Hello Crew
I just spoke with Anna... the angiogram got a "thumbs up" from the doc - which means the heart is working well - this is EXCELLENT news.
The Bosun is going to be staying in a little longer as they are now considering putting in a stent in his right knee.

The left leg looks a lot better, little black on the heel, but MUCH better than before and the right foot, well, it IS showing improvement but perhaps there is a blockage somewhere and the circulation needs to improve. They don't know how deep the "blackness" goes - whether or not it has reached the bone.
The nurses spend an hour each morning trying to cleanse the feet and take all the "icky" stuff off (won't do too much detail here) and the antibiotics are going in IV.
Having spoken to dear Anna - I then had the privilege to speak to the Bosun

- it was ship to medivac-shore

and so good to hear his voice. We had a lovely chat.
Both he and Anna are still struggling with the shock of the news. Danny said "N, they wanted to chop my legs off. I was just coming good and then they put me back in here" <sigh>... and that is the reality for him. I think, I do believe, and from what Danny is saying - is that he feels a little more optimistic now - but neither of them are sleeping well and it's messing with their heads - it's terribly difficult for both of them. Danny is not allowed to walk on his feet at all - if he goes to spend-a-penny he has to wear the airboots and it's all very frustrating, he has to sleep with them on too - bless him. Hugely frustrating all around.
He's continuing to do his puzzles in bed so that is keeping his mind occupied - he simply just wants to be home though.
Anna is definitely
keeping positive about it all - she's missing him so much but wants her man sorted properly before they send him home again. Our Bosun does say "I feel more optimistic than I did at the beginning of the week". Certainly, all of this is taking it's toll on both of them - and I can hear that in both their voices - but I think today that a little bit of positive news about the angiogram has helped and perhaps the weekend will be a little less long as they go through this waiting-to-see-what-happens. The surgeon is seeing him again on Monday to discuss the stent business and to see if the right foot improves over the weekend.
So - please, whichever beliefs one may have, please keep those posivibes, prayers, healing thoughts going. Danny knows y'all are thinking of him...
It really was so very good to talk with him - of course, I did mention there were a considerable amount of chores on the deck that required his expertise so we needed him back as-soon-as pleasethankyouverymuch. He did say he would continue to chase the girls on the deck once he got back on his feet.
I would like to ask also, if y'all could keep Tulip and Son-of-Tulip in your hearts and minds - he will having his heart op on the 17th, going up to the hospital on the 16th.
His 16th birthday is on Monday.
<ok, so that's just got the tears flowing!>