Let's not be concerned. But I just got a call from Anna.
Last week, Danny and I talked about his foot still being black and his appointments in checking same.
Today Anna rang me on behalf of Danny wanting to let you all know.
He's in hospital again... for a few days...
His black foot has not healed in 6 months.. They told Danny they would give him antibiotics and if that does not work they would ampitate.
Anna and I had a long discussion, her father had gangrene and he refused and lived 7 or 8 years later.
I told Anna that due to his Kidneys and she said also Diabetics it could be that he didn't recover.
We both are going to communicate tomorrow, Danny off course thinks amputation off course Anna is strong but doesn't need this AGAIN and is like, ok, no, unless it has to be done, ....
We will support him and let him know it's the worse scenario not the scenario so he wanted you all to know he's a wall again............for now.
So much the Bosun has gone under sending witchy powers that you know, it's his Kidneys, Diabetics, and with proper treatment 'NOT HAD' to date, all will be fine.
Much love.
I know others are going through their own pain, don't for one minute think he, or me, or anyone is not also thinking of that, yours... we are.
Just wanted to let you know on behalf of Dutchy as was asked of me.
Much love .........................................................................