Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2012 06:37 pm
Hi mismi so truly upset to read about the condition of your beloved Dad. I understand how devastated you must feel right now, but with your faith and belief in the Almighty you will cope and bear your cross to the best of your ability. You and your family are in my thoughts, praying for better days ahead. Be strong. (((mismi)))
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Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2012 06:38 pm
mismi I'm so sorry to read your news. My positive thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Stay strong....hugs to you and yours.
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Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2012 07:28 pm
(((( missy )))

keeping you and yours in my heart and in my prayers.

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Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2012 07:42 pm
Mismi, I am also praying for you and your family.
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Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 02:27 am
What Dutchy said.
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Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 04:24 am
mismi wrote:

I need to figure how we handle Christmas with the boys and this...I really...just really don't know. But hopefully as each day unfolds I will know.

Take each day as it comes, try not to look too far ahead right now, just a day at a time. I know it's a cliché, but, I do believe it is the only way to deal with things when they weigh heavily and living through uncertain times. Share your load Missy... you have a wonderful community around you who can help out the Professor and with the boys. Take some pics of the boyz and your tree and decorations to show PaPa and MaMa and to keep 'home' with you when you go to Mobile. Christmas will roll out and with your faith, the meaning of this holiday is everything you are about to do, it's about everything you believe in... family, taking care of your own, love, hope, peace. Hold onto those strengths that are always in your heart and they will see you through the days ahead.

Maybe get the boyz to make some cards and some decorations for PaPa for his room. Take life to PaPa, a plant, maybe a Christmas rose or Poinsettia, a little bit of Mistletoe so MaMa can kiss PaPa in his recovery.

At this time Mis, you must remember to take care of yourself, try not to miss meals, try to sleep when you can, just rest whenever it's possible. Lean when you need to, hold on when you need to, squeeze when you need to... keep true to who you are and let MaMa look after you as you look after her when PaPa has the op.

There's so much I could say - but you know my words already...

Keep your strength around PaPa when you can, but please don't feel you have to be strong for everyone else all of the time - that in itself will wear you down over the next few weeks - so cry when you need to, take a shoulder and a hug when you need to and try, please try, to keep your smile and laughter and the song in your voice, even tho it may not feel right, it iz the best medicine, be silent when you need and let the peace envelop you; PaPa will long to see you smiling and hear yours and MaMa's laughter - that will give him enormous strength to get through this. Your his little girl, he knows you will be hurting, anxious, scared and worrying... be who you are around him, love him, hug him and let him know how great your faith is and strong your resolve is.

Talk here if it helps you at all... we'll be here and there are many of us who will be right beside you in spirit. Even if you can't talk out loud, we are still beside you. Feel the love from family and friends wrap around you to keep you safe. Love you so much Mis xxxxx
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Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 01:35 pm
Hi Mismi,

one day at a time! keep things as normal as possible. I am so sorry for what is happening but you need to keep a level head! Love and hold on to those near and far. We are with you. Things will happen that you can not control, that is the way it is and you will be numb! Enjoy the time you have and just go with things as it happens. I know I have done these things when my Dad had a brain tumour, you can only go with the flow and deal with things as they come up.

Sending hugsX
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 02:00 pm
I will keep you and your parents in my thoughts and prayers. Don't worry about Christmas just yet. There is plenty of time to figure that out later. Just deal with whatever the day brings, that is enough. And don't worry about saying the "right" things to your father and mother. Just being there with them says everything. I'm so glad you can be there!
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 02:12 pm
(((((Mismi and Family)))))
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2012 11:40 am
Dear Mis, I have no new words for you, but to gently remind thee that…

For whatever was written was given to us for our learning, that through patience and comfort of the scriptures we might have hope. (Romans 15:4)

You are a believer and as such may…

Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8)

With your love and support…

And this is our confidence, that if we pray according to His will, He will hear us, and give us what we ask for, because our desires are in agreement with His thoughts for us. (1 John 5:14-15)

Don’t be afraid to shed tears, for…

Those who sow in tears will reap a harvest of joy; for though they may weep while going forth to plant their seed, if they persevere, they will undoubtedly return rejoicing—bringing their sheaves with them. (Psalms 126:5-6)

Do remember that…

His word is a lamp for your feet and light for your path. So whatever you are going through, He will guide you well and show you the way, even in the darkest hours, because He is the light. (Psalm 119:105)

Never doubt that you are a well-loved daughter of Christ.
I know this to be true because…

her lamp does not go out at night. Proverbs 31:18

The Hebrew word used for lamp or candle in Proverbs 31:18 is nēr which means: lamp (fuelled by olive oil); by extension: life (as a burning lamp); light (showing the way of truth).

