Hi everyone, ((IZZIE)) .
So glad your Dad is doing well Mismi and hope everyone else is well.
I just spoke to Anna, given I am in Aussie Land and could get a call in on a Saturday Night before their daughter-in-law arrives. As, I know we are all worried at present.
Anna went to the Hospital and had hoped that they had taken him off the machine so he would be breathing on his own but they hadn't. She felt quite deflated she was looking forward to today but yes, Izzie how strong is this lady between our talks she was laughing.
GOOD NEWS is, he is no longer bleeding internally or losing blood what ever that was, it's stopped.
GOOD NEWS, he no longer has fluid on the lungs either. GO DANNY!!!
This Hospital is fantastic.
They are leaving him in an induced coma, though it can't be fully because when she is there he tries to speak but can't because of the tubes, she says to let her know he is "ok" ... Then he frowns and so the nurses give him more drugs and Anna leaves. The Nurses assured her it's not her, it's him.. He is trying too hard to come out of it and to talk to her, and he's frustrated.
The only reason why they are doing this for (2) more days, is they found an infection on his (in?) chest. So he is on antibiotics to clear it, and they want to keep him calm.
THIS SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.. He's jumped two major problems ... I told Anna that, but she kept mentioning how she so had hoped for today...
I told her to go and play the Pokies

She said, "I did yesterday, I didn't want to break down and so I went for half an hour, that's what I do if I don't want to think and it works, 1/2 an hour later and I am fine " and she laughed... So did I.
I told her we are all human, and to cry if she wanted to tomorrow with their daughter-in-law, typical I got, we shall see.
We then talked about Danny's sweet tooth. Apparently, he is not allowed to have perculated coffee, ( I had told her, he had told me he wasn't drinking coffee till she woke up as we would natter from 6.30am sometimes due to my diabetic dog and I'd be drinking coffee) anyways, turns out DANNY tut tut, that he is not allowed to drink it only instant and she refuses to make it, so he does sometimes once she is up .. We cracked up laughing because he recently bought a perculated coffee machine or his son did for him, can't remember which. But he wanted one and went to Harvey Norman for it.. Then there was the cakes, last Sunday, he told me hd didn't eat any of the cake (sister's birthday) good boy Danny but Anna told me you ate 2 DUTCH BUSCUITS that have just as much sugar ha. We laughed then too.
I told her that everyone on A2K is cheering on not just Danny BUT Anna and on Facebook. I think that made her day.. She doesn't know how to use a computer but it really made her day...
IZZIE I told her I won't ring now until mid next week... And, that it is GOOD NEWS he jumped two big things without a problem.. She said she knew and that he will get over this she is now confident.
He has to answer to her though if he thinks she is going to be his Nurse for 2 months, she said " depends on how he behaves "
Now Dutchy relax, let the infection heal... ......