First ((((((IZZIE))))) thinking of you get better and get back here, you are missed.. Anna sends her love and felt that you were a bit down when you spoke to her on "Mother's Day" yes, that is what she said that you rang her on that day, bless... How beautiful. She thinks you are special
Who doesn't.
So... Yes, Anna just rang me, how much can a person take?
Dutchy had blurred vision a day or so ago I gave his message in my 2nd to last post here . But I guess he wanted me to let you all know what's next...
Anna said two weeks ago he got his eyes tested and they said he is perfect no change in five years but they did not test for cateracts ( sorry no spell check) .. Someone? I like learning.
She is upset because today he told them of the blurred vision and they booked him in.. He has them and that is why he can not see. So she is upset that he was told he was fine. Can they change in like 2 weeks? Poor Anna she is always questioning and getting mad and I don't blame her.
He is hoping to go home on Monday but she is worried if he can't see? I recall my grandmother having an operation yes, another for Danny in August on his eyes, before that, they gave her "goggle glasses" and she could see. So I've asked Anna to ask if he can be fitted in the meantime with different glasses to get him home enough to see.
This is very sad to me, but, but, things come in 3's right? So this is it, once done, that's it... Full mend that's it.
I told Anna I would let everyone know. He also no longer has a computer for now. So his chirpiness is on hold. Just for now...
Sending hugs and well prays for both ............. He WILL go home next week I know it. The rest they will work together with.
I will call Anna early next week. And, Izzie, I've said you are not feeling your best at present, cold weather etc, so she knows you will call when you can.
Good side is he got over the biggest hurdle, still, more ... but small yet, still frustrating and difficult when you feel you are ready and yet, it backfires.
MORE HUGS sent from my end...............