Reply Mon 7 Apr, 2008 07:24 pm
Clink ! Clink! Drunk :wink:
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Reply Mon 7 Apr, 2008 07:27 pm
I'm making a cuppa so I'll chink with my tea cup! Will be back in about an hour-----------------> gosh, it's so busy in my head right now and I must go to my quarters and find the Ship's Log! Laughing

Back in a bit. Cheers Very Happy
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Reply Mon 7 Apr, 2008 08:04 pm
Thank-you Izzie (Live Laugh Love)

OOoooohhh Its SOO Cute! Surprised I so did not expect it to make that sound though! Laughing I think who ever is in the cabin next to mine had eyes like this Shocked a moment ago!

Verbaby: if you want some rain, you've gotta do a dance; a Rain Dance.
For example:

Dutchy...a rain dance for beyond the black stump:

and we voyage into the unwritten future. :wink: Beautiful
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Reply Mon 7 Apr, 2008 08:04 pm
Well Izzieliz, I have to go out for an hour or so, so you may be retired before I return. Been good yabbering to you girl, sleep well and looking forward to seeing the gold panning pics tomorrow. btw, like your soul sister I do not wear anything lower than 3" heels as well. :wink: :wink: Goodnight captain. Glad to see your spirits restored. ((xx))
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Reply Mon 7 Apr, 2008 08:14 pm
Hello RK (((((waves))))) Just in time to say hey - before I post the Ship's Log.

Thanking you - great pics girl - we do love our pics onboard this ship!

Ship's Log

Hey there crew Smile

It's been a funny old day! And a new one will soon be dawning. Thanku all for crewing - WW-WOM, RH-DJ (thanku for song), Indeedee and Missy took the helm early on and then our Bosun stepped in for me whilst I took a little time out. (Thanku so much Bear ((xox)).) We discovered out RH-DJ is a Royals supporter so tumblers have been provided to all the crew so we can cheer them on along with The Sox and The Tigers. (Love ya RH (x0x))

Now - I've been informed that tomorrow the Sox PLAY the Tigers - so, please crew - all Crimson Hose supports, Red Socks, Tiger Caps - that includes the BabyTryBros too! Cool Twisted Evil (oh, how I look forward to seeing BabyPink Twisted Evil in his hat!). I don't know if the Royals are playing also - but I think, if it's OK with our RH - we can drink from his tumblers - we'll then see who takes a tumble from one too many beers after winning the game! :wink:

It wa so good to see Rainkeeper on board crewing and thanks for the FAB photo - we love dolphins and whales on this ship - TTHun is always good at letting the crew know which side of the ship to go to spot them (ask her sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) LOL Laughing Loved the song too Rainkeeper - how clever were you at finding that. That's why this crew has special folk join is - that was great! Thanku. What a song - singing my words hun. :wink:

I did scream awfully loudly to VBV to let her know I was here - but after all the cooking and looking after the boys she must have gone to the zzzzzz-zone. Love her - we'll hopefully see her tomorrow for a yabber. Smile

Missy is feeling a little better having visited the docs and is now breathing deeply (suck it girl and get those lungs working). Good for you darlin' mismi - we so all want you to feel so much better. What's happening with S-boys foot - has all the swelling gone down now and is he more comfortable hun. (((S-Boy))) Smile

My soul-sis Flavour Queen with a raspberry, came on by - she keeps missing the Bear - but with time zones and a workaholic as FQ is - I'm hoping they will catch up soon. They've both wanting to have a yabber. Soon. Rolling Eyes

We had so much yabbering going on this evening. It was wonderful. WW-WOM, Mismi (tho we just missed), Indeedee and Bear. We sat on the deck and just - chatted. How lovely. It made my evening perfect. Indeedee shared her world with us and again, it just makes the world a whole heap smaller. Thanks Indedee - I enjoyed clinking a cuppa tea and wine with you. Bear did a quick Cosmic Fly-by - he's such the ladies Bear, but is always such a welcome furball to have around. :wink:

Our Babies Cool Twisted Evil haven't been around for a while. I think they may be being naughty and playing "hide and seek" on the ship somewhere. Maybe they have just snuggled up nicely as twin bros do and gone for a little nap. I'm sure they will be here as soon as they can. They do dislike missing out on the sailing - and we miss their cheeky faces popping up unexpectedly. Come out, come out, wherever you are babies Arrow


WW-WOM requested a party…… and quite right too.

