Reply Sun 3 Aug, 2008 09:26 am
Iz = that did make me laugh about the golf ball - if I had been there, the inevitable would have happened and I would have been knocked out!!

As for you Try - you do keep on trying - I would be more successful at streaking than playing golf - tht's for sure - and yes Brooke darling, you are a goddess - don't forget that - men will try any way to get your clothes off - even golf...............how desperate!!!

Just been shopping with my girlies, to get my last minute wardrobe for the Caribbean next week - how exciting - and hubby has cooked dinner and done all the ironing - OMG - what a metrosexual man I have - Got friends over for dinner and his food is safer than mine - so up putting my lippy on!!! - Keep hanging in there Brooke - stay busy, but don't overdo it hun!!

Iz - your diving was pretty impressive, especially with gammy feet - you still got it babe xx
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Reply Sun 3 Aug, 2008 10:51 am
Hey lovelies

Bethie - have a fab day at the beach - ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY! xox

BabyBlue.... so not gonna say about little hard balls in my hand .....nope.... not gonna go there! Round 'em up! x

Alex - love ya stories - and no.... no matter how many years go by - when you get together with your mates - us girls howl! Have a wonderful Sunday love. Bet ya LOVED the fun. x

Babbling - you are here with me hunni - right beside me and holding my hand - I haven't let yours go yet my friend.... enjoy the swim - I will be enjoying too. Love ya xox

Sis - HA! Said the exact same thing - after all the probs getting my medical travel insurance - can you imagine having to claim for a concussion in the ppol whilst swimming after being hit on the head with a golf ball. There would have to be a clause for that - pre existing balled I reckon! Have a fab time today and tell my bro I love him - love you all. x

Off to the mall - OMG - shopping for the kids <ugh> (world's worst shopping person here) but that's what they wanted - magic tricks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Catchy'all later. Lovin ya. x

(hope our Mis is having the best time) Razz
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Reply Sun 3 Aug, 2008 04:47 pm
What a small world! As you may know Mismi (who hails from Alabama) is on vacation in Tennessee and by coincidence I met her in Starbucks; after exchanging pleasantries she declined my invitation to visit my trailer, so I say, "Wanna hear a good Alabama joke?"

She replies, "Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. The guy sitting next to me is 6-2, weighs 225, and comes from Alabama and the fella next to him is 6-5, weighs 250, and he's also from Alabama, his cousin over there is 6 feet tall, 200 lbs., and guess what; is also from Alabama. Now, you still wanna tell that joke you ass?"

I say, "No way; not if I'm gonna have to explain it three times."

May you all be on vacation in your heart!
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Reply Sun 3 Aug, 2008 11:05 pm
Hey lovelies

Oh what a day….. <sings>

So…we went to the mall…..I'd forgotten how big these places are and how incredibly inexpensive compared to the UK the clothes are…. Well actually, everything is inexpensive here compared to the UK. Now I know y'all probably want photos of Texas and all that…… BUT…. Look at the CANDY STORE - this is the dentists paradise here - I couldn't believe there were so many sweets in one place (gosh - all those "e's" - the little fellas face was a picture - very wide-eyed…. And no…. I am a mean, mean Mom and he didn't get any! ) (very colourful place, but oh.... all those sweets Shocked )


However, when we went in the mall there were these guys playing wooden flutes - just fab - as y'all know, little fella plays flute - well, these guys were just incredible - so of course, we had to have a try - I could not get ONE note out…. Little fella picks it up and …. What a beautiful sound. So he did get a prize - and he can play it sooooo well

It sounds like this
tho his flute is a little smaller

Texas Bubba Baby

Now - to keep y'all young and energized - look at the little fellas living, laughing and loving…
They have the whole pool to themselves……. How cool is that? Such a different world to the one we live in.

K - my darlin's - it's been a fine day here - I hope y'all had a great weekend and are looking forward to a new week. Thinking of you all - hope the BEAgle is enjoying his time with his family in PL (missing ya hun) and hope that everyone is alright.

Crew - you are the very, very best. Very Happy

Oh BabyBlue - found you some chocolate - who needs strip poker a? Just ask the assistant for a sample Shocked

HA - so laughing!

(mis - I misu Dixie) xox

Special thoughts and love to Noddy - praying for her right now. She needs our strength as a family right now.
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 02:40 am
(ooooooooooooooh - it's that hot here - we keep getting black outs as they cut the electricity supplies - I guess like the BEAgle was going through earlier this year!) Shocked
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 05:16 am
Your photos are excellent, Izzie. Looks like fun, but that heat sounds terrible.
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 06:19 am
Cool Hey Izzie and S baby - love the pics - s has caught the sun already bless him and those little freckles - sure looks like he is having the BEST time - and I bet he played the flute beautifully - Love you godson.

You mustn't overdo the walking hunni pie - even though it is cheap - mind you , just wait till I get there and have a shopping spree - in my stilettos!

It looks so lovely and relaxed - enjoy every minute babe

Love you xx
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 12:36 pm
Hey Crew...

