Reply Mon 7 Jul, 2008 07:56 pm
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Jul, 2008 08:46 pm
JustBrooke wrote:
devriesj wrote:
Here's hopin' Max gives you an intestine full, Brooke! (just kiddin' :wink:)
You didn't tell us where you got him, did you? He really is cute. You'll have to keep us updated on life with him!

I'll mail it to ya if he does, dev. Razz Plus, I will keep you updated with lots of pics! I have taken quite a few already......just haven't gotten around to loading them off the dig yet.
Izzie! Shocked That babbling brook definitely needs a taming!

That's too kind, Brooke-y, but I couldn't ask you to spend money on postage for the stuff. (Plus I'd LOVE to see you trying to mail something like that. Shocked The thought counts tho. Razz
Yer not gonna flood are ya, Izzie? You getting more rain than we are?
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Reply Mon 7 Jul, 2008 08:50 pm
Steve, so hope I didn't offend your delicate sensibilities! :wink: I was quite nauseous the whole afternoon and ate a late lite dinner because of it!
But no more talk (or incidence, hopefully) of poo!

It's good to see you all, but I've gotten suddenly rather sleepy - Oh! And it's only just going on 11pm. Will it be an 'early' night for me? (I doubt it!)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Jul, 2008 09:40 pm
devriesj wrote:

That's too kind, Brooke-y, but I couldn't ask you to spend money on postage for the stuff. (Plus I'd LOVE to see you trying to mail something like that. Shocked The thought counts tho. Razz

<snickers> Razz

G'nite sweet people.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 04:07 am
Back again for a peep, my gawd, I can still smell them puppies. Yuk. Smile
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 05:05 am
No problems Dev. I've no sound or smell card on this computer.

Well I've been doing some adding up this morning. Money.

Some of you might remember I got a certificate of lunacy for cycling to Brighton last week for the RMBI Charity.

I raised about £350, but the grand total was more like £35,000. So as you might expect I'm exceedingly chuffed...as I write this by the pool side in the luxury hotel in the Seychelles ....not .....THAT WAS A JOKE. ok!

But £35k is no joke so thank you all VERY MUCH for your encouragements and support and especially to a certain person who insisted on sponsoring me!

ok crew sail on.
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Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 05:17 am
Congratulations Steve that is a wonderful effort. I predicted you we're in line for the weekly "Ships-Award", which was duly bestowed upon you by the Captain, but 35k pounds is a fantastic total and could well see a repeat of last weeks award! Well done.
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Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 05:44 am
Morning / Afternoon / Evening

Hey boys - how good to climb aboard and see you two here.

Stevie - £35K is a huge amount of money for charity and will make a difference to those who are in need - and your contribution was fanstastic - not just in monetary terms but just because you did it and what is stands for. You're a star hunni - the ship's award was well deserving for our cycling boy and everyone here is so proud of you.

BEAgle - have you warmed up yet? Who won - did Indeedee beat the pants off you? :wink: Hope you've had a good day darlin'.

It's finally stopped raining and is a little blustery and blowy but not chilly at all really. River has gone down a little. QueenDev - I really don't think this place will flood - but you can never say never - it hasn't in 21 years since it was built and the house is about 12ft higher than the river - according to my neighbour "the local farmer" has a GOOD and VALID reason why this particular river coming off the moors won't flood - no idea what the reason is, but.... all things in life are a risk a? I am shocked at how high it got yesterday, and no doubt will panic a little in the winter - but only coz I have never lived next to a river before. I always said I wouldn't having seen what people go through with floods - but, it's a chance I have taken. You can't get much lower geographically where I'm living - I am at the bottom of a very large Dartmoor - but hey, look at the dragonflies and stuff here!!!! Very Happy Pleasure of being here is outweighing risk of flood - if it does flood - well, my photo albums are ALL upstairs and I have nothing of real value - all kids memorabilia is in the loft (see, I did think this through) - so.... I'll go with whatever happens. Living here was definitely the right move - no regrets! No-one can predict a "Boscastle" flooding - it's one of those things in nature - strangely enough... as some here know, Boscastle is my most favourite place in the world - it was completely destroyed, and is now completely beautiful again and full of hope. So.... no worries.

(It's apparently gonna be severe rain tomorrow - I'll probably yabber about this for a while 'til I get "au fait" with it!) :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 07:04 am
Good Morning! I am up and at 'em! I have already mopped the kitchen and am about to go work on my flowers around my mailbox. I am taking S to the Dr. today. Something is going on with that tummy that I do not believe is a bug. Nervous tummy? Blockage? I don't know. He seems to be fine then after eating will just be in such pain. He cries and it is really quite a helpless feeling. I can't figure it out. Thought it was just a stomach virus...but am starting to think that is not the case.

Izzie, it sounds like your brook is quite tempermental! I like that...moody river! Laughing I am sure the farmer knows of what he speaks. Quite sure you are safe! How is S doing?

