Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 04:03 am
Good morning crew. Sorry I have been on shore leave for so long. Hope you guys are all ok.
Vbv - izzie's son is so special. He is my godson and very precious to me, so a HAPPY BIRTHDAY S baby today. He will love the cake and cookies.
Dd and Beagle + hope you had a great lunch and planting session. I am waiting for the turf to be laid in my tiny garden so I can sit out and enjoy!
Iz babe...will call S soon - love you sis.
Have a great day folks - FQ x
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 05:06 am
Great to see you FlavourQueen, have certainly missed you this week but you've obviously been working hard, away from home. My planting will be done tomorrow, respecting the Sabbath today. Smile

Verbivore that was a lovely cake you baked for Izzie's little bloke, and before I forget, put December 24th in your diary, the Eagle's birthday. Laughing

Enjoy the day Captain with your family and friends, sending you hugs and a very Happy Birthday to the little bloke.
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 06:09 am
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 06:42 am

Oh Oh Oh - my baby is 11!!!!!!

Thank you everyone for all your wishes for him - he's having a lovely day - currently he's off in the woods with Tulips Boy as they have a rope-swing down there.

He's a very happy little chap - gonna post some pics later!

Thankyou all x

Lovin ya Razz
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 08:03 am
Morning everyone Very Happy
Try, taxpayers that was a good one Laughing

Izzie I googled Happy 11th Birthday and came across this. I thought it was cute so, if you have dogs don't let them near the cake.

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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 08:23 am
Hi everyone

A big HAPPY 11TH BIRTHDAY to Izzie's little boy!
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 08:33 am
Sorry Izzie Embarrassed
I looked up and that is one ugly cake. Better let the dogs eat it and save your son Laughing
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 09:35 am
Here are some pastries from Chicago's Lutz Bakery for Izzie's celebration of her son's birthday.

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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 09:42 am
Hi wandeljw, good to see you Very Happy
Your cakes are much better. Thanks, now I want cake for breakfast and I don't have any Laughing
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 09:46 am
Mmmmmmmmm, cake! I'll try to restrain myself this time! Embarrassed
Good to see all of you! Missed a whole lot of yabbering yesterday and no time to read it! Happy 11 to Sbaby, Iz-! Hope it's a fabulous day for him and your family! (My baby turns 10 in September! - hard to believe! Doesn't it go by so fast?) Crying or Very sad
Saw "Prince Caspian" yesterday and loved it. It was filmed in New Zealand and now I just want to pack up and take a trip there! Spent the day with my kids and friends who have eight kids! Had a fabulous time. They're such a hoot. Missed you all in my heart though.
Saw that margarita from TTh - ah, a girl who knows the way to my heart! So glad to know you've come back to us, girl. We're nice folks who'd never think to upset you in the least! I'm utterly jealous of your weather!
Gonna do some yard work today in preparation for the Memorial Day planting we do every year, but it is a bit chilly (50's60's) Sad Not my idea of the best weather, but it needs to be done.)
Busy day again tomorrow. Will yabber again when I can! Love you all!! xxoo Have a great day / night!
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 10:08 am
Hi devriesj Nice to see you Very Happy

I know the members on this thread are the nice ones but, please don't worry about upsetting me. I can agree to disagree and you can agree to disagree with me. It happens. I don't mind being told off when I deserve it. The important part is I do know that the members on this thread have a good heart. We all have our bad days and to me that is okay.
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 10:37 am
Happy Birthday! Hope he is having a great day today Izzie - sounds like he is. Best wishes to him and you!

We are about to head off to a going away party for a friend of mine Crying or Very sad possibly part of the reason I have been down. She is moving out of town next week. I am going to miss her. Then we are headed to the park for a end of season part for G-baby's team. Water gun fight and cookie cakes are in order...with the cutest little trophies I ordered for them all...I hope they have fun...and I hope it doesn't rain. It is supposed to.

I hope you ALL have a good day.

I will see y'all tomorrow :wink:
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 12:38 pm
Aw, mis- hope you have (or have had) a great day! Funny how we figure out why we were feeling bad after the fact sometimes, huh? Sorry about your friend. Nothing like 'em, but we're here for you as much as we can be! Very Happy
TTh, I'm just glad you're back! Stay away from the "bad" threads - Sad
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 01:12 pm
Aw mismi going away party Sad
You can always call her, email or write. I hope it doesn't rain for your party. Have a good time and make the most of it Very Happy

Let me tell you I would stay away from the bad ones if I knew ahead of time they were bad. Maybe I need a warning ahead of time = bad, bad, thread Laughing
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 01:17 pm
Good day all :-D

Haven't been in here for a bit and miss you all. Can't read up on everything, but I see Izzie young son is having a birthday, so I'm glad I made it in time to wish him a big Happy 11th Birthday from the Monty clan. Hope you have a super favulous day and your weather is better than ours :-D

Hope everyone if fine and dandy and am glad to see TTH on board :-D

My headache has finally passed and I can once again think clearly. Phew, is what I say.