VBV I nominated you to choose the a theme as your pics were gorgeous and your quiz was great. So Indeedee came up with ROMAN or HAWAIIAN! Razz The choice is yours girl. So let know a.s.a.p so the Bosun can order in supplies…. and I can start downloading pics a?! LOL. Laughing

So, It's 3am here and I shall be heading for my berth soon-ish. Big meeting tomorrow with Solicitors to sign all the deeds and docs for selling the house - OH MY.

So Insomniac watch commencing - and Indeedee to the help when I hit the z-zone.

Love and hug to all our crew near and far. Everyone take care, be safe and happy.

Crew - you are the very BEST! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Apr, 2008 08:57 pm
Lovin y'all. Nite crew Smile

0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Apr, 2008 09:00 pm
Helloooooo crew!

Just got back from the game...the night air has me coughing my head off so I have been sucking on that inhaler...and that revs me up....so I went and took my cough medicine too and that has codiene in it - which well..it gives me the warm fuzzies. I feel good.

We won. It was an amazing game...we were down at one point 7 - 2. That doesn't seem like a lot but I couldn't figure out where our team went. We couldn't get them out to save our lives and then we couldn't hit either. Then the third inning came and they showed up. Amazing hits and honestly defense was amazing. They held them down. We ended up winning 14-9. Hard fought game. I have no voice again. Screamed my bloomin' head off.

S's foot seems fine for now. Not swollen or bothering him. He did get hit in the shoulder tonight by a bat. He was pitcher and was walking to the mound and not paying attention. The batter warming up took a swing right when he walked by and nailed him in his right shoulder - hard. But he is a tough little son of a gun. Went out and played the inning...even managed to catch a line drive. Amazing. He has a knot and a bruise there now...and I am sure he will be sore in the morning...but man...it was such a good play...my boy's so tough!

J played great too...The other team just never hit is to left field. Well...I can't stay. I just wanted to drop by and say hello.

Thank you Izzie...looking forward to the party.
Rest well..

see you fine folks later
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Apr, 2008 09:05 pm
Hey missy - so glad the game was good. Little fella is tough like his mom. Good for him. :wink:

In my berth now and called for some dreams.

Good to see you yabbering girlie - take care of the Dixie-boys MaMa!

Hugs and g'nite. You rest well too hun. xx
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Apr, 2008 09:10 pm
nite nite Izzie -
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Reply Mon 7 Apr, 2008 10:05 pm
Captain has retired for evening. Hi and congrats to missy on her win -wel done! I know how you feel with that night air and quick to get back on the puffer.
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Reply Mon 7 Apr, 2008 11:42 pm
I been workin' on my timing, girls, but I will get there...



0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Apr, 2008 12:03 am
"Dutchy...a rain dance for beyond the black stump" wrote Rainkeeper, well thank you so very much, how did you know the guitar is the music I really love. Let me play you a piece by one of my all time favourite guitar players "Armik". http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dP0GCVhLMUY

The Bear went out for lunch today at lovely seaside restaurant, the weather was just perfect, and guess what was on the menu? Dutch croquettes, absolutely perfectly fried and washed down with a few glasses of Heineken beer, how more patriotic can you get? Laughing

On arriving home we had a visitor in the backyard, had been hearing his call for a few days in the trees but he had kept himself well hidden. However today he showed no fear and there he was on the back lawn heading for a gum tree, a real Bear. Rushed to get my neighbour who made took this lovely picture of him only mintes ago. Isn't he beautiful?
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Black tulip
Reply Tue 8 Apr, 2008 02:17 am
Roman Party - is that including or excluding the orgy? Plenty of wine, grapes and dancing!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Apr, 2008 05:13 am
Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening Smile

Thanku RH for the tune - feverish and funny! As always, very welcome.