It's a beautiful day but too hot to go out right now.

Thinking of our Noddy - hoping, hoping, hoping.... posivibes... just think positive.

Thanks jw... will post more pics soon. x

Sis - I love you. xox
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 01:07 pm
Hey, Ms. Iz-! Just seein' all yer pics makes me feel like I'm havin' a good time right along with ya! So jealous of all but the heat! We're about 20 degrees cooler here - ha! high 80's to near 90. If you catch the weather there on the telly you can wave to me in the big mitten! Smile
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 02:57 pm
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 04:09 pm
Good morning all - loved the cat Izzieliz and your pics are great. Feels like we are there too. I am with Try on the situation with Noddy (out of the loop here) but hope all turns out. Missing my Jinks with Beagle. One of the geese is nest making so guess our gaggle is going to grow. Back to babysitting munchkin again this week so will have hands full.
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 04:25 pm
To any crew not aware of the current situation with noddy. She was admitted to the hospital on 7/22 with complications of her crohn's disease and other issues. Her son, omacneil (aka D___), started a thread to keep us informed as to her condition. Some of us have been sitting vigil so to speak on that thread. D___ contacts have recently been coming through emails to jespah. She posted the lasted update this morning here.


Izzie -- I know how hard today has been for you and I know how much noddy means to you. Hugs, hun.

I'm sorry for bringing such news to the ship but rather than have unanswered questions I thought it best to provide a link.
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 04:26 pm
Queen Dev - will talk to you soon hun - looking forward to it - with ya girl and keep that focus k - remember I'm calling your name ... whenever yer ready girlie.

Blue - love you Baby.

Indeedee - I knew you would love Nicholas - he is such a lovely kitty - there is another one here ~ Xavier - and a Dalmation Girl ~ Alvis!!!

Hope you are well girlie - and MaMa and PaPa. How is your daughter going - any morning icks???? Gosh... bubba Geese too.. it's all happening a? How is hubby? Have docs had any conclusions yet?

We have just been swimming and the kid are all playing over at the neighbour - there are 7 of them there... so they will be having lot of fun.

Noddy is very poorly and on life support. We need to be real, real positive here... She is an inspiration to us all - she's always there ready with her words and her wisdom and encouragement. So.... she knows how loved she is... if she is too tired - then she must sleep - and be at peace - but posivibes for her right now, and for her family - especially her son.
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 04:27 pm
Good morning crew just dropping by to say I miss you all. The country side
is looking fantastic after all the rain it has received, the best falls for many years, farmers could be in for a bumper crop. Going out with two abalone divers today and observe how they work. DDXX, don't you worry, will catch up with you soon. Ship ahoy my hearties really hitting an uncharted course today. Hugs from downunder.
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 04:27 pm
Oh JPB my lovely...

we cross posted. Thanku hun x

BEAgle - we miss you too.... so glad tho you are with M and family. Love and hugs to you and Mrs.BEAgle. xx
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 04:44 pm
Thanks JPB for the fill in re Noddy - thoughts are with her and hers. Izzieliz thanks for well wishes - yes daughter is suffering more with this pregnancy than her first - but that might mean opposite sex. Hubby is doing okay at the present biopsy at end of month will tell more. Morning Dutchy enjoy your abalone search.
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 05:04 pm
Sorry to hear that this pregnancy isn't plain sailing - maybe kinda good that the weather is cooler for her rather than being hot and ick... (small mercies a?)

Keeping positive here for hubby - know you guys support one another - we're here for you hun if you wanna yabber... or email. Have you got distraction plan for August - going away at all or doing anything special? Love to MaMa and PaPa and munchkin x
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 05:25 pm
Yes Izzieliz - we will go away for a few days together after the biopsy - have two places we enjoy going to - one in the mountains or one down to the beach. Think it will be the beach he always enjoys it there. About one and a half hours drive (just nice).
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 05:30 pm
Go out on a boat hun.... peaceful times at sea. Know this has to be a struggle for you both. Let the little munchkin make you laugh in the meantime - kids have an innocence and no fear of the unknown - so keep looking at his little face.

Will be lovely for you to go away then. Good distraction. x
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Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 05:38 pm
Wow, Try-, I'm overwhelmed. Aren't you just the sweetest?! And let me just say that a2k people totally rock! Doing my best impression of a sane person trying to keep up with you all! Will need to read the Noddy thread. Thanks for the info, JPB. I'm so sorry to hear it, but will be praying and sending vibes as of immediately!
DeeDee, hope all turns out the best possible way for hubby. And that pregnancy definitely sounds like a boy to me! Have one of each and the pregnancies were like night and day. That little guy gave me heck and then some! Hope you have a great hol.
Glad you're having a good time, Dutch-. We miss ya, but love that you peak your beak in for a look see!
Ms. Iz-, not sure if we'll be able to actually converse on the telly (explanation on it's way via pm), but I've go the yahoo chat on!)
Hope y'all are well and know that you are loved and hugged by me. I sure do appreciate all of you, your good vibes and well wishes!
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