It's a long weekend here (Victoria Day) and of course I don't have any special plans, but will try to get stuff done around the house.

Cheers from the Full Monty :-D
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Black tulip
Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 02:17 pm
Just popped aboard. Yep Izzie's son had a real good day finished with chocolate cake and then balloon flying saucers that made a very funny noise! Then grass fight!

Feeling tired now as I also fitted in cutting the other hedge and lawn which has now made my bad arm sore. Still a night's sleep will help.

Thank-you to all of you who helped me with my rabblings the other night! Am feeling better now, I think. X Confused
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 03:32 pm
Am I too late to wish the little guy a Happy Birthday? I sureee hope not!

I hope it was a wonderful day filled with everything little guys want and like!


Ya can't have a birthday without all the sinfully sweet things that go along with it! Very Happy


Oh yeah.......and DEFINITELY can't forget the ice cream!


And don't forget to share!


A truly wonderful day is what we all wish for you. And you're 11 years old now! Soooooo Happy 11th Birthday!

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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 03:38 pm
Good morning, nice to see you all in good spirits, hope dear missy will join us soon as well. The Eagle had a good weekend and looking forward to some hard work in the garden now the rain has come, unbelievable the difference it has made, everything has turned from yellow to green overnight. Rain tank is full!

Reporting for duty Captain, you're probably have asleep after a busy day. Pleased to read the little bloke had such a great day and probably wore his Mum out, catch up with you soon.

Going to pinch a piece of that lovely Chicago cake now, so generously supplied by wandeljw, thank you so much!
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 04:07 pm
Good morning all - hope you all had a great weekend. Sounds as though birthday boy enjoyed his special day.
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Reply Sun 18 May, 2008 04:35 pm
Hey Crew

Thanku all so much for your wishes for my little fella and for all the cakes and prizes. Thanku thanku thanku Very Happy

He had a lovely day and smiled and laughed a lot. Razz

S-boy is a very special little fella - he's an IVF miracle and when he was born, he was a sick little guy along with his Mom. He has the biggest smile you will see on a kid - the loudest voice (as Tulip can confirm) Shocked , is passionately dramatic!, sensitive and caring. He can do any accent and loves to act - sing and dance (and ssshhhh - can't do either, just like his Mom). The kid has ATTITUDE and a personality which will take him far through his life - he's tough, noisy, cheeky, a little monster and an angel. Sboy is the sunshine that makes the rainbows in my world. Smile

He's one of those "give it a go" kids - doesn't care how he looks or what he's wearing or how loud he laughs and if anyone needs a shoulder - he has the biggest one around. Most of all, he is the best brother any sibling could wish for.

S-boy has the "funniest cheekiest" most expressive face - you can't help but smile when you see his big toothy grin. He is also very very tiny - he really is a little fella! :wink: So - I thought I would share some of his "funny and make me smile" photos with you all from when he was 18months old…(yawn yawn - more pics). I am VERY pleased to say that he is just starting to grow into his teeth and ears and… well, I try to keep scissors out of his hands these days as another of his passions - as you will see is … Sboy the hair-cutter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (mind you - todays hair cut is solely MaMaIzzies responsibility and she too was told off - severely!!!!!!!!!!!! and the bowl was then smashed - bless her!) Rolling Eyes

So FQSis - here is your Godson whom you have loved since he was is in God's pocket… and today on his birthday - you were with us in spirit hun! :wink:

Always with bumps, scrapes, cuts and black eyes (2yrs) Shocked

My favourite photo of my "adventure into the woods" kids - what are they wearing - love them- Sboy worshipped his big brother, always looked up to him and still does!

My favourite photo of my little guy- age 4 - stealing (angelic little guy) some of the Ruby Wedding Anniversary cake!) Very Happy

Upside Down at 4yrs

Cheeky Desert Island Boy (5yrs)

Always throwing pebbles in the water

Thought he looked cool - you know, have a beer, be a dude, no front tooth so on the fruit salad!

So told off for that hair disaster

All I want for Christmas is my ….

At his Granny Scotlands 70th Birthday

Fisher Boy

Oops - hooked up - best not try parachuting quite yet a?

Crabbing in Norfolk - he looks like the crab

K- he's a little small for the wet suit brigade - but hey, he did it anyways…

Love him

11 today - and here's the cake I made him… what…. You don't believe me… hey, just call me Pinocchio!

Tulip's Fboy and Sboy


"Er…. What…. Yer want some cake - you realise my mom made this…. Oh yes she did (in another lifetime a?)"


Flying Saucer Balloons


F-boy chasing the Big Kid Tulip chasing the birthday S-boy - GRASS FIGHT GRASS FIGHT Shocked

Oooh Tulip - Itchy back a?

Not that I'm biased or anything - but Sboy is the best little guy in the world. Happy Birthday - you were born 11 years and one hour ago!


Yep BabyBoy - you're 11 mate! Love you. x
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