The boys have found a passion for tennis since Wimbledon. They are out playing it in the garage everyday. They have asked their Dad and I if we can take them to the tennis courts to play. We are going to try to go do that once S's tummy feels better.

JPB - thinking about you as you search for a new car. Hope you find a good one at a great price.

Dutchy - I hope you are enjoying your dinner with friends

DeeDee - hope all is well with you hun.

Dev - I love those puppies but they are so much WORK! But they grow up fast then they're just DAWGS. So enjoy it while it lasts.

Brooke...sweet girl - so good to see you here!

Steve I am quite impressed with the amount of money you raised. Glad to hear the charity did so well. Such a great thing to do!

I will see you all later...
going to finish up before we go to the doc.

hugs to all,
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 07:39 am
Great job, Steve. Congratulations!

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Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 07:59 am
g'morning, g'morning

Happy Tuesday wherever you are.

Steve -- fantastic job! You've every right to be chuffed.

dev and brooke -- all I can say is, eeeeeeewwwwwwwww re poo and thank you both for your thoughts.

missy -- You Used Up All Your Words???? Oh my -- I hope you were having fun doing it instead of talking in circles to little boys with plugs in their ears.

deedee and dutchy -- I send you warming thoughts. When does spring start to arrive in your necks of the woods?

MizIzz -- glad to hear that the torrent is slowing. It's still beautiful, even when raging.

JW -- did you get blasted by last night's storms? They came through around 12:30 here.

I have staff here today and will have limited computer time. Car shopping begins in earnest tomorrow.

Happy day to all.
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Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 08:44 am
JPB wrote:
JW -- did you get blasted by last night's storms? They came through around 12:30 here.

I did but I was asleep. Our area was probably not hit too bad. There were no trees down in our neighborhood, as sometimes happens.

Any damage by you, JPB?
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Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 08:55 am
No damage that I'm aware of, JW. It was a beautiful lightning show with lots of associated booms. Sleeping through was not an option.

Glad you didn't get hit too hard.
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Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 09:55 am
JPB ......Glad that K is ok and good luck on your search for a new vehicle.

Your storm missed me last night but I have one headed at me. Could be a bad one. Flood watches already going up in some counties. Not concerned about that though. I just hate lightening and/or high winds.

Missy.....wandel...Izzie...steve ...Dutchy... JPB and the rest of the crew .....have a great day!!

Almost time to put some food in my tum-tum.
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Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 10:16 am
Ahoy all!
As the Aussies say, good on ya Steve. A valiant fund-raising effort!
Glad to hear that the brook is practically flood-proof and that you've got all the valuables on high ground, Iz-!
As for my Pablo, we've had him since Feb., but he IS 2 1/2 years old! The "problem" is a very rare occurrence. Think there was some abuse in his puppyhood so I don't chastise him too badly. You should've seen his face after. Just about the sorriest most apologetic look you've ever seen. And he's such a handsome beagle/German shepherd mix. Too bad I can't click a pick of him for ya!
Mis-, hope little S's tummy problems are diagnosed and eradicated toot sweet! So hard being a mommy with a child in pain that you don't know what to do to help! (I can truly empathize.)
Brooke-y, how is our little Max today?
Man I have been lax on the studying this past week! Got it off for the hols. Need to seriously crack the books today!
Catch you all later & have a great day! Very Happy
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 11:51 am
wandeljw wrote:
Great job, Steve. Congratulations!


Damn you caught us Wandel. It was only for a mile or two as well...I wondered who that American photographer was.

Still I look good eh?

But he cant handle that side car. Far too flamboyant.

Izzie many thanks for the ships ? award. mega Embarrassed

ok be seein ya

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 12:02 pm

The doc has put us on a mild laxative for a week (well not us - S). That should be fun. Seems to think his plumbing's a bit backed up. Though I thought everything was normal, he said it was not unusual for little boys to rush the whole potty process and not finish causing things to get a little backed up. That would cause tummy pain and gas. Bingo. Lovely - sorry - probably too much info huh?

We are headed for the pool. I have taught them to sort laundry and dust. They have done their review school work and we have folded and put away clothes. We are playing the rest of the day!

May see you all a bit later...

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 01:38 pm
Mismi I wish we had computers when I was a kid, wait I wish you were my mom when I was a kid Embarrassed My poor mom raised 4 of us herself and I know I gave her half the grey that she has if not more. This means that your doing a great job with the kids hun. Teaching lifes skills is a great way to do things early on. My Daughter Has to learn everything the hard way as she picked the wrong parent to live with. Now mom moved to the South with her husband and My daughter never gets to see her.

