mismi wrote:
I need to figure how we handle Christmas with the boys and this...I really...just really don't know. But hopefully as each day unfolds I will know.
Take each day as it comes, try not to look too far ahead right now, just a day at a time. I know it's a cliché, but, I do believe it is the only way to deal with things when they weigh heavily and living through uncertain times. Share your load Missy... you have a wonderful community around you who can help out the Professor and with the boys. Take some pics of the boyz and your tree and decorations to show PaPa and MaMa and to keep 'home' with you when you go to Mobile. Christmas will roll out and with your faith,
the meaning of this holiday is everything you are about to do, it's about everything you believe in... family, taking care of your own, love, hope, peace. Hold onto those strengths that are always in your heart and they will see you through the days ahead.
Maybe get the boyz to make some cards and some decorations for PaPa for his room. Take life to PaPa, a plant, maybe a Christmas rose or Poinsettia, a little bit of Mistletoe so MaMa can kiss PaPa in his recovery.
At this time Mis, you must remember to take care of yourself, try not to miss meals, try to sleep when you can, just rest whenever it's possible. Lean when you need to, hold on when you need to, squeeze when you need to... keep true to who you are and let MaMa look after you as you look after her when PaPa has the op.
There's so much I could say - but you know my words already...
Keep your strength around PaPa when you can, but please don't feel you have to be strong for everyone else all of the time - that in itself will wear you down over the next few weeks - so cry when you need to, take a shoulder and a hug when you need to and try, please try, to keep your smile and laughter and the song in your voice, even tho it may not feel right, it iz the best medicine, be silent when you need and let the peace envelop you; PaPa will long to see you smiling and hear yours and MaMa's laughter - that will give him enormous strength to get through this. Your his little girl, he knows you will be hurting, anxious, scared and worrying... be who you are around him, love him, hug him and let him know how great your faith is and strong your resolve is.
Talk here if it helps you at all... we'll be here and there are many of us who will be right beside you in spirit. Even if you can't talk out loud, we are still beside you. Feel the love from family and friends wrap around you to keep you safe. Love you so much Mis xxxxx