Deus tecum Missy.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2012 12:31 pm
I was thinking of you yesterday Miss Mismi. I was at a fund-raising event for the regional food banks. Lots of wonderful music - most wonderfully, music performed by family members : a group composed of 2 husband/wife combos, 2 groups containing fathers and sons, a group with brother/sister, a group with mother/daughter ... when musicians were asked what was important during setup/interviews ... the talk always turned to spending time with family/loved ones.

I sang, clapped and hummed along and thought of you and your parents. There is much love headed your way - share the love and share the gift of your music.

We'll be humming along.
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2012 03:34 pm
Humming with our Mis...

I been down about as low as anyone can get
The whole world was closin' in
Couldn't find a friend
No one else could help me
Had to walk through the fire alone
Life has brought me to my knees
And faith had led me home

Let the storm rage around me
I will stand, I will fight
And when the darkness surrounds me
I will make my own light
I may not win every battle
But I'll get stronger with every fear I face
And I'll be brave

I can be courageous and still be so afraid
I've discovered pain is the beginning to a change
Somewhere deep inside us
There's a strength we don't know we have
Just when you think you can't go on
Suddenly there's a path

Let the storm rage around me
I will stand, I will fight
And when the darkness surrounds me
I will make my own light
I may not win every battle
But I'll get stronger with every fear I face
And I'll be brave

Every time I get back up it gets harder to knock me down
'Cause my soul's on steady ground

Let the storm rage around me
I will stand, I will fight
And when the darkness surrounds me
I will make my own light
I may not win every battle
But I'll get stronger with every fear I face
And I'll be brave

I'll be brave
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2012 05:08 pm
My heart is full and overflowing. You are all precious and your words overwhelm and make me so glad.

My Dearest Dutchy - You are so right. Thank you sweet friend. ((Dutchy))

Hi there Stormy! Thank you for your prayers and thoughts Means so much!

((JPB)) thanks friend. Smile <3<3<3 (those are hearts) You are a rock. Need and love that about you.

Thank you Wandel.

Thank you Izzy.

I know you have been through much Tulip...you're tenacity and sweet spirit are an encouragement to me for sure. Thank you so much.

Thank you so much Eva. You too Osso.

Tryagain....wow. There was not a word that you posted that did not touch my heart. Thank you friend. ((Try))

Beth! I feel that love. Truly I do. Thank you. You are special to me. No doubt about that.

Izzie...beautiful song. I feel like I am about to explode with all of the precious thoughts here. Thank you so much. I am blessed by you all. I will be home tomorrow...I think 9:00pm your time. If you would like to call I would love to hear your voice. ((Izzie))

<sigh> I am doing my best not to go too far down the road. It is a hard practice. I have not gone to Mobile like I thought I was going to. Daddy has been running a fever and is feeling so very badly right now. Apparently his body is trying to fight the tumor. Which is good I guess...but the fever makes him hurt all over. They are hoping the biopsy will show that it is the same cancer he had 8 years ago. If that is the case they are not going to do the surgery...please direct your thoughts and prayers that way. They will just do chemo since the cancer responded so well last time. If it is not the same cancer then that horrific surgery will have to be done next week. My brother seems to think I should wait and come Friday.

We will have a very brief Christmas with Dad and let him rest as much as possible. The Prof and the boys will then come home and leave me there. Bro. thinks Mom will need me more then than now. If he does not have the surgery, I will still stay a few days and get their house clean and make lots of food to freeze so Mom will not have to do too much when I come back home.

It feels slightly unreal to be honest. But I try not to empathize too much right now. That sounds horrible - but I would fall over the edge. So because I am holding back I am actually fine. If I start TALKING to people about it - well - I fall apart. For some reason writing it out doesn't do that to me right now.

Unreal. That is exactly what it is.

