Missy -
Delighted he got off well - following his big brothers footsteps - confident and happy - you gave him the confidence and allowing him to use that and become independent - he will find his "self" as you will now regain "your self". So, so happy to hear it went well this morning - and I'm sure your days will fill all too quickly with things you haven't been able to do for a long time. I hope you'll also have a little quiet time - just to smell the roses sweet girl. The boys will keep running back to their MaMa - and you'll be there with your arms wide open to hug them. Whole new journey starting for you all. You should be proud hun - you gave him your strength
and the little guy jumped straight onto the bus knowing his MaMa will be waiting for him when he gets off. How happy is that a? Good fer you Dixie.
((Beth)) - happy day today x
(((WytVi))) - what's happening girl ? Wanna let it out
you know this deck has some pretty good loungers to lie on for taking a rest and just feeling a little safe for a while. We can put on a brew - and you can rest here for a while. Or you can unravel on the toppling thread and lose the frayed bits - and we can sit with you for a while. I know your illness is very painful - probably some here do not know of what you have to deal with daily - but I know that good days are "good" and bad days are more than just bad - they are extremely debilitating and your physical pain cannot be relieved with medication, leave alone our words. However, if we can ease your mental going's on in any way - you know we're all here. Lots of love and gentle hugs coming your way girl - let us know whatever makes you comfortable - and we'll carry on sailing with you onboard. xox
You know I've been reading a little of late
been thinking about our Noddy and her beliefs - how amazing she was
she didn't say these things out loud - you know, not like I do when I think something - which is very loud at times
but - I just wanted to put this out here - coz even tho I didn't know it
those beliefs are the way I know and live
tho I didn't know I did it that way - does that make sense
. No probably not
I know what I mean
I think!
everyone is different - we all have different beliefs, values, outlooks - just thought you may want to see this - it's kinda close to me right now - and as you know - I am rarely quiet and it's heart on sleeve
Start your day with positive emotions. Wake up and thank Goddess and God (Universe, Higher Being or whatever you may want to call it) for this brand-new day. Do not just jump off the bed. Stretch your body, smile and think about the great possibilities this day can give you.
You are a miracle of the finest creation. Did you ever just sit quietly and listen to your heart beating within your chest? Think about it a few minutes and think of the magnificent things going on inside you.
Do not take this life as granted. Be thankful for the air you breathe, for the Sun that shines, for the people that surround you, for the possibilities you are given.
Create and do not destroy. Let Nature go its way. You are a part of the Creative source that created you. Follow that chain and pay with the same. Create!
I'm hoping Tulip will be here soon - Tulip - I'm thinking of you - I know you will be hurting - I know this is hard for you girlie - giving you so much love
.. come aboard when you're able. Please tell us of your holiday and how things are. My little fella is missing F-boy like crazy - hope the kids are well - hope you are well hun. X
Smooches all. xox x