Had a great long convo with Anna... oh, so reminiscing about things.
Danny Boy... well, he's remaining in the induced coma and Anna's been told that he won't remember a thing about it... so we KNOW he's gonna be grumpy when he wakes up at missing 2+++ weeks.
They removed his breathing tubes and have now put tubes through his throat - tracheotomy - (this sounds scary but it's a good solution) as the other tubes need to be removed for sound medical reasons.
The put a camera down to see if they could determine why he is not getting the oxygentated blood - the lung behind the heart will not inflate, though, this is not uncommon in this type of cardiac surgery. They are working on this re-inflate the lung and make it happen.
The antibiotics are helping and there is an improvement with his chest infection - so this is very good news.
When Danny is clear and they can allow him to breathe on his own, there will be many staff / physios / OT's etc to help him with the muscle wastage and to get him mobile again. It will be a long period of recovery. As far as we know, the heart is doing OK so... <yayayayayyayayay>
if the other problems can be sorted, we hope to bring you better news next week. I'm phoning again on Thursday morning (OZ) time.
Anna is doing well... strong when she's with him and a few ups and downs at home - but she's having regular visitors so she has company and she busies herself at home and is popping out with friends every now and then. She amazes me each time I speak to her and now, it's just as if I'm phoning and talking with Danny. We can laugh, talk reality, practicalities... and we do take a little mick out of Danny

- all in the name of love tho, he would be chuckling if he could.
Please, strength messages to our Bosun to Down Under... think it, pray it, sing it, write it, or just give a smile for him and a wink of the eye

and he may see it as he sleeps - ya just never know.

Y'all are so very important him, as he his is to us. You make a difference to his wellbeing.
Thankyou Crew - thank you so much. x
Near and far... thinking of you... love xox
Margo, if you pop by, let us know how you're going girl. Hope to catch up soon Shelia! x ((((((((((Margo)))))))))))
Missy too and (((((PaPa! x))))) Hoping all is OK in Dixieville
Again, thank you crew for all you are to all of us.
Hoping to that all our East Coasters are keeping warm... seeing the photos from A2Kers and on the news is just gobsmacking... it hasn't been like that in the country since the winter of 63!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nighty night crew xxxx