I can't blame her for wanting to move with me on the warpath and not letting go of the hatchet Razz Anyway as usual I am busy with school, taking up the math that I missed in high school. I find it hard to believe that our public officials allow fraud, theft, collusion, perjury, improper custody of a minor for over a decade, and my personal favorite Income tax evasion.
Last I checked that's a federal crime. Of course Domestic relations and the county court has denied any wrong doing. So when I check on my daughter she is out with her boyfriend and no adult supervision.

So when my daughter asks for something that I no longer have due to the ignorance of an entire society, I tell her that you chose where you are not me and I can't reverse your decision. I am waved off with the we'll give you more time for your visits with your daughter. Never mind the fact that $40,000.00 in support was paid to someone that never put it where it belonged. Never mind that the justice system has it's head permanently up it's tail end, Never mind that the justice department let both a mother and a daughter abuse the system for a few measly dollars. Never mind that the hypocritical oath that judges and lawyers took to perform their positions was totaly ignored.

Just once I would like to see where a family has been kept together by the bonds that should be kept from MARIAGE VOWS, and NOT DOMESTIC RELATIONS SECTION GENDER GAP. It reminds me of the selective service system. Mad :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 03:09 pm
Hey (((BigRedDude))) - hugs to you love.

You have a lot weighing on your mind hun - and I do understand that - I know how "systems" can fail - especially families and children.

You are doing so well going back to school - focus on what you do for your future darlin ' - which in turn will help your daughter with her future. Unfortunately, kids do decide which way they wish to go, for whatever reasons - and it's not easy to be at a distance. Again - I go through that daily with my BigBoy - you just have to do the best you can, parenting them as positively as you can and showing them the right way forward. Obviously, I don't know what it is like for you - other than how you have described - but I do know from my personal perspective that the rage I have for the system and the lack of support within the systems - whether it is for parenting and emotional, financial or other - well, it all but destroyed me - hence I found A2K and friends here who would listen ... and not judge. I can put the rage to the back now for the most part - though it does surface regularly...

Vent away when you need to hun - try not to let the "past" hold you back - and just know we're here if you wanna yabber and have a good shout. I do it all the time - so do others.

Big hugs to you...

Missy - bless the S-boy and his..... tummy problem. (Hot water bottle on the tummy sometimes helps the littluns too!) :wink: Oh, love him - glad it wasn't anything more serious - but pain is pain - especially when you're a little fella. Hope the lax's work soon.

My little S-boy is doing well - we've been very busy today - he has been outside breaking up all the wood for the fire - we left the saws behind at Links Tor so.... he had to rest the wood against the wall and then jump on it to snap it. He was having a ball and worked off a lot of energy. Gosh - kids have neverending energy. We've kept going for hours and I now have a lounge where you can see the floor (sofa is covered in paperwork - but hey) - result!!!!! It looks nice in here. Feet are up.... little sore... but that's coco.

Tulip is still NOT online - British Telecom did NOT show up - now Thursday apparently. Little fella and I are going up to her tomorrow as F-boy and Tulip have a school thing to attend in the evening- so S-boy and I are going to keep S-girl company.... and play with Star puppy. Tulip is doing k - getting thru the days and... well, there's some laughter in her voice now.

JPB - sorry you got hit by the storms - hope all are k and you have managed to get the car shopping started. Love and hugs to K. (is she nagging yet!!!!!) (so laughing) Very Happy

Special Agent - good to see you hun - hugs to you and yours - and glad you weren't bashed by the storms.

Babbling Girl - my brook has quietened down but expecting it to rise to the occasion tomorrow Shocked (why am I only talking about a river Razz - it's 10pm, past the watershed now - I can be a little naughty now). We are due for BIG rain tomorrow..... mmmm.... nervous titter..... I will get used to the rise and fall of the river in time.

QueenDev - tiara on head and crack on with the books girlie - Pablo sounds delightful - pics when you can hun - would love to see him. Hope all is good with Thing 1 & 2 and that hubby is doing k. Posivibes his way and..... have you taken a good pat on the back recently from the back-patter in the kitchen. If not... on you go - you deserve a pat at least 3 times a day. :wink:

Stevie - you are a treasure - don't be Embarrassed - Ship's Awards are well deserved! Razz

BEAgle and Indeedee - hope you had big sleeps and it will be a little warmer there for you both today. See you soon….

Lovin' y'all x
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 03:09 pm
Hey and hello! Boy, I need a brain break from some heavy reading / studying! Hop you all are well. Hey, Red, we can be study buddies!

Mis-, hope little S is on his way to feeling better soon. Now that you mention it, we had trouble a while back with Thing2. He's 9 (almost 10 Shocked) now, but I'd have to say that's definitely true of little boys! OY! And we're back on the subject of poo! Rolling Eyes

Wow, red, quite the diatribe! But here is a good place for it. Just let that steam off. We're all friendly here, and we all have our times. p.s. Stupid people make me really mad too!! Evil or Very Mad

Nice to know what you look like, Steve! We have several of your movies in our house! :wink:
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