Blech. I hate this so much.

So I am home with the boys. I have surrounded myself with extra kids...always a good distraction. Boys have had friends over...so this place has been a madhouse. But things are calming down now. I am going to make us a little supper then snuggle up with my little boys and watch Despicable Me.

Love you all....and I mean that with everything in me.

Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2012 05:23 pm
It sounds like a well thought out plan, (((mis))).

It feels slightly unreal to be honest. But I try not to empathize too much right now. That sounds horrible - but I would fall over the edge. So because I am holding back I am actually fine. If I start TALKING to people about it - well - I fall apart. For some reason writing it out doesn't do that to me right now.

That doesn't sound horrible at all. It sounds exactly right given the circumstances. It's called wearing your clinical hat -- putting yourself in the place of a loving provider not personally affected by the current situation. It's how I appear to be that rock you see me as. You'll feel all of your feelings in good time, but right now you've found a way to be useful and supportive to your parents.

Keep writing. We're all here and you know we're all holding your hand and providing a pillar of support for you. Or, write elsewhere - perhaps in a journal or your blog. It provides a bit of relief to the pressures that build up. And, it's ok to lose it occasionally. Don't feel bad about falling apart. It's those times of letting go that allow you to keep it all together the rest of the time.

Sending you much love
Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2012 05:26 pm
Missy - you are wonderful.

Yep, Good thought out plan. Good. Yes.

You will do this for your family, especially for PaPa and MaMa... and you're family will be right beside you in spirit.

You have a strength within that will guide you.

Hoping and praying for the best result for PaPa.

You/they are right... MaMa will need you in a little while when PaPa will need to know that you have each other to lean on. I have every belief that each day will come and you will find the way to go and follow that path with your head high and strength in your heart.

Do try not to THINK... just let each day come and take that as it happens. You can cook and bake and load up MaMa's freezer ... being creative is such a positive energy - you have an abundance of that energy, it will come to the fore.

9pm it iz and I'll call the cell. Don't worry if it's difficult to talk or you cry... just know that I'm there. No pressure to answer if it's not convenient... do what is right just for you at the time.

Truly, this crew is amazing... every word is from the heart from each and ever crew member... we are all very blessed to have such a community around the world.

You are special Mis...so special - we all see that in you over the many years we've been in touch. Love you much xxxxx

<hugs to the Professor and boyz and of course, Ma, Pa and extended family - so glad you have your bro to support you... it makes all the difference knowing... and believing you are loved... and for no other reason that simply being you.> I love you Mis xxxxx
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Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2012 05:28 pm
Hi mismi,

Lighting a candle for you from this end of the world, and will say a big prayer.

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Reply Sat 8 Dec, 2012 05:33 pm
Ah JPB... you too girl... your clinical hat introduced itself to mine a long time ago... and a mighty fine hat is iz that lets us take control of ourselves, makes good actions and not reactions...and the ability to see that we cannot take control of those things that are clearly beyond our realm. You are a star JPB. Always there, always here and always with a hand to squeeze. Love you girl. xxxx

<edit: waves to FS Very Happy>
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 08:10 am
Good Afternoon The Crew

Very beautiful, but very BRRRRRRRRRRRRR day in the South West. Stunning blue skies and the garden is still blanketed in frost, looks like Mother Nature sprinkled icing sugar - gorgeous.

Dawgs sleeping, cats napping.

Dentist this morning (yeuch) and steroid injection to come later (ack). Work is gearing up for the verra busy festive end of term - angels with red-cheeked wee faces, little boy stars, tinsel around their heads, a donkey, a kestrel and a Princess Rose <kids Nativities are so creative> and our big kids are showcasing "The Lorax". Bless them. We couldn't get a dove, so we have an EAGLE. Shocked Mr. Green I am sure it will be Cosmic! Razz

Thinking of the crew – near and far x

(((((((((((((((((((Missy)))))))))))))))))) thoughts and prayers baby girl, keeping you close in my heart. xxxxx

Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 11:35 am
Good on yer, Cap'n Izzie.

I've obtained (from my sister-in law) a Santa's elf cap which my double bass will wear at our concert on Sunday.
Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2012 11:46 am
McTag wrote:
a Santa's elf cap which my double bass will wear

photos will be required

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