Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 05:09 am
Laughing Thanks Dutchy - really cheers me up to hear the world talking and to know there is always someone there for Izzie.
My lifestyle is so hectic as I am driving min of 1000 miles a week and often away on business in Europe and the UK, so I am not always available to check on Iz and there is so much happening in her life, that she needs her friends around.

It seems that Mismi, DeeDee,RK and the crew have a lot in common with us (izzie and I)and I look forward to sharing experiences with them.
Today, just loads of meetings and paperwork, but keeps me out of mischief ( during the day anyway!!)

Izzie, if you come on line - I will call you later to catch up on your day - stay strong hun - we are all behind you and R and only Mum know best!

Can you believe that J ( my daughter) is 16 on Sat???? - Where has the time gone Iz, when we used to change nappies, pace the floor with colicky babies and think that we would never get any sleep - now it is only you that doesn't sleep hun!!

RH - I laughed so much at the Driving Miss Daisy clip, you can't imagine - it is such a me thing to do something like that and was soooooo funny - thanks!

Catch up with the crew later - have a good one - especially Iz and our Beagle!!!xx
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 05:53 am
Rockhead wrote:
As a designated driver for those that should not, DeeDee, Bless you. :wink:





That has started me off to a great day RH - oh, just so giggling here now.

Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening

Very Happy

How very lovely to turn on the laptop and see you all yabbering away. It makes me smile so big on the inside and I LOVE IT.

RK - your "raspberry" pic story was so fab - another one who talks not only with words, but with pics, imagination and a smile on your face. Fun izzn't it. Fantastic. Please keep posting coz it brightens our lives. Well done you - so glad you are onboard with this special crew. RK - the first pic you posted looks very similar to the island I was on in Fiji - Beachcomber Island - gonna be so happy to post those pics! Gosh - sorry to make y'all relive my travelling - but hey, it's happy!!!!!!!!!!! Very Happy

Bear - my love - you are now our Bosun Beagle and how truly regal you are. (I don't know if I can stop calling you Bear - will have to practice that - but on our ship - you will always be our Bosun. Love ya Beagle - you look mighty fine! With the "Beaches" tune - oh hun, it's I who thank you. Razz

FQ Bean - I LOVE YOU sis. Keep sailing with this ship hun, you've upgraded from a yacht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink: So laughing now. Yachts - a? who needs 'em! Have got the New Year pics - not sure if brave enough to post them -- laughing now -- think the Bear.....Beagle might fall off his perch!!!!!!!!!!!! and the crew will then really know how mad we are. I'll see how fired up I am after the meeting (which takes place in 90 mins here and I'm not even up and dressed!) - OK - need to get a wriggle on! Might just be in the mood for having a good 'ole laugh later so will think on it. Rolling Eyes

((((((((((((((RH)))))))))))))))))) Smile

So...... action stations at ChezIzzie - I gotta get moving and ready to take on "the system" Rolling Eyes at my kitchen table. Heeeeere goes! Arrow All hands to deck - may just need to hold them.

Love y'all. Catchya later Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 06:16 am
Izzie wrote:
Rockhead wrote:
As a designated driver for those that should not, DeeDee, Bless you. :wink:





That has started me off to a great day RH - oh, just so giggling here now.

Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening

Very Happy

Laughing OMG -- that is too funny, RH.

Hey, Izzie -- jumping on board for a quick stroll around the deck and letting you know that I'll be sitting beside you at your kitchen table today. Big Hugs!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 06:49 am
Morning Izzie pleased to see you're starting the day off with a good laugh, keep smiling Captain, the Eagle will be watching proceedings from his perch. Just give a yell when help is needed and I'll come swooping down.

Met F/Q this morning and she is already posting like she has been here for ages, will be a real asset to the crew. Seeing that she's travelling around Europe quite a bit I might just ask her to join me for some German cuisine at the Brasserie Elysee in Hamburg or a delicious seafood meal at Alcazar's in Paris. :wink:

To the rest of the crew have a wonderful day.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 07:11 am
Good Morning Flavour Queen, Izzie and Dutchy!

Wish a good rest Dutchy and DeeDee and to FQ and Izzie - hope you are having a wonderful day.

I had to make decaf coffee this morning...there was no regular - what's the point? I have to go find some caffeine somewhere so I can avoid my little addicts headache. dammit.

And I am working at the school today so I will be out of pocket -and I just found out yesterday the kids are having this talking zoo thing so I have to make costumes now. Whose homework is this suppose to be anyway? Mine or theirs? I think I am cranky today. Need to go find my fix,..

Hugs to all...have a great day!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 07:55 am
Laughing Mismi

I just had to laugh about the caffeine fix - that is SO me - I am so cranky in the morning ( probably too much gin the night before) and I just don't understand this whole decaff thing.
My hubbie has gone on a crazy health kick drinking only green tea and has become very self righteous about it - makes me want to pour it over his head for being so sanctimonious - bless - and this whole thing about school costumes - I cannot even sew a name tag into the kids clothes and the Easter bonnet has been recycled for the past 10 years as I can't even make one of those - so my heart is with you.

One of Izzie's best skill is that she makes fantastic hand crafted birthday cards - they are beautiful - one day she asked me to help her - well, I was so terrible and ruined so many of the cards, that she had to ban me from touching them - I really have no patience for things like that , however much a Stepford wife or a Mother earth figure I would like to be!!

Thanks for making me feel like I'm not the only one who stresses - no one even speaks to me in the morning at home till I have had my coffee as I am so cranky! - Great to be on board with you Mismi.

Good night Beagle - sweet dreams - I am sure I could not sleep knowing there is a huge Bear ( real one) in the garden!!!!

