
good days and nites and thinking of you all.
[entry log 3.03am]
Crew - You are the best.