It's a fine day here in the UK - bright sunshine, verrrrry cold and big white clouds.

I've got a busy schedule today - I'M GOING OUT IN THE CAR! OOOOOhhhhh. Rolling Eyes

So, just in case I'm delayed a little or I get held up - please can crew raise the banners whilst I'm away as I know there's a pretty important "crew" game happening between the Sox and Tigers, so if you wouldn't mind - please raise…..

Detroit Tigers Banner on the Port


Red Sox Banner on the Starboard


KC Royals Banner at the Bow
(I've looked it up -but don't really "get it" - are they playing NYY today?)


All crew to don Sox, Caps and raise glass in hand for the Royals.

Thanking you muchly. (Good Luck to all)

Bear - your relative up the tree is gorgeous. How very happy is that! Thanku so much for posting him to us - just brill. Gosh - how lovely for you to see and to share with us along with a favourite tune too. He is so handsome - but not quite as handsome as our Bosun a? :wink:

WW-WOM - I knew you'd want the Roman girlie. Awaiting our VBV to come onboard to give us her decision. ROMAN or HAWAIIAN little vegemite. What's ya fancy! Question

Right - I must dash off (that's quickened stomp shuffle stomp shuffle) and will catch you with y'all later.

Wishing everyone a great day and hope poorly crew are feeling better. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Apr, 2008 07:25 am
Good Morning Y'all

I'm feeling more like myself. That makes me happy. I have a full load again today. I have to sign my baby up for kindergarten - Crying or Very sad - what am I going to do without my baby at home? Oh - I just can't think about it right now. I also have a Spring Teachers Conference for the twins. They are fine...brilliant little boys - thankfully they take after their father - so needless to say - I'm not worried.

Your raindance worked for here Dutchy - it's raining today and tomorrow. Will likely cancel our games tomorrow night...all three of the kids playing at the same time. The professor and I will take shifts I will be at one field while he is at the other, then we will shift. But - it may not happen if it rains. Bummer. That's okay though...we are thankful for the rain!

I must get to work. Have laundry to do...laundry sucks. But it is a necessity - anyone got a good way to get red dirt out of red pinstrips baseball pants? Cause that will be what I am trying to do....

Hugs to all...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Apr, 2008 12:20 pm
I have seen more activity in a glass of warm milk, than what's not going down here! I'm going to catch an early lunch then saddle up and go for a ride; any of you lovely ladies want to slip into some full riding chaps, for the ride of your life; give me a holler.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Apr, 2008 12:28 pm
PINK HUNNI - how lovely to see you. Razz

You're back in the saddle a? :wink:

....been riding the waves without you for a while, BabyPink - so will have to settle down with some warm milk and watch you ride bare back alone into the sunset.

Mind you - if you wanna hang around for a while... no worries!
You can snuggle on over and stop me feeling Blue Razz
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Apr, 2008 12:42 pm
Hey...with an offer likr that Pink, how could we refuse? We might be just too hot for you in our leather gear!!!
What a day you have all hadm spent ages reading through all the fantastic posts and Bear, thanks for the photo of you..what an incredible creature!! Only could read as I was driving!!
Iz, hope today with SS went ok..fill me in soon.
Would love a party too and to go to Oz and to really live... Hey it beats Brie and black pepper flavour any day!!
Thinking of u all FQ x
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Apr, 2008 12:52 pm
Hey Bean - good to see ya Very Happy <-----------you can't see me smile on your raspberry can you! HO HO HO!

SS tomorrow (ugh!) but signed the papers for the house sale today -OMG! Still don't have an exchange and completion date yet but hopefully will know by the end of the week.

The PINKBaby Twisted Evil is feeling a little frisky. Best get you're riding crop out girlie - or is that your whip! Now there's a flavour - WALNUT WHIP! Chocolate, cream and a nut on top! mmmmmmmmmmm


Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Apr, 2008 01:04 pm
Why did he specify FULL riding chaps?
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