RH - you really hit the British sense of humour with your video posting - so brilliant

RK - wish I could eat raspberries right now with some chocolate

Speak later
Tulip - Hope you are OK - think of you lots.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 01:49 pm
Hey Crew Smile

Back on board and at the helm (in my berth but steering our ship)! Hope everyone has had a good day and all is well in the world.

CRANKY - FLAVOUR QUEEN - CRANKY - is that what you call it? I DON'T EVEN DARE TALK TO YOU IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So laughing babe. Laughing Missy - you can't do cranky like FQ can. As long as no-one says a word to her - then peace is all around. We've all learned!!!!! :wink: Give her a coffee, leave her be.... then we have a laugh! Perfect. Very Happy

Looking forward to seeing the crew.

Smooches Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 02:08 pm
Hey Izzie. How was it? Did you win the fight hun?
Missed you today x
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 02:13 pm
Hey Babe

Fought the good fight and all...

Not sure if they had cotton wool in their ears or they were just being a little sheepish! However, I'm hoping the point with stick in them now and we'll have to sit tight and wait and see. Don't ya just love the "system"! Rolling Eyes

Bit weary now - so sitting here hoping the crew are gonna be playing around.

How was your day? Busy busy.... will ya hug my baby-girls and L-boy - and snuffle the snuffle for me. LOL - L O Very L Laughing

Love you sis xx


SOX/TIGERS ???????????????????? update!!!!!!!!!!! Please Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 03:18 pm
Had a crap day hun. Yacht man had promised me a big bonus then hey ho like all of the males that I have worked for, renaged on the deal, claiming he never remembered discussing it!!! Funny old thing but it is like history repeating itself.
Maybe it really is time to get outta flavors as they are starting to leave a very bitter taste in my mouth. So tired of working 16 hour days for no return...well, no life/work balance. Angry lady tonight and busy 2 days ahead with customers....rant rant.sorry x
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 03:23 pm
Sox v Tigers starts in just less than 3 hours. (8:05 ET)


(Royals v Yanks five minutes later)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 03:30 pm
FQ - Funny old thing a? Rant away babe. Certainly need to change the yacht sis! If I could, I would send him to the tower - he 'aint doin' the Queen of Flavours any favours. Time to branch out and find a new horizon methinks. With you all the way hun xx

Rockhead wrote:
Sox v Tigers starts in just less than 3 hours. (8:05 ET)
(Royals v Yanks five minutes later)

Oh - good luck TigSox and ROYALS - wishing y'all a good game.

Thanks for letting me know RH-DJ. (xox)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 03:35 pm
Gooooood morning all,

Lovely day just starting here. Looking after grandkiddielink, but, he is just starting to get to know my sense of humour and can give back what he takes. Do you know we talk to each other with our eyes and then just crack up laughing. He is adorable.

Rocky, saw everyone reading your "driving miss daisy" post again and again and had to play again. Still laughing.
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Black tulip
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 03:38 pm
Well all seems likey ou have all been very busy doing nothing but answering each other! So now it's my turn for a little while at least! Took Mum to the station today and then a spot of retail shopping that I could ill afford! But there you go! Seems funny to be on our own again.

I see bear is no longer a bear but an majestic eagle! Pink is up to very dubious things again.

Mismi - hope all is going well with you and your cough has up on gone.

Rockhead here's one for you and for any one else who needs to chill! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EQz_s8Yw1Us&feature=related

Izzie hope all went ok for you and will come round tomorrow if your in.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 03:44 pm
Hey Indeedee - goodmorning girlie.

I keep watching RH "Driving Miss Daisy" - it's soooooo good!

It's lovely to talk to a child with your eyes. It's funny - FQ knows that "eyes" are my thing..... you can see so much in someone's eyes and the connection with a child - well, that's a wonderful thing. Their innocence is beautiful. Laughter in someones eyes, says more that any words can, especially with kidlets. Smile

TUUUUUUUUUUUUULIP WW-WOM - hey girlie - good on you for retail therapy. Yep - I'm in tomorrow so will look forward to seeing you. Just txt me and we'll do tea! Hope all is well with the kids - will be a little strange for you not having Mum around. Keep distracted hun and take your time. No rush for anything. So glad to see you. x Very Happy
0 Replies
Black tulip
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 03:47 pm
Keep distracted with the amount of stuff waiting to be sorted that should be no problem! I just need to be motivated to do it, Sounds like you girl! Rolling Eyes

See you tomorrowX
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 03:50 pm
Hi crew, good evening but good morning downunder. Just dropping by to let you know the Eagle is flying to far away places and won't be around for a little while. Cranky women in the morning, oh my goodness I'm not used to that, we're in for a bit of fun or earbashing I think. Smile

Sofar have had nothing but positive feedback about the 'Golden Eagle' so he will stay, the Bear is still around and is having a good time in the trees outside. Smile Will catch you all later.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 03:51 pm
Good morning Izziliz, hope you had a good night's sleep. Good morning WW - keep your chin up girlie - the crew are here for you ((xx)).
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Black tulip
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 03:53 pm
Good to hear from you Dutchy Cosmic Bear Eagle! Your looking great! Take care where ever you are going X
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 04:04 pm
Evening, shipmates. Just dropping in to say hello after another episode of illness - fine now - til the next time.

Looking forward to finding out more about all the new crew members - sound a lively bunch. Will probably be stepping ashore for Dartmoor leave in June /July so hope to see you, Izzie, and any other local shipmates on your home territory then.

Idea for next party maybe - saw there was a celeb party in London a few days ago - dress as whatever you want to be when you grow up. Being as we are all so young at heart, thought that might be a good 'un for the crew.

Be good everybody. Loads of love to you